Schneider Protection Relays – Supported Devices

Schneider protection relays cover all applications in medium-voltage and high-voltage protection, from overcurrent or motor to complex distance protection.

Easergy Protection

Easery P1

Easergy P3

EAsergy P5

Easergy MiCOM Px30 Series

Easergy MiCOM P13x

Easergy MiCOM P63x

Easergy MiCOM P43x

Easergy MiCOM P532

Easergy MiCOM P138

Easergy MiCOM P436 and 438

Easergy MiCOM P638

Easergy MiCOM Px40 Series

Easergy MiCOM P14x

Easergy MiCOM P24x

Easergy MiCOM P341

Easergy MiCOM P34x

Easergy MiCOM P44x M/Nd7 Numerical Distance Protection (SC5011)

Easergy MiCOM P54x

Easergy MiCOM P64x M/Gb3 Transformer Protection Relay (SC5014)

Easergy MiCOM P740

Easergy MiCOM P746

Easergy MiCOM P841

Easergy MiCOM P849

Micom Px10 Series

MiCOM P11x

MiCOM P211

Micom Px20 Series

MiCOM P12x

MiCOM P22x

MiCOM P521

MiCOM P72x

MiCOM P821 T/J31 10E Breaker Failure Protection (SC5012)

MiCOM P92x M/J62 V12D Voltage and Frequency Relays (SC5013)

Vamp Protection

Sepam Series 10

Sepam Series 20

Sepam Series 40

Sepam Series 60

Sepam Series 80

SIPROTEC 4 Family – Supported Protection & Control IEDs

SIPROTEC 4 is the industry standard for digital protection technology in all fields of application and leads the way in integrating protection, control, measurement, and automation functions in one device.

Overcurrent and motor protection

Multifunction protection – SIPROTEC 7SJ61 – V4.9 (SI4018)

Multifunction protection – SIPROTEC 7SJ62 – V4.9 (SI4019)

Multifunction protection – SIPROTEC 7SJ63

Multifunction protection with synchronization – SIPROTEC 7SJ64 – V4.9 (SI4019)

Multifunction protection – SIPROTEC 7SJ66

Distance Protection

Distance protection for transmission lines – SIPROTEC 7SA522 – V4.74 (SI4012)

Distance protection for all voltage levels – SIPROTEC 7SA61 – V4.74 (SI4011)

Line differential protection

Line differential protection for two line ends – SIPROTEC 7SD610 – V4.7 (SI4014)

Line differential protection with distance protection – SIPROTEC 7SD5 – V4.7 (SI4013)

Breaker management

Breaker-management device – SIPROTEC 7VK61 – V4.7 (SI4015)

Transformer differential protection

Transformer differential protection – SIPROTEC 7UT612 – V4.67 (SI4016)

Motor and generator protection

Motor and generator protection – SIPROTEC 7UM61

Motor and generator protection – SIPROTEC 7UM62

paralleling device

Paralleling device – SIPROTEC 7VE6

High speed busbar transfer device

High speed busbar transfer device – SIPROTEC 7VU68 – V4.76 (SI4020)

Busbar protection

Distributed Busbar/Breaker Failure protection – SIPROTEC 7SS522 – V4.7 (SI4017)

Distributed Busbar/Breaker Failure protection – SIPROTEC 7SS523 – V3.3 (SI4017)

Distributed Busbar/Breaker Failure protection – SIPROTEC 7SS525 – V3.3 (SI4017)

Bay controllr


Bay controller unit – SIPROTEC 6MD63

Bay controller – SIPROTEC 6MD66

Reyrolle Family – Supported Protection Relays


The comprehensive range of Reyrolle products provides the total protection requirements of distribution markets and industrial applications – ranging from overcurrent protection via transformer protection and voltage control to a full spectrum of auxiliary and trip relays. The portfolio includes many famous products such as “Argus, “Duobias”, “Solkor”, “Rho”, etc.

Transformer Differential Protection

Reyrolle 7SR242 Duobias, Transformer Protection _ SR7102

Overcurrent & Feeder Protection

Reyrolle 7SR45 Argus, Non-Directional Overcurrent Protection _ SR7101

Reyrolle 7SR110 & 7SR210 Argus, Overcurrent Protection _ SR7103

Reyrolle 7SR210 & 7SR220 Argus, Overcurrent Protection _ SR7104

Reyrolle 7SR10 Argus, Overcurrent Protection _ SR7105

Line Differential Protection

Reyrolle 7SR18 Solkor, Line Differential Protection _ SR7106

Motor & Generator Protection

Reyrolle 7SR17 Rho, Motor Protection

Reyrolle 7SR105 Rho, Motor Protection

Capacitor Bank Protection

Reyrolle 7SR191 Capa, Capacitor Bank Protection

Relion 670 Series – Supported functions


ABB Relion® 670 series IEDs belong to the Relion protection and control product family. This family offers the widest range of products for the protection, control, measurement, and supervision of power systems. For more detailed information on each function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

Analog Inputs

Analog inputs _ AB2142

Differential protection functions

Transformer differential protection (T2WPDIF and T3WPDIF) _ AB2119

High impedance differential protection, single phase (IEC HZPDIF, ANSI 87) _ AB2011

Generator differential protection (GENPDIF) _ AB2122

Line differential protection (L4CPDIF) _ AB2123

Line differential protection, 3 or 6 CT sets, with in-zone transformers (LT3CPDIF , LT6CPDIF) _ AB2124

Low impedance restricted earth fault protection (REFPDIF) _ AB2120

Additional security logic for differential protection (IEC LDRGFC, ANSI 11REL) _ AB2012

Self adaptive differential protection for two-winding power transformers (PSTPDIF) _ AB2121

Impedance protection functions

Distance measuring zones, quadrilateral characteristic (ZMQPDIS, ZMQAPDIS, ZDRDIRPhase selection, quad, fixed angle, load encroachment (FDPSPDIS) _ AB2014

Distance measuring zone, quadrilateral characteristic for series compensated lines (ZMCPDIS, ZMCAPDIS, ZDSRDIR) _ AB2016

Full-scheme distance measuring, Mho characteristic (ZMHPDIS) _ AB2017

Full-scheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth faults (ZMMPDIS, ZMMAPDIS) _ AB2018

Directional impedance element for mho characteristic and additional distance protection directional function for earth faults (ZDMRDIR, ZDARDIR) _ AB2019

Mho impedance supervision logic (ZSMGAPC) _ AB2020

Faulty phase identification with load encroachment (FMPSPDIS) _ AB2021

Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic, separate settings (ZMRPDIS, ZMRAPDIS and ZDRDIR) _ AB2022

Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle (FRPSPDIS) _ AB2023

High speed distance protection (ZMFPDIS) _ AB2024

High speed distance protection for series compensated lines (ZMFCPDIS) _ AB2025

Power swing detection (ZMRPSB) _ AB2026

Automatic switch onto fault logic (ZCVPSOF) _ AB2027

Power swing logic (PSLPSCH) _ AB2028

Pole slip protection (PSPPPAM) _ AB2029

Out-of-step protection (OOSPPAM) _ AB2030

Phase preference logic (PPLPHIZ) _ AB2031

Phase preference logic (PPL2PHIZ) _ AB2032

Under impedance protection for generators and transformers (ZGVPDIS) _ AB2125

100% stator earth fault protection, injection based (STTIPHIZ) _ AB2126

Current protection functions

Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection (PHPIOC) _ AB2034

Directional phase overcurrent protection, four steps (OC4PTOC) _ AB2035

Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection (EFPIOC) _ AB2036

Directional residual overcurrent protection, four steps (EF4PTOC) _ AB2037

Four step directional negative phase sequence overcurrent protection (NS4PTOC) _ AB2038

Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection (SDEPSDE) _ AB2039

Thermal overload protection, one time constant, Celsius/Fahrenheit (LCPTTR/LFPTTR) _ AB2040

Thermal overload protection, two time constants (TRPTTR) _ AB2127

Breaker failure protection (CCRBRF) _ AB2041

Stub protection (STBPTOC) _ AB2042

Pole discordance protection (CCPDSC) _ AB2043

Directional underpower protection (GUPPDUP) _ AB2044

Directional overpower protection (GOPPDOP) _ AB2045

Broken conductor check (BRCPTOC) _ AB2046

Voltage-restrained time overcurrent protection (VRPVOC) _ AB2047

Capacitor bank protection (CBPGAPC) _ AB2128

Negativ sequence time overcurrent protection for machines (NS2PTOC) _ AB2129

Average power transient earth fault protection (APPTEF) _ AB2130

Accidental energizing protection for synchronous generator (AEGPVOC) _ AB2131

Generator stator overload protection (GSPTTR) _ AB2132

Generator rotor overload protection (GRPTTR) _ AB2133

Voltage protection functions

Two step undervoltage protection (UV2PTUV) _ AB2049

Two step overvoltage protection (OV2PTOV) _ AB2050

Two step residual overvoltage protection (ROV2PTOV) _ AB2051

Overexcitation protection (OEXPVPH) _ AB2052

Voltage differential protection (VDCPTOV) _ AB2053

Loss of voltage check (LOVPTUV) _ AB2054

Radial feeder protection (PAPGAPC) _ AB2055

100% Stator earth fault protection, 3rd harmonic based (STEFPHIZ) _ AB2139

Unbalance protection functions

Shunt capacitor cascading failure protection (SCCFPVOC) _ AB2135

Current unbalance protection of SCB (SCUCPTOC) _ AB2136

Phase voltage differential based capacitor bank unbalanced protection (SCPDPTOV) _ AB2137

Voltage unbalance protection of shunt capacitor bank (SCUVPTOV) _ AB2138

Frequency protection functions

Underfrequency protection (SAPTUF) _ AB2057

Overfrequency protection (SAPTOF) _ AB2058

Rate-of-change of frequency protection (SAPFRC) _ AB2059

Frequency time accumulation protection (FTAQFVR) _ AB2140

Multipurpose protection functions

General current and voltage protection (CVGAPC) _ AB2061

System protection and control functions

Multipurpose filter (SMAIHPAC) _ AB2063

Secondary system supervision functions

Current circuit supervision (CCSSPVC) _ AB2065

Fuse failure supervision (FUFSPVC) _ AB2066

Fuse failure supervision (VDSPVC) _ AB2067

Voltage based delta supervision (DELVSPVC) _ AB2068

Current based delta supervision (DELISPVC) _ AB2069

Delta supervision of real input (DELSPVC) _ AB2070

Control functions

Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing (SESRSYN) _ AB2072

Autorecloser for 1 phase, 2 phase and/or 3 phase operation (SMBRREC) _ AB2073

Interlocking _ AB2074

Logical node for interlocking (SCILO) _ AB2075

Interlocking for busbar earthing switch (BB_ES) _ AB2076

Interlocking for bus-section breaker (A1A2_BS) _ AB2077

Interlocking for bus-section disconnector (A1A2_DC) _ AB2078

Interlocking for bus-coupler bay (ABC_BC) _ AB2079

Interlocking for 1 1/2 (CB BH) _ AB2080

Interlocking for double CB bay (DB) _ AB2081

Interlocking for line bay (ABC_LINE) _ AB2082

Interlocking for transformer bay (AB_TRAFO) _ AB2083

Position evaluation (POS_EVAL) _ AB2084

Scheme communication functions

Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent protection (ZCPSCH) _ AB2101

Phase segregated scheme communication logic for distance protection (ZC1PPSCH) _ AB2102

Current reversal and Weak-end infeed logic for distance protection 3-phase (ZCRWPSCH) _ AB2103

Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for phase segregated communication (ZC1WPSCH) _ AB2104

Local acceleration logic (ZCLCPSCH) _ AB2105

Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent protection (ECPSCH) _ AB2106

Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for residual overcurrent protection (ECRWPSCH) _ AB2107

Monitoring functions

Event function (EVENT) _ AB2153

Disturbance report (DRPRDRE) _ AB2154

Fault locator (LMBRFLO) _ AB2155

SIPROTEC 5 Family – Supported “Functions” and “Function Groups”

SIPROTEC 5 is part of the new generation of incomparable modular, flexible, and intelligent digital field devices and offers a wide product range with modular elements for every application and requirement.

Function Groups

Function-Group Type Line _ SI5200

Function-Group Type Voltage/current 3-Phase _ SI5201

Function-Group Type Voltage/current 1-Phase _ SI5202

Function-Group Type Voltage 3-Phase _ SI5203

Function-Group Type Circuit Breaker _ SI5204

Function-Group Type Transformer diff _ SI5205

Function-Group Type Auto Transformer diff _ SI5208

Function-Group Type Motor diff _ SI5213

Function-Group Type Generator diff _ SI5215

Function-Group Type Capacitor Bank _ SI5218

Function-Group Type Capacitor Bank diff _ SI5219

Protection & Automation Functions

Power-system data _ SI5010

Abnormal frequency protection (ANSI 81AF) [FGs:] _ SI5091

Arc protection [Can be used in FGs that provide current measured values] _ SI5071

Automatic reclosing [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5024

Bus Coupler Differential Protection [Part of the Bay proxy] _ SI5107

Busbar differential protection for single busbar (ANSI 87B) [FGs:] _ SI5086

Busbar differential protection [FGs: Busbar] _ SI5100

Circuit breaker failure protection (1-Pole/3-Pole) [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5101

Circuit breaker failure protection (3-Pole) [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5102

Circuit breaker failure protection (ANSI 50BF) [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5062

Circuit breaker restrike protection [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5063

Current jump detection [Can be used in Protection FGs based on current measurement] _ SI5068

Differential protection for phase angle regulating transformer (PST) [FGs:] _ SI5074

Directional intermittent ground fault protection [FGs:] _ SI5035

Directional negative sequence protection with current independent time delay (ANSI 46) [FGs:] _ SI5037

Directional overcurrent protection, ground (ANSI 67N) [FGs: can be used in protection FGs] _ SI5078

Directional overcurrent protection, Phases (ANSI 67) [FGs: can be used in protection FGs] _ SI5027

Distance protection with classic method (ANSI 21, 21N) [Can be used in FGs that provide voltage and current measured values as well as line parameters] _ SI5015

Distance protection with reactance method (RMD) (ANSI 21/21 N) [Can be used in FGs that provide voltage and current measured values as well as line parameters] _ SI5014

Echo and tripping in the event of weak infeed [FGs: Line] _ SI5021

End fault protection in busbar protection [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5104

External trip initiation 3-Pole [FGs:] _ SI5023

External Tripping Busbar Section (Direct) [Busbar PF of the
Busbar FG] _ SI5105

External Tripping Busbar Section (from Bay) [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5106

Fault locator [Can be used in protection FGs with 3-phase current and voltage measurement] _ SI5051

Faulto lcator plus [Can be used in protection FGs with 3-phase current and voltage measurement] _ SI5052

Generator differential protection (ANSI 87G) [FGs:] _ SI5077

Ground fault protection for high resistance ground faults in grounded-neutral systems (ANSI 67N) [FGs: Line] _ SI5019

Group indications of overcurrent protection functions [FGs:] _ SI5030

Hot-spot calculation (ANSI 49H) [FGs:] _ SI5083

Impedance protection (ANSI 21) [Can be used in FGs that provide voltage and current measured values] _ SI5016

Inherent circuit breaker failure protection [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5103

Inrush-current and 2nd harmonic detection [Can be used in the same FG as the functions that are to be blocked] _ SI5065

Instantaneous high current tripping [FGs:] _ SI5029

Instantaneous tripping at switch onto fault [Can be used in all protection FGs] _ SI5058

Line differential protection (87L) [FGs: Line] _ SI5011

Load jam protection (Motor) [FGs: Motor] _ SI5098

Motor differential protection (ANSI 87M) [FGs:] _ SI5076

Motor restart inhibit (ANSI 66) [Can be used in specific protection FGs] _ SI5097

Motor starting time supervision (ANSI 48) [FGs: Motor] _ SI5096

Negative sequence protection (ANSI 46) [Cab be used in protection FGs with current measurement] _ SI5036

Non directional intermittent ground fault protection [Cab be used in protection FGs with current measurement] _ SI5034

Out of step protection (ANSI 78) [Can be used in an FG with at least 3 voltage inputs and current inputs] _ SI5064

Overcurrent protection 1-phase (ANSI 50N/51N) [Can be used in Protection FGs with 1-phase current measurement] _ SI5031

Overcurrent protection, Ground (ANSI 50N/51N) [Can be used in Protection FGs] _ SI5026

Overcurrent protection, Phases (ANSI 50/51) [Can be used in Protection FGs] _ SI5025

Overexcitation protection (ANSI 24) [FGs:] _ SI5079

Overfrequency protection (ANSI 81O) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5053

Overvoltage protection with 3-phase voltage (ANSI 59) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5039

Overvoltage protection with any voltage (ANSI 59) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5044

Overvoltage protection with negative-sequence voltage (ANSI 47) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5041

Overvoltage Protection with Negative-Sequence Voltage/Positive-Sequence Voltage [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5081

Overvoltage protection with positive-sequence voltage (ANSI 59) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5040

Overvoltage Protection with Positive-sequence Voltage and Compounding (ANSI 59) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5042

Overvoltage protection with zero sequence voltage/residual voltage (ANSI 59N) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5043

Phase sequence switchover [It is integrated in the Power-system data] _ SI5057

Positive-sequence overcurrent protection (ANSI 50/51) [FGs:] _ SI5028

Power protection (P,Q), 3-phase (ANSI 32) [Can be used in FGs which provide measured voltages and currents of the 3-phases ] _ SI5066

Power swing blocking [Can be used in FGs with at least 3 voltage inputs and current inputs ] _ SI5017

Power-plant disconnection protection (ANSI 37 (-dP)) [FGs:] _ SI5084

Power-system data _ SI5010

Rate of frequency change protection [FGs:] _ SI5055

Rate of voltage change protection [Can be used in protection FGs with 3‑phase voltage measurement ] _ SI5048

Restricted ground fault protection (ANSI 87N, REF) [FGs: Transformer side , Auto transformer] _ SI5013

Restricted ground fault protection (ANSI 87N, REF) [FGs:] _ SI5075

Reverse power protection (ANSI 32R) [FGs:] _ SI5085

Rotor ground fault protection (1-3 Hz) [FGs:] _ SI5095

Rotor ground fault protection (IRgnd>, fn) (ANSI 64R) [FGs:] _ SI5093

Rotor ground fault Protection (Rgnd<, fn) [FGs:] _ SI5094

Sensitive ground fault detection [FGs:] _ SI5033

Shaft current protection (ANSI 51GN) [FGs: Voltage/current 1-phase] _ SI5099

Startup overcurrent protection (ANSI 51) [FGs:] _ SI5090

Stator ground fault protection 90 % [FGs:] _ SI5087

Stator ground fault protection 100 % (20 Hz) [FGs:] _ SI5088

Stator ground fault protection with 3rd harmonic [FGs:] _ SI5089

Stub differential protection (ANSI 87STUB) [FGs: Line] _ SI5012

Teleprotection with distance protection [Can be used in FGs with voltage-measuring point in combination with the distance-protection function ] _ SI5018

Teleprotection with ground fault protection [Can be used in FGs with a voltage-measuring point in combination with the Ground-fault protection function ] _SI5020

Temperature supervision [Can wok in all protection FGs] _ SI5061

Thermal overload protection 1-phase function (ANSI 49) [Can be used in 1-phase protection FGs with current measurement] _ SI5060

Thermal overload protection, 3-phase – advance (ANSI 49) [Can be used in 1-phase protection FGs with current measurement] _ SI5059

Thermal overload protection, user-defined characteristic curve (ANSI 49) [FGs:] _ SI5082

Transformer differential protection (ANSI 87T) [FGs:] _ SI5073

Tripping with missing or weak infeed according to French specification [FGs: Line] _ SI5022

Unbalanced-load protection [FGs:] _ SI5080

Undercurrent protection function (ANSI 37) [FGs:] _ SI5038

Underexcitation protection (ANSI 40) [FGs:] _ SI5092

Underfrequency load shedding [FGs: Voltage/Current 3-phase , Line] _ SI5056

Underfrequency protection (ANSI 81U) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5054

Undervoltage controlled reactive power protection (ANSI 27/Q) [Can be used in Protection FGs containing 3-phase voltage and current measurement] _ SI5067

Undervoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage (ANSI 27) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5045

Undervoltage protection with any voltage (ANSI 27) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5047

Undervoltage protection with positive-sequence voltage (ANSI 27) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5046

Undervoltage-controlled reactive-power protection (ANSI 27/Q) [FGs:] _ SI5049

Vector jump protection [Can be used in Voltage-current 3-phase & Voltage 3-phase FGs] _ SI5070

Voltage comparison supervision (ANSI 60) [FGs: Generator stator , Generator side , Voltage-current 3-phase , Transformer side , Auto transformer autoside] _ SI5050

Voltage dependent overcurrent protection (ANSI 51V) [FGs:] _ SI5032

Voltage jump detection [Can be used in Protection FGs based on voltage measurement] _ SI5069

Voltage measuring point selection [FGs:] _ SI5072

UR Multilin Family – Supported elements


The Universal Relay family of protection and control products are built on a common modular platform. For more detailed information, refer to Universal Relay (UR) family of products, Version 8.0x manuals.

Non-grouped protection elements

Setting group 1

Line pickup [Products: D30, D60, L60, L90] _ GU8031

Load encroachment [Products: D30, D60, F60, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8032

Power swing detect (ANSI 68) [Products: D30, D60, G60, L60, L90, N60, T60] _ GU8047

Breaker failure (ANSI 50BF) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D60, F60, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, T60] _ GU8011

Sensitive directional power (ANSI 32) [Products: C60, C95, D60, F60, G30, G60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8048

Bus differential [Products: B30, B90] _ GU8012

End fault protection [Products: B30, B90] _ GU8019

Generator unbalance (ANSI 46) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8023

Loss of excitation (ANSI 40) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8033

Stator differential (ANSI 87S) [Products: G60, M60] _ GU8051

Split phase protection (ANSI 50P) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8050

Accidental energization (ANSI 50/27) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8010

Distance protection elements

Phase distance (ANSI 21P, IEC PDIS) [Products: D30, D60, G60, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8017

Ground distance (ANSI 21G, IEC PDIS) [Products: D30, D60, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8018

Transformer protection elements

Percent differential (ANSI 87T) [Products: G30, T35, T60] _ GU8061

Instantaneous differential (ANSI 50/87) [Products: T35, T60] _ GU8062

Interturn fault detection [Products: T35, T60] _ GU8063

Hottest spot temperature [Products: G30, T35, T60] _ GU8064

Aging factor [Products: G30, T35, T60] _ GU8065

Loss of life [Products: G30, T35, T60] _ GU8066

current protection elements

Instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50) [Products: B90] _ GU8014

Time overcurrent (ANSI 51) [Products: B90] _ GU8015

Phase current protection elements

Phase time overcurrent (ANSI 51P, IEC PTOC) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T35, T60] _ GU8044

Phase instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50P, IEC PIOC) [Products: All except B90, C30] _ GU8045

Phase directional overcurrent (ANSI 67P, IEC PDOC/PTOC) [Products: B30, C70, D30, D60, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8046

Phase current unbalance (ANSI 60P, IEC PVCB/PTOC) [Products: C70] _ GU8081

Neutral current protection elements

Neutral time overcurrent (ANSI 51N, IEC PTOC) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8039

Neutral instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50N, IEC PIOC) [Products: All except B90, C30, T35] _ GU8040

Neutral directional overcurrent (ANSI 67N, IEC PDEF/PTOC) [Products: B30, C70, D30, D60, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8041

Transient ground fault detection [Products: D60, F35, F60, L90, T35] _ GU8042

Neutral current unbalance (ANSI 60N, IEC PVCB/PTOC) [Products: C70] _ GU8079

Ground current protection elements

Ground time overcurrent (ANSI 51G, IEC PTOC) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T35, T60] _ GU8025

Ground instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50G, IEC PIOC) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T35, T60] _ GU8026

Restricted ground fault (ANSI 87RGF, IEC PNDF) [Products: F60, G30, G60, L90, T35, T60] _ GU8027

Negative sequence current protection elements

Negative sequence time overcurrent (ANSI 51Q, IEC PTOC) [Products: C70, D30, D60, F35, F60, L30, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8035

Negative sequence instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50Q, IEC PIOC) [Products: C70, D30, D60, F35, F60, L30, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8036

Negative sequence directional overcurrent (ANSI 67Q, IEC PDEF/PTOC) [Products: C70, D30, D60, F60, G30, G60, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8037

Voltage protection elements

Undervoltage (ANSI 27) [Products: B90] _ GU8068

Phase undervoltage (ANSI 27P, IEC PTUV) [Products: All except B90, C30, T35] _ GU8069

Phase overvoltage (ANSI 59P, IEC PTOV) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8070

Neutral overvoltage (ANSI 59N, IEC PTOV) [Products: All except B90, C30, N60, T35] _ GU8071

Negative sequence overvoltage (ANSI 59Q, IEC PTOV) [Products: C70, D30, D60, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, M60, T60] _ GU8072

Auxiliary undervoltage (ANSI 27X, IEC PTUV) [Products: B30, C60, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, T60] _ GU8073

Auxiliary overvoltage (ANSI 59X, IEC PTOV) [Products: All except B90, C30, N60, T35] _ GU8074

Compensated overvoltage (ANSI 59C, IEC PTOV) [Products: D60, L60, L90x] _ GU8075

Volts per hertz (ANSI 24, IEC PVPH) [Products: G30, G60, L90, T60] _ GU8076

Neutral voltage unbalance (ANSI 59NU, IEC PVCB/PTOV) [Products: C70] _ GU8080

Line differential protection elements

Current differential (ANSI 87L) [Products: L30 , L90] _ GU8029

Stub bus [Products: L30 , L90] _ GU8030

Supervising elements

Disturbance detector [Products: L30 , L90] _ GU8058

87L trip [products: L90] _ GU8059

Wattmetric protection elements

Wattmetric zero-sequence directional (ANSI 32N, IEC PSDE) [Products: D30, D60, F35, F60, L60, L90] _ GU8078

Stator ground protection elements

Stator Ground Source

100% stator ground (ANSI 64TN) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8054

Third harmonic neutral undervoltage (ANSI 27TN) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8055

Sub-harmonic stator ground fault [Products: G60] _ GU8056

Field ground fault protection elements

Field ground (ANSI 64F) [Products: G60] _ GU8021

Field current [Products: G60] _ GU8022

Control elements

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