Table of Contents

ABB / Thermal overload protection, two time constants (TRPTTR) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2127

Table of Contents


The “Thermal overload protection” estimates the internal heat content of the transformer (temperature) continuously. This estimation is made by using a thermal model of the transformer with two time constants, which is based on current measurement.

For more detailed information on “Thermal overload protection, two time constants” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function Identification

Signals & Setting Parameters

TRPTTR function block

TRPTTR function block

TRPTTR Input signals

TRPTTR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
COOLING BOOLEAN 0 Cooling input Off / On. Changes Ib setting and time constant
ENMULT BOOLEAN 0 Enable Multiplier for currentReference setting
RESET BOOLEAN 0 Reset of function

TRPTTR Output signals

TRPTTR Output signals
Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Start signal
ALARM1 BOOLEAN First level alarm signal
ALARM2 BOOLEAN Second level alarm signal
LOCKOUT BOOLEAN Lockout signal
WARNING BOOLEAN Warning signal: Trip within set warning time

TRPTTR Group settings (basic)

TRPTTR Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
IRef 10.0 – 1000.0 % 1.0 100.0 Reference current in %
IRefMult 0.01 – 10.00 0.01 1.00 Multiplication Factor for reference current
IBase1 30.0 – 250.0 %IB 1.0 100.0 Base current,IBase1 without Cooling input in % of IBase
IBase2 30.0 – 250.0 %IB 1.0 100.0 Base Current,IBase2, with Cooling input ON in % of IBase
Tau1 0.10 – 500.00 Min 0.01 60.00 Time constant without cooling input in min, with IBase1
Tau2 0.10 – 500.00 Min 0.01 60.00 Time constant with cooling input in min, with IBase2
IHighTau1 30.0 – 250.0 %IB1 1.0 100.0 Current Sett, in % of IBase1 for rescaling TC1 by TC1-IHIGH
Tau1High 5 – 2000 %tC1 1 100 Multiplier in % to TC1 when current is
ILowTau1 30.0 – 250.0 %IB1 1.0 100.0 Current Set, in % of IBase1 for rescaling TC1 by TC1-ILOW
Tau1Low 5 – 2000 %tC1 1 100 Multiplier in % to TC1 when current is
IHighTau2 30.0 – 250.0 %IB2 1.0 100.0 Current Set, in % of IBase2 for rescaling TC2 by TC2-IHIGH
Tau2High 5 – 2000 %tC2 1 100 Multiplier in % to TC2 when current is
ILowTau2 30.0 – 250.0 %IB2 1.0 100.0 Current Set, in % of IBase2 for rescaling TC2 by TC2-ILOW
Tau2Low 5 – 2000 %tC2 1 100 Multiplier in % to TC2 when current is
ITrip 50.0 – 250.0 %IBx 1.0 110.0 Steady state operate current level in % of IBasex
Alarm1 50.0 – 99.0 %Itr 1.0 80.0 First alarm level in % of heat content trip value
Alarm2 50.0 – 99.0 %Itr 1.0 90.0 Second alarm level in % of heat content trip value
ResLo 10.0 – 95.0 %Itr 1.0 60.0 Lockout reset level in % of heat content trip value
ThetaInit 0.0 – 95.0 % 1.0 50.0 Initial Heat content, in % of heat content trip value
Warning 1.0 – 500.0 Min 0.1 30.0 Time setting, below which warning would be set (in min)
tPulse 0.01 – 0.30 s 0.01 0.10 Length of the pulse for trip signal (in sec).

TRPTTR Non group settings (basic)

TRPTTR Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

TRPTTR Monitored data

TRPTTR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
HEATCONT REAL % Percentage of the heat content of the transformer
I-MEASUR REAL % Current measured by the function in
% of the rated current
TTRIP INTEGER Estimated time to trip (in min)
TRESLO INTEGER Estimated time to reset of the function (in min)
1=Long Time
Calculated time status to trip: not active/long time/active
1=Long Time
Calculated time status to reset: not active/long time/active

Logics & highlights

Final temperature (heat content)

Final temperature (heat content)

Actual (present) temperature

Actual (present) temperature

Operation temperature

Operation temperature

Time to lockout release (cooling time)

Time to lockout release (cooling time)

Functional overview of TRPTTR

Functional overview of TRPTTR

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