Table of Contents

ABB / General current and voltage protection (CVGAPC) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2061

Table of Contents


The “General current and voltage protection (CVGAPC)” can be utilized as a negative sequence current protection detecting unsymmetrical conditions such as open phase or unsymmetrical faults. It can also be used to improve phase selection for high resistive earth faults, outside the distance protection reach, for the transmission line.

For more detailed information on “General current and voltage protection (CVGAPC)”, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
General current and voltage protection CVGAPC 2(I>/U<)

Signals & Setting Parameters

CVGAPC function block

CVGAPC function block

CVGAPC Input signals

CVGAPC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKOC1 BOOLEAN 0 Block of over current function OC1
BLKOC1TR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for over current function OC1
ENMLTOC1 BOOLEAN 0 When activated, the current multiplier is in use for OC1
BLKOC2 BOOLEAN 0 Block of over current function OC2
BLKOC2TR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for over current function OC2
ENMLTOC2 BOOLEAN 0 When activated, the current multiplier is in use for OC2
BLKUC1 BOOLEAN 0 Block of under current function UC1
BLKUC1TR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for under current function UC1
BLKUC2 BOOLEAN 0 Block of under current function UC2
BLKUC2TR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for under current function UC2
BLKOV1 BOOLEAN 0 Block of over voltage function OV1
BLKOV1TR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for over voltage function OV1
BLKOV2 BOOLEAN 0 Block of over voltage function OV2
BLKOV2TR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for over voltage function OV2
BLKUV1 BOOLEAN 0 Block of under voltage function UV1
BLKUV1TR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for under voltage function UV1
BLKUV2 BOOLEAN 0 Block of under voltage function UV2
BLKUV2TR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for under voltage function UV2

CVGAPC Output signals

CVGAPC Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General trip signal
TROC1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from overcurrent function OC1
TROC2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from overcurrent function OC2
TRUC1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from undercurrent function UC1
TRUC2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from undercurrent function UC2
TROV1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from overvoltage function OV1
TROV2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from overvoltage function OV2
TRUV1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from undervoltage function UV1
TRUV2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from undervoltage function UV2
START BOOLEAN General start signal
STOC1 BOOLEAN Start signal from overcurrent function OC1
STOC2 BOOLEAN Start signal from overcurrent function OC2
STUC1 BOOLEAN Start signal from undercurrent function UC1
STUC2 BOOLEAN Start signal from undercurrent function UC2
STOV1 BOOLEAN Start signal from overvoltage function OV1
STOV2 BOOLEAN Start signal from overvoltage function OV2
STUV1 BOOLEAN Start signal from undervoltage function UV1
STUV2 BOOLEAN Start signal from undervoltage function UV2
BLK2ND BOOLEAN Block from second harmonic detection
DIROC1 INTEGER Directional mode of OC1 (nondir, forward,reverse)
DIROC2 INTEGER Directional mode of OC2 (nondir, forward,reverse)
UDIRLOW BOOLEAN Low voltage for directional polarization
CURRENT REAL Measured current value
ICOSFI REAL Measured current multiplied with cos (Phi)
VOLTAGE REAL Measured voltage value
UIANGLE REAL Angle between voltage and current

CVGAPC Group settings (basic)

CVGAPC Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
CurrentInput phase1
MaxPh Select current signal which will be measured inside function
VoltageInput phase1
MaxPh Select voltage signal which will be measured inside function
OperHarmRestr Off
Off Operation of 2nd harmonic restrain Off / On
l_2nd/l_fund 10.0 – 50.0 % 1.0 20.0 Ratio of second to fundamental current harmonic in %
BlkLevel2nd 10 – 5000 %IB 1 5000 Harm analyse disabled above this current level in % of fundamental current
EnRestrainCurr Off
Off Enable current restrain function On / Off
RestrCurrInput PosSeq
PosSeq Select current signal which will be used for curr restrain
RestrCurrCoeff 0.00 – 5.00 0.01 0.00 Restraining current coefficient
RCADir -180 – 180 Deg 1 -75 Relay Characteristic Angle
ROADir 1 – 90 Deg 1 75 Relay Operate Angle
LowVolt_VM 0.0 – 5.0 %UB 0.1 0.5 Below this level in % of UBase setting ActLowVolt takes over
Operation_OC1 Off
Off Operation OC1 Off / On
StartCurr_OC1 2.0 – 5000.0 %IB 1.0 120.0 Operate current level for OC1 in % of IBase
CurveType_OC1 ANSI Ext. inv.
ANSI Very inv.
ANSI Norm. inv.
ANSI Mod. inv.
ANSI Def. Time
L.T.E. inv.
L.T.V. inv.
L.T. inv.
IEC Norm. inv.
IEC Very inv.
IEC inv.
IEC Ext. inv.
IEC S.T. inv.
IEC L.T. inv.
IEC Def. Time
RI type
RD type
ANSI Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type for OC1
tDef_OC1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.50 Independent (definite) time delay of OC1
k_OC1 0.05 – 999.00 0.01 0.30 Time multiplier for the dependent time delay for OC1
IMin1 1 – 10000 %IB 1 100 Minimum operate current for step1 in
% of IBase
tMin_OC1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.05 Minimum operate time for IEC IDMT curves for OC1
VCntrlMode_OC1 Voltage control
Off Control mode for voltage controlled OC1 function
VDepMode_OC1 Step
Step Voltage dependent mode OC1 (step, slope)
VDepFact_OC1 0.02 – 5.00 0.01 1.00 Multiplying factor for I pickup when OC1 is U dependent
ULowLimit_OC1 1.0 – 200.0 %UB 0.1 50.0 Voltage low limit setting OC1 in % of UBase
UHighLimit_OC1 1.0 – 200.0 %UB 0.1 100.0 Voltage high limit setting OC1 in % of UBase
HarmRestr_OC1 Off
Off Enable block of OC1 by 2nd harmonic restrain
DirMode_OC1 Non-directional
Non-directional Directional mode of OC1 (nondir, forward, reverse)
DirPrinc_OC1 I&U
I&U Measuring on IandU or IcosPhiandU for OC1
ActLowVolt1_VM Non-directional
Non-directional Low voltage level action for Dir_OC1 (Nodir, Blk, Mem)
Operation_OC2 Off
Off Operation OC2 Off / On
StartCurr_OC2 2.0 – 5000.0 %IB 1.0 120.0 Operate current level for OC2 in % of IBase
CurveType_OC2 ANSI Ext. inv.
ANSI Very inv.
ANSI Norm. inv.
ANSI Mod. inv.
ANSI Def. Time
L.T.E. inv.
L.T.V. inv.
L.T. inv.
IEC Norm. inv.
IEC Very inv.
IEC inv.
IEC Ext. inv.
IEC S.T. inv.
IEC L.T. inv.
IEC Def. Time
RI type
RD type
ANSI Def. Time Selection of time delay curve type for OC2
tDef_OC2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.50 Independent (definite) time delay of OC2
k_OC2 0.05 – 999.00 0.01 0.30 Time multiplier for the dependent time delay for OC2
IMin2 1 – 10000 %IB 1 50 Minimum operate current for step2 in
% of IBase
tMin_OC2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.05 Minimum operate time for IEC IDMT curves for OC2
VCntrlMode_OC2 Voltage control
Off Control mode for voltage controlled OC2 function
VDepMode_OC2 Step
Step Voltage dependent mode OC2 (step, slope)
VDepFact_OC2 0.02 – 5.00 0.01 1.00 Multiplying factor for I pickup when OC2 is U dependent
ULowLimit_OC2 1.0 – 200.0 %UB 0.1 50.0 Voltage low limit setting OC2 in % of UBase
UHighLimit_OC2 1.0 – 200.0 %UB 0.1 100.0 Voltage high limit setting OC2 in % of UBase
HarmRestr_OC2 Off
Off Enable block of OC2 by 2nd harmonic restrain
DirMode_OC2 Non-directional
Non-directional Directional mode of OC2 (nondir, forward, reverse)
DirPrinc_OC2 I&U
I&U Measuring on IandU or IcosPhiandU for OC2
ActLowVolt2_VM Non-directional
Non-directional Low voltage level action for Dir_OC2 (Nodir, Blk, Mem)
Operation_UC1 Off
Off Operation UC1 Off / On
EnBlkLowI_UC1 Off
Off Enable internal low current level blocking for UC1
BlkLowCurr_UC1 0 – 150 %IB 1 20 Internal low current blocking level for UC1 in % of IBase
StartCurr_UC1 2.0 – 150.0 %IB 1.0 70.0 Operate undercurrent level for UC1 in
% of IBase
tDef_UC1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.50 Independent (definite) time delay of UC1
tResetDef_UC1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay used in IEC Definite Time curve UC1
HarmRestr_UC1 Off
Off Enable block of UC1 by 2nd harmonic restrain
Operation_UC2 Off
Off Operation UC2 Off / On
EnBlkLowI_UC2 Off
Off Enable internal low current level blocking for UC2
BlkLowCurr_UC2 0 – 150 %IB 1 20 Internal low current blocking level for UC2 in % of IBase
StartCurr_UC2 2.0 – 150.0 %IB 1.0 70.0 Operate undercurrent level for UC2 in
% of IBase
tDef_UC2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.50 Independent (definite) time delay of UC2
HarmRestr_UC2 Off
Off Enable block of UC2 by 2nd harmonic restrain
Operation_OV1 Off
Off Operation OV1 Off / On
StartVolt_OV1 2.0 – 200.0 %UB 0.1 150.0 Operate voltage level for OV1 in % of UBase
CurveType_OV1 Definite time
Inverse curve A
Inverse curve B
Inverse curve C
Prog. inv. Curve
Definite time Selection of time delay curve type for OV1
tDef_OV1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 1.00 Operate time delay in sec for definite time use of OV1
tMin_OV1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.05 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves for OV1
k_OV1 0.05 – 999.00 0.01 0.30 Time multiplier for the dependent time delay for OV1
Operation_OV2 Off
Off Operation OV2 Off / On
StartVolt_OV2 2.0 – 200.0 %UB 0.1 150.0 Operate voltage level for OV2 in % of UBase
CurveType_OV2 Definite time
Inverse curve A
Inverse curve B
Inverse curve C
Prog. inv. Curve
Definite time Selection of time delay curve type for OV2
tDef_OV2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 1.00 Operate time delay in sec for definite time use of OV2
tMin_OV2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.05 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves for OV2
k_OV2 0.05 – 999.00 0.01 0.30 Time multiplier for the dependent time delay for OV2
Operation_UV1 Off
Off Operation UV1 Off / On
StartVolt_UV1 2.0 – 150.0 %UB 0.1 50.0 Operate undervoltage level for UV1 in
% of UBase
CurveType_UV1 Definite time
Inverse curve A
Inverse curve B
Prog. inv. Curve
Definite time Selection of time delay curve type for UV1
tDef_UV1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 1.00 Operate time delay in sec for definite time use of UV1
tMin_UV1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.05 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves for UV1
k_UV1 0.05 – 999.00 0.01 0.30 Time multiplier for the dependent time delay for UV1
EnBlkLowV_UV1 Off
On Enable internal low voltage level blocking for UV1
BlkLowVolt_UV1 0.0 – 5.0 %UB 0.1 0.5 Internal low voltage blocking level for UV1 in % of UBase
Operation_UV2 Off
Off Operation UV2 Off / On
StartVolt_UV2 2.0 – 150.0 %UB 0.1 50.0 Operate undervoltage level for UV2 in
% of UBase
CurveType_UV2 Definite time
Inverse curve A
Inverse curve B
Prog. inv. curve
Definite time Selection of time delay curve type for UV2
tDef_UV2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 1.00 Operate time delay in sec for definite time use of UV2
tMin_UV2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.05 Minimum operate time for IDMT curves for UV2
k_UV2 0.05 – 999.00 0.01 0.30 Time multiplier for the dependent time delay for UV2
EnBlkLowV_UV2 Off
On Enable internal low voltage level blocking for UV2
BlkLowVolt_UV2 0.0 – 5.0 %UB 0.1 0.5 Internal low voltage blocking level for UV2 in % of UBase

CVGAPC Group settings (advanced)

CVGAPC Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
CurrMult_OC1 1.0 – 10.0 0.1 2.0 Multiplier for scaling the current setting value for OC1
ResCrvType_OC1 Instantaneous
IEC Reset
ANSI reset
Instantaneous Selection of reset curve type for OC1
tResetDef_OC1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay used in IEC Definite Time curve OC1
P_OC1 0.001 – 10.000 0.001 0.020 Parameter P for customer programmable curve for OC1
A_OC1 0.000 – 999.000 0.001 0.140 Parameter A for customer programmable curve for OC1
B_OC1 0.000 – 99.000 0.001 0.000 Parameter B for customer programmable curve for OC1
C_OC1 0.000 – 1.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter C for customer programmable curve for OC1
PR_OC1 0.005 – 3.000 0.001 0.500 Parameter PR for customer programmable curve for OC1
TR_OC1 0.005 – 600.000 0.001 13.500 Parameter TR for customer programmable curve for OC1
CR_OC1 0.1 – 10.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter CR for customer programmable curve for OC1
CurrMult_OC2 1.0 – 10.0 0.1 2.0 Multiplier for scaling the current setting value for OC2
ResCrvType_OC2 Instantaneous
IEC Reset
ANSI reset
Instantaneous Selection of reset curve type for OC2
tResetDef_OC2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay used in IEC Definite Time curve OC2
P_OC2 0.001 – 10.000 0.001 0.020 Parameter P for customer programmable curve for OC2
A_OC2 0.000 – 999.000 0.001 0.140 Parameter A for customer programmable curve for OC2
B_OC2 0.000 – 99.000 0.001 0.000 Parameter B for customer programmable curve for OC2
C_OC2 0.000 – 1.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter C for customer programmable curve for OC2
PR_OC2 0.005 – 3.000 0.001 0.500 Parameter PR for customer programmable curve for OC2
TR_OC2 0.005 – 600.000 0.001 13.500 Parameter TR for customer programmable curve for OC2
CR_OC2 0.1 – 10.0 0.1 1.0 Parameter CR for customer programmable curve for OC2
tResetDef_UC2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay used in IEC Definite Time curve UC2
ResCrvType_OV1 Instantaneous
Frozen timer
Linearly decreased
Instantaneous Selection of reset curve type for OV1
tResetDef_OV1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay in sec for definite time use of OV1
tResetIDMT_OV1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay in sec for IDMT curves for OV1
A_OV1 0.005 – 999.000 0.001 0.140 Parameter A for customer programmable curve for OV1
B_OV1 0.500 – 99.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter B for customer programmable curve for OV1
C_OV1 0.000 – 1.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter C for customer programmable curve for OV1
D_OV1 0.000 – 10.000 0.001 0.000 Parameter D for customer programmable curve for OV1
P_OV1 0.001 – 10.000 0.001 0.020 Parameter P for customer programmable curve for OV1
ResCrvType_OV2 Instantaneous
Frozen timer
Linearly decreased
Instantaneous Selection of reset curve type for OV2
tResetDef_OV2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay in sec for definite time use of OV2
tResetIDMT_OV2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay in sec for IDMT curves for OV2
A_OV2 0.005 – 999.000 0.001 0.140 Parameter A for customer programmable curve for OV2
B_OV2 0.500 – 99.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter B for customer programmable curve for OV2
C_OV2 0.000 – 1.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter C for customer programmable curve for OV2
D_OV2 0.000 – 10.000 0.001 0.000 Parameter D for customer programmable curve for OV2
P_OV2 0.001 – 10.000 0.001 0.020 Parameter P for customer programmable curve for OV2
ResCrvType_UV1 Instantaneous
Frozen timer
Linearly decreased
Instantaneous Selection of reset curve type for UV1
tResetDef_UV1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay in sec for definite time use of UV1
tResetIDMT_UV1 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay in sec for IDMT curves for UV1
A_UV1 0.005 – 999.000 0.001 0.140 Parameter A for customer programmable curve for UV1
B_UV1 0.500 – 99.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter B for customer programmable curve for UV1
C_UV1 0.000 – 1.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter C for customer programmable curve for UV1
D_UV1 0.000 – 10.000 0.001 0.000 Parameter D for customer programmable curve for UV1
P_UV1 0.001 – 10.000 0.001 0.020 Parameter P for customer programmable curve for UV1
ResCrvType_UV2 Instantaneous
Frozen timer
Linearly decreased
Instantaneous Selection of reset curve type for UV2
tResetDef_UV2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay in sec for definite time use of UV2
tResetIDMT_UV2 0.00 – 6000.00 s 0.01 0.00 Reset time delay in sec for IDMT curves for UV2
A_UV2 0.005 – 999.000 0.001 0.140 Parameter A for customer programmable curve for UV2
B_UV2 0.500 – 99.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter B for customer programmable curve for UV2
C_UV2 0.000 – 1.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter C for customer programmable curve for UV2
D_UV2 0.000 – 10.000 0.001 0.000 Parameter D for customer programmable curve for UV2
P_UV2 0.001 – 10.000 0.001 0.020 Parameter P for customer programmable curve for UV2

CVGAPC Non group settings (basic)

CVGAPC Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

CVGAPC Monitored data

CVGAPC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
0=Non- directional
Directional mode of OC1 (nondir, forward,reverse)
0=Non- directional
Directional mode of OC2 (nondir, forward,reverse)
CURRENT REAL A Measured current value
ICOSFI REAL A Measured current multiplied with cos (Phi)
VOLTAGE REAL kV Measured voltage value
UIANGLE REAL deg Angle between voltage and current

Current selection for CVGAPC function

Row No. Set value for the parameter CurrentInput Comment
1 Phase1 CVGAPC function will measure the phase L1 current phasor
2 Phase2 CVGAPC function will measure the phase L2 current phasor
3 Phase3 CVGAPC function will measure the phase L3 current phasor
4 PosSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated positive sequence current phasor
5 NegSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated negative sequence current phasor
6 3ZeroSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated zero sequence current phasor multiplied by factor 3
7 MaxPh CVGAPC function will measure current phasor of the phase with maximum magnitude
8 MinPh CVGAPC function will measure current phasor of the phase with minimum magnitude
9 UnbalancePh CVGAPC function will measure magnitude of unbalance current, which is internally calculated as the algebraic magnitude difference between the current phasor of the phase with maximum magnitude and current phasor of the phase with minimum magnitude. Phase angle will be set to 0° all the time
10 Phase1-Phase2 CVGAPC function will measure the current phasor internally calculated as the vector difference between the phase L1 current phasor and phase L2 current phasor (IL1-IL2)
11 Phase2-Phase3 CVGAPC function will measure the current phasor internally calculated as the vector difference between the phase L2 current phasor and phase L3 current phasor (IL2-IL3)
12 Phase3-Phase1 CVGAPC function will measure the current phasor internally calculated as the vector difference between the phase L3 current phasor and phase L1 current phasor ( IL3-IL1)
13 MaxPh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure ph-ph current phasor with the maximum magnitude
14 MinPh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure ph-ph current phasor with the minimum magnitude
15 UnbalancePh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure magnitude of unbalance current, which is internally calculated as the algebraic magnitude difference between the ph-ph current phasor with maximum magnitude and ph-ph current phasor with minimum magnitude. Phase angle will be set to 0° all the time

Voltage selection for CVGAPC function

Row No. Set value for the
1 Phase1 CVGAPC function will measure the phase L1 voltage phasor
2 Phase2 CVGAPC function will measure the phase L2 voltage phasor
3 Phase3 CVGAPC function will measure the phase L3 voltage phasor
4 PosSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated positive sequence voltage phasor
5 -NegSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated negative sequence voltage phasor. This voltage phasor will be intentionally rotated for 180° in order to enable easier settings for the directional feature when used.
6 -3ZeroSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated zero sequence voltage phasor multiplied by factor 3. This voltage phasor will be intentionally rotated for 180° in order to enable easier settings for the directional feature when used.
7 MaxPh CVGAPC function will measure voltage phasor of the phase with maximum magnitude
8 MinPh CVGAPC function will measure voltage phasor of the phase with minimum magnitude
9 UnbalancePh CVGAPC function will measure magnitude of unbalance voltage, which is internally calculated as the algebraic magnitude difference between the voltage phasor of the phase with maximum magnitude and voltage phasor of the phase with minimum magnitude. Phase angle will be set to 0° all the time
10 Phase1-Phase2 CVGAPC function will measure the voltage phasor internally calculated as the vector difference between the phase L1 voltage phasor and phase L2 voltage phasor (UL1-UL2)
11 Phase2-Phase3 CVGAPC function will measure the voltage phasor internally calculated as the vector difference between the phase L2 voltage phasor and phase L3 voltage phasor (UL2-UL3)
12 Phase3-Phase1 CVGAPC function will measure the voltage phasor internally calculated as the vector difference between the phase L3 voltage phasor and phase L1 voltage phasor ( UL3-UL1)
13 MaxPh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure ph-ph voltage phasor with the maximum magnitude
14 MinPh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure ph-ph voltage phasor with the minimum magnitude
15 UnbalancePh-Ph CVGAPC function will measure magnitude of unbalance voltage, which is internally calculated as the algebraic magnitude difference between the ph-ph voltage phasor with maximum magnitude and ph-ph voltage phasor with minimum magnitude. Phase angle will be set to 0° all the time

Restraint current selection for CVGAPC function

Row No. Set value for the parameter RestrCurr Comment
1 PosSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated positive sequence current phasor
2 NegSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated negative sequence current phasor
3 3ZeroSeq CVGAPC function will measure internally calculated zero sequence current phasor multiplied by factor 3
4 MaxPh CVGAPC function will measure current phasor of the phase with maximum magnitude

Typical current and voltage choices for directional feature

Set value for the
Set value for the
PosSeq PosSeq Directional positive sequence overcurrent function is obtained. Typical setting for RCADir is from 45° to 90° depending on the power system voltage level (X/R ratio)
NegSeq -NegSeq Directional negative sequence overcurrent function is obtained. Typical setting for RCADir is from 45° to 90° depending on the power system voltage level (X/R ratio)
3ZeroSeq -3ZeroSeq Directional zero sequence overcurrent function is obtained. Typical setting for RCADir is from 0° to 90° depending on the power system earthing (that is, solidly earthed, earthed via resistor)
Phase1 Phase2-Phase3 Directional overcurrent function for the first phase is obtained. Typical setting for RCADir is +30° or +45°
Phase2 Phase3-Phase1 Directional overcurrent function for the second phase is obtained. Typical setting for RCADir is +30° or +45°
Phase3 Phase1-Phase2 Directional overcurrent function for the third phase is obtained. Typical setting for RCADir is +30° or +45°

Logics & highlights

I & U directional operating principle for CVGAPC function

I & U directional operating principle for CVGAPC function

CVGAPC, IcosPhi&U directional operating principle

CVGAPC, IcosPhi&U directional operating principle

Example for OC1 step current pickup level variation as function of measured voltage magnitude in Slope mode of operation

Example for OC1 step current pickup level variation as function of measured voltage magnitude in Slope mode of operation

Example for OC1 step current pickup level variation as function of measured voltage magnitude in Step mode of operation

Example for OC1 step current pickup level variation as function of measured voltage magnitude in Step mode of operation

Current pickup variation with restraint current magnitude

Current pickup variation with restraint current magnitude

CVGAPC function main logic diagram for built-in protection elements

CVGAPC function main logic diagram for built-in protection elements

Simplified internal logic diagram for built-in first overcurrent step that is, OC1 (step OC2 has the same internal logic)

Simplified internal logic diagram for built-in first overcurrent step that is, OC1 (step OC2 has the same internal logic)

Simplified internal logic diagram for built-in first undercurrent step that is, UC1 (step UC2 has the same internal logic)

Simplified internal logic diagram for built-in first undercurrent step that is, UC1 (step UC2 has the same internal logic)

Simplified internal logic diagram for built-in first overvoltage step OV1 (step OV2 has the same internal logic)

Simplified internal logic diagram for built-in first overvoltage step OV1 (step OV2 has the same internal logic)

Simplified internal logic diagram for built-in first undervoltage step UV1 (step UV2 has the same internal logic)

Simplified internal logic diagram for built-in first undervoltage step UV1 (step UV2 has the same internal logic)

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