The “High speed distance protection (ZMFPDIS)” is providing sub-cycle, down towards halfcycle, operate time for basic faults within 60% of the line length and up to around SIR 5.
For more detailed information on “High speed distance protection (ZMFPDIS)” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.
To see other supported functions, click here.
Function Identification
Function description | IEC 61850 identification |
IEC 60617 identification |
ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device number |
High speed distance protection zone | ZMFPDIS | Z< | 21 |
Signals & Setting Parameters
ZMFPDIS function block
ZMFPDIS Input signals
ZMFPDIS Input signals | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description |
I3P | GROUP SIGNAL | – | Group signal for current input |
U3P | GROUP SIGNAL | – | Group signal for voltage input |
BLOCK | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets timers and outputs of entire function |
VTSZ | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets timers and outputs of entire function |
BLKZ1 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 1 timers and outputs |
BLKZ2 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 2 timers and outputs |
BLKZ3 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 3 timers and outputs |
BLKZ4 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 4 timers and outputs |
BLKZ5 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 5 timers and outputs |
BLKZRV | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets reverse zone timers and outputs |
BLKTRZ1 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 1 timers and trip outputs |
BLKTRZ2 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 2 timers and trip outputs |
BLKTRZ3 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 3 timers and trip outputs |
BLKTRZ4 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 4 timers and trip outputs |
BLKTRZ5 | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets zone 5 timers and trip outputs |
BLKTRZRV | BOOLEAN | 0 | Blocks and resets reverse zone timers and trip outputs |
EXTNST | BOOLEAN | 0 | External start of zone timers |
RELCNDZ1 | INTEGER | 127 | Release word for the measuring loops of zone 1 |
RELCNDZ2 | INTEGER | 127 | Release word for the measuring loops of zone 2 |
RELCNDZ3 | INTEGER | 127 | Release word for the measuring loops of zone 3 |
RELCNDZ4 | INTEGER | 127 | Release word for the measuring loops of zone 4 |
RELCNDZ5 | INTEGER | 127 | Release word for the measuring loops of zone 5 |
RELCNDZRV | INTEGER | 127 | Release word for the measuring loops of zone RV |
ZMFPDIS Output signals
ZMFPDIS Output signals | |||
Name | Type | Description | |
TRIP | BOOLEAN | Trip in any phase or phases from any zone or zones | |
TRZ1 | BOOLEAN | Trip in any phase or phases from zone 1 – forward direction | |
TRL1Z1 | BOOLEAN | Trip in phase L1 from zone 1 – forward direction | |
TRL2Z1 | BOOLEAN | Trip in phase L2 from zone 1 – forward direction | |
TRL3Z1 | BOOLEAN | Trip in phase L3 from zone 1 – forward direction | |
TRZ2 | BOOLEAN | Trip in any phase or phases from zone 2 – forward direction | |
TRL1Z2 | BOOLEAN | Trip in phase L1 from zone 2 – forward direction | |
TRL2Z2 | BOOLEAN | Trip in phase L2 from zone 2 – forward direction | |
TRL3Z2 | BOOLEAN | Trip in phase L3 from zone 2 – forward direction | |
TRZ3 | BOOLEAN | Trip in any phase or phases from zone 3 – zone direction | |
TRZ4 | BOOLEAN | Trip in any phase or phases from zone 4 – zone direction | |
TRZ5 | BOOLEAN | Trip in any phase or phases from zone 5 – zone direction | |
TRZRV | BOOLEAN | Trip in any phase or phases from zone RV – reverse direction | |
START | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from any zone or zones | |
STZ1 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 1 – forward direction | |
STNDZ1 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 1 – any direction | |
STZ2 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 2 – forward direction | |
STL1Z2 | BOOLEAN | Start in phase L1 from zone 2 – forward direction | |
STL2Z2 | BOOLEAN | Start in phase L2 from zone 2 – forward direction | |
STL3Z2 | BOOLEAN | Start in phase L3 from zone 2 – forward direction | |
STNDZ2 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 2 – any direction | |
STZ3 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 3 – zone direction | |
STNDZ3 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 3 – any direction | |
STZ4 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 4 – zone direction | |
STNDZ4 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 4 – any direction | |
STZ5 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 5 – zone direction | |
STNDZ5 | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone 5 – any direction | |
STZRV | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone RV – reverse direction | |
STL1ZRV | BOOLEAN | Start in phase L1 from zone RV – reverse direction | |
STL2ZRV | BOOLEAN | Start in phase L2 from zone RV – reverse direction | |
STL3ZRV | BOOLEAN | Start in phase L3 from zone RV – reverse direction | |
STNDZRV | BOOLEAN | Start in any phase or phases from zone RV – any direction | |
STND | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in any phase or phases – any direction | |
STNDL1 | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in phase L1 – any direction | |
STNDL2 | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in phase L2 – any direction | |
STNDL3 | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in phase L3 – any direction | |
STNDPE | BOOLEAN | Fault with earth connection detected in any phase or phases – any direction | |
STFWL1 | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in phase L1 – forward direction | |
STFWL2 | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in phase L2 – forward direction | |
STFWL3 | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in phase L3 – forward direction | |
STFWPE | BOOLEAN | Fault with earth connection detected – forward direction | |
STRVL1 | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in phase L1 – reverse direction | |
STRVL2 | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in phase L2 – reverse direction | |
STRVL3 | BOOLEAN | Fault detected in phase L3 – reverse direction | |
STRVPE | BOOLEAN | Fault with earth connection detected – reverse direction | |
STFW1PH | BOOLEAN | Single-phase fault detected – forward direction | |
STFW2PH | BOOLEAN | Two-phase fault detected – forward direction | |
STFW3PH | BOOLEAN | Three-phase fault detected – forward direction | |
STPE | BOOLEAN | Ph-E zone measurement enabled – any direction | |
STPP | BOOLEAN | Ph-Ph zone measurement enabled – any direction | |
ZMFPDIS Non group settings (basic)
ZMFPDIS Non group settings (basic) | |||||
Name | Values (Range) | Unit | Step | Default | Description |
GlobalBaseSel | 1 – 12 | – | 1 | 1 | Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups |
ZDbRepInt | 1 – 100000 | Type | 1 | 10 | Cycl: Report interval (s), Db: In 0,001% of range, Int Db: In 0,001%s |
ZMax | 0.0 – 5000.0 | Ohm | 0.1 | 1500.0 | Maximum value in ohm |
ZRepTyp | Cyclic Dead band Int deadband Dead band & 5s Cyclic Dead band & 30s Cyclic Dead band & 1min Cyclic |
– | – | Cyclic | Reporting type |
ZAngDbRepInt | 1 – 100000 | Type | 1 | 10 | Cyclic report interval (s) |
ZMFPDIS Group settings (basic)
ZMFPDIS Group settings (basic) | |||||
Name | Values (Range) | Unit | Step | Default | Description |
Operation | Off On |
– | – | Off | Operation Off / On |
RLdFw | 0.01 – 5000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 60.00 | Resistance determining the load impedance area – forward |
RLdRvFactor | 1 – 1000 | %RLdF w |
1 | 100 | Resistance factor determining the load impedance area – reverse |
XLd | 0.01 – 10000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 400.00 | Reactance determining the load impedance area |
ArgLd | 5 – 70 | Deg | 1 | 30 | Angle determining the load impedance area |
CVTType | Any Passive type None (Magnetic) |
– | – | Passive type | CVT selection determining filtering of the function |
OpModePPZ1 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 1 |
OpModePEZ1 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 1 |
X1PPZ1 | 0.01 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 30.00 | Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 1 |
R1PPZ1 | 0.00 – 1000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 5.00 | Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- Ph, zone 1 |
X1PEZ1 | 0.01 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 30.00 | Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 1 |
R1PEZ1 | 0.00 – 1000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 5.00 | Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- E, zone 1 |
X0Z1 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 100.00 | Zero sequence reactance reach, zone 1 |
R0Z1 | 0.00 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 15.00 | Zero sequence resistive reach, zone 1 |
RFPPZ1 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 30.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 1 |
RFPEZ1 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 100.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 1 |
tPPZ1 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 0.000 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 1 |
tPEZ1 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 0.000 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 1 |
IMinOpPPZ1 | 10 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 1 |
IMinOpPEZ1 | 5 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 1 |
OpModePPZ2 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 2 |
OpModePEZ2 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 2 |
X1Z2 | 0.01 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 40.00 | Positive sequence reactance reach, zone 2 |
R1Z2 | 0.00 – 1000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 5.00 | Positive sequence resistive reach, zone 2 |
X0Z2 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 120.00 | Zero sequence reactance reach, zone 2 |
R0Z2 | 0.00 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 15.00 | Zero sequence resistive reach, zone 2 |
RFPPZ2 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 30.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 2 |
RFPEZ2 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 100.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 2 |
tPPZ2 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 0.400 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 2 |
tPEZ2 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 0.400 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 2 |
IMinOpPPZ2 | 10 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 2 |
IMinOpPEZ2 | 5 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 2 |
OpModePPZ3 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 3 |
OpModePEZ3 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 3 |
DirModeZ3 | Non-directional Forward Reverse |
– | – | Forward | Direction of zone 3 |
X1Z3 | 0.01 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 40.00 | Positive sequence reactance reach, zone 3 |
R1Z3 | 0.00 – 1000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 5.00 | Positive sequence resistive reach, zone 3 |
X0Z3 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 120.00 | Zero sequence reactance reach, zone 3 |
R0Z3 | 0.00 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 15.00 | Zero sequence resistive reach, zone 3 |
RFPPZ3 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 30.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 3 |
RFPEZ3 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 100.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 3 |
tPPZ3 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 0.800 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 3 |
tPEZ3 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 0.800 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 3 |
IMinOpPPZ3 | 10 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 3 |
IMinOpPEZ3 | 5 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 3 |
OpModePPZ4 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 4 |
OpModePEZ4 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 4 |
DirModeZ4 | Non-directional Forward Reverse |
– | – | Forward | Direction of zone 4 |
X1Z4 | 0.01 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 40.00 | Positive sequence reactance reach, zone 4 |
R1Z4 | 0.00 – 1000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 5.00 | Positive sequence resistive reach, zone 4 |
X0Z4 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 120.00 | Zero sequence reactance reach, zone 4 |
R0Z4 | 0.00 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 15.00 | Zero sequence resistive reach, zone 4 |
RFPPZ4 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 30.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 4 |
RFPEZ4 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 100.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 4 |
tPPZ4 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 1.200 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 4 |
tPEZ4 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 1.200 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 4 |
IMinOpPPZ4 | 10 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 4 |
IMinOpPEZ4 | 5 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 4 |
OpModePPZ5 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 5 |
OpModePEZ5 | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 5 |
DirModeZ5 | Non-directional Forward Reverse |
– | – | Forward | Direction of zone 5 |
X1Z5 | 0.01 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 40.00 | Positive sequence reactance reach, zone 5 |
R1Z5 | 0.00 – 1000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 5.00 | Positive sequence resistive reach, zone 5 |
X0Z5 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 120.00 | Zero sequence reactance reach, zone 5 |
R0Z5 | 0.00 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 15.00 | Zero sequence resistive reach, zone 5 |
RFPPZ5 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 30.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 5 |
RFPEZ5 | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 100.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 5 |
tPPZ5 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 1.600 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 5 |
tPEZ5 | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 1.600 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 5 |
IMinOpPPZ5 | 10 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 5 |
IMinOpPEZ5 | 5 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 5 |
OpModePPZRV | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone RV |
OpModePEZRV | Off Quadrilateral Mho MhoOffset |
– | – | Quadrilateral | On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone RV |
X1ZRV | 0.01 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 40.00 | Positive sequence reactance reach, zone RV |
R1ZRV | 0.00 – 1000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 5.00 | Positive sequence resistive reach, zone RV |
X0ZRV | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 120.00 | Zero sequence reactance reach, zone RV |
R0ZRV | 0.00 – 3000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 15.00 | Zero sequence resistive reach, zone RV |
RFPPZRV | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 30.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone RV |
RFPEZRV | 0.01 – 9000.00 | Ohm/l | 0.01 | 100.00 | Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone RV |
tPPZRV | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 0.000 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone RV |
tPEZRV | 0.000 – 60.000 | s | 0.001 | 0.000 | Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone RV |
IMinOpPPZRV | 10 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone RV |
IMinOpPEZRV | 5 – 6000 | %IB | 1 | 10 | Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone RV |
ZMFPDIS Non group settings (advanced)
ZMFPDIS Non group settings (advanced) | |||||
Name | Values (Range) | Unit | Step | Default | Description |
ZZeroDb | 0 – 100000 | m% | 100 | 0 | Magnitude zero point clamping in 0,001% of range |
ZHiHiLim | 0.0 – 5000.0 | Ohm | 0.1 | 800.0 | High High limit in ohm |
ZHiLim | 0.0 – 5000.0 | Ohm | 0.1 | 150.0 | High limit in ohm |
ZLowLim | 0.0 – 5000.0 | Ohm | 0.1 | 50.0 | Low limit in ohm |
ZLowLowLim | 0.0 – 5000.0 | Ohm | 0.1 | 35.0 | Low Low limit in ohm |
ZMin | 0.000 – 5000.000 | Ohm | 0.001 | 0.005 | Minimum value in ohm |
ZLimHys | 0.000 – 100.000 | % | 0.001 | 0.500 | Hysteresis value in % of range and is common for all limits |
ZMFPDIS Group settings (advanced)
ZMFPDIS Group settings (advanced) | |||||
Name | Values (Range) | Unit | Step | Default | Description |
RLdFwMax | 0.01 – 5000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 5000.00 | Maximum used resistance determining the load impedance area, if RLdFw is greater than RLdFwMax then RLdFw is set to RLdFwMax |
RLdFwMin | 0.01 – 5000.00 | Ohm/p | 0.01 | 0.01 | Minimum used resistance determining the load impedance area, if RLdFw is less than RLdFwMin then RLdFw is set to RLdFwMin |
ArgLdMax | 5 – 70 | Deg | 1 | 70 | Maximum used angle determining the load impedance area, if ArgLd is greater than ArgLdMax then ArgLd is set to ArgLdMax |
ArgLdMin | 5 – 70 | Deg | 1 | 5 | Minimum used angle determining the load impedance area, if ArgLd is less than ArgLdMin then ArgLd is set to ArgLdMin |
ZoneLinkStart | Phase Selection 1st starting zone |
– | – | Phase Selection | Selection of start source for all ZoneLinked trip delay timers |
INReleasePE | 5 – 400 | %MaxIP h | 1 | 400 | 3I0 limit for releasing Phase-to-Earth measuring loops |
TimerModeZ1 | Disable all Enable Ph-E Enable PhPh Enable Ph-E PhPh |
– | – | Enable Ph-E PhPh | On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 1 |
TimerLinksZ1 | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) LoopLink & ZoneLink No Links |
– | – | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) | How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 1 |
TimerModeZ2 | Disable all Enable Ph-E Enable PhPh Enable Ph-E PhPh |
– | – | Enable Ph-E PhPh | On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 2 |
TimerLinksZ2 | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) LoopLink & ZoneLink No Links |
– | – | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) | How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 2 |
TimerModeZ3 | Disable all Enable Ph-E Enable PhPh Enable Ph-E PhPh |
– | – | Enable Ph-E PhPh | On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 3 |
TimerLinksZ3 | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) LoopLink & ZoneLink No Links |
– | – | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) | How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 3 |
TimerModeZ4 | Disable all Enable Ph-E Enable PhPh Enable Ph-E PhPh |
– | – | Enable Ph-E PhPh | On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 4 |
TimerLinksZ4 | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) LoopLink & ZoneLink No Links |
– | – | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) | How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 4 |
TimerModeZ5 | Disable all Enable Ph-E Enable PhPh Enable Ph-E PhPh |
– | – | Enable Ph-E PhPh | On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 5 |
TimerLinksZ5 | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) LoopLink & ZoneLink No Links |
– | – | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) | How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 5 |
TimerModeZRV | Disable all Enable Ph-E Enable PhPh Enable Ph-E PhPh |
– | – | Enable Ph-E PhPh | On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone RV |
TimerLinksZRV | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) LoopLink & ZoneLink No Links |
– | – | LoopLink (tPP & tPE) | How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone RV |
ZMFPDIS Monitored data
ZMFPDIS Monitored data | ||||
Name | Type | Values (Range) | Unit | Description |
L1Dir | INTEGER | 1=Forward 2=Reverse 0=No direction |
– | Direction in phase L1 |
L2Dir | INTEGER | 1=Forward 2=Reverse 0=No direction |
– | Direction in phase L2 |
L3Dir | INTEGER | 1=Forward 2=Reverse 0=No direction |
– | Direction in phase L3 |
L1L2Dir | INTEGER | 1=Forward 2=Reverse 0=No direction |
– | Direction in loop L1L2 |
L2L3Dir | INTEGER | 1=Forward 2=Reverse 0=No direction |
– | Direction in loop L2L3 |
L3L1Dir | INTEGER | 1=Forward 2=Reverse 0=No direction |
– | Direction in loop L3L1 |
L1R | REAL | – | Ohm | Resistance in phase L1 |
L1X | REAL | – | Ohm | Reactance in phase L1 |
L2R | REAL | – | Ohm | Resistance in phase L2 |
L2X | REAL | – | Ohm | Reactance in phase L2 |
L3R | REAL | – | Ohm | Resistance in phase L3 |
L3X | REAL | – | Ohm | Reactance in phase L3 |
L12R | REAL | – | Ohm | Resistance in phase L1-L2 |
L12X | REAL | – | Ohm | Reactance in phase L1-L2 |
L23R | REAL | – | Ohm | Resistance in phase L2-L3 |
L23X | REAL | – | Ohm | Reactance in phase L2-L3 |
L31R | REAL | – | Ohm | Resistance in phase L3-L1 |
L31X | REAL | – | Ohm | Reactance in phase L3-L1 |
ZL1IMAG | REAL | – | Ohm | ZL1 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL1ANGIM | REAL | – | deg | ZL1 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL2IMAG | REAL | – | Ohm | ZL2 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL2ANGIM | REAL | – | deg | ZL2 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL3IMAG | REAL | – | Ohm | ZL3 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL3ANGIM | REAL | – | deg | ZL3 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL12IMAG | REAL | – | Ohm | ZL12 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL12ANGIM | REAL | – | deg | ZL12 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL23IMAG | REAL | – | Ohm | ZL23 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL23ANGIM | REAL | – | deg | ZL23 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL31IMAG | REAL | – | Ohm | ZL31 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value |
ZL31ANGIM | REAL | – | deg | ZL31 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value |