Table of Contents

ABB / Phase voltage differential based capacitor bank unbalanced protection (SCPDPTOV) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2137

Table of Contents


Any internal fault in the capacitor bank leads to unbalance in the shunt capacitor banks (SCB) and severe damage to the entire bank, which can result in an explosion or fire. In the shunt capacitor bank, the internal faults are due to open-circuit or short circuit of the capacitor units or elements. The “Phase voltage differential based capacitor bank unbalanced protection” can detect the voltage unbalance in the capacitor bank. It can be applied to grounded and ungrounded capacitor bank configurations, where the three-phase bus and tap voltage measurements are available.

For more detailed information on “Phase voltage differential based capacitor bank unbalanced protection” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Phase voltage differential based capacitor bank unbalanced protection SCPDPTOV Ud > 87V

Signals & Setting Parameters

SCPDPTOV function block

SCPDPTOV function block

SCPDPTOV Input signals

SCPDPTOV Input signals
Name Type Default Description
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for three phase bus voltage
U3PTAP GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for three phase tap voltage
U3NEUT GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for capacitor bank neutral voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKTR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip
BLKALM BOOLEAN 0 Block of alarm
BLKWRN BOOLEAN 0 Block of warning
INHIBIT BOOLEAN 0 Inhibit the function
TRIGCOMP BOOLEAN 0 Trigger input to store the voltage ratios into the IED memory. The stored values will be used for future compensation in the function.
RESETCOMP BOOLEAN 0 Reset the stored voltage ratios to set voltage ratio value

SCPDPTOV Output signals

SCPDPTOV Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General trip signal
TRL1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L1
TRL2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L2
TRL3 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L3
START BOOLEAN General start signal
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
ALARM BOOLEAN General alarm signal
ALML1 BOOLEAN Alarm signal from phase L1
ALML2 BOOLEAN Alarm signal from phase L2
ALML3 BOOLEAN Alarm signal from phase L3
WARNING BOOLEAN General warning signal
WRNL1 BOOLEAN Warning signal from phase L1
WRNL2 BOOLEAN Warning signal from phase L2
WRNL3 BOOLEAN Warning signal from phase L3
BLKDL1 BOOLEAN Function operation blocked due to bus voltage in phase L1 or all three phase equivalent tap voltages going below UMin>
BLKDL2 BOOLEAN Function operation blocked due to bus voltage in phase L2 or all three phase equivalent tap voltages going below UMin>
BLKDL3 BOOLEAN Function operation blocked due to bus voltage in phase L3 or all three phase equivalent tap voltages going below UMin>
DIFURATL1 BOOLEAN Alarm when deviation between the calculated and the set voltage ratio for phase L1 is larger than the set threshold limit for percentage variation (URatioVar>)
DIFURATL2 BOOLEAN Alarm when deviation between the calculated and the set voltage ratio for phase L2 is larger than the set threshold limit for percentage variation (URatioVar>)
DIFURATL3 BOOLEAN Alarm when deviation between the calculated and the set voltage ratio for phase L3 is larger than the set threshold limit for percentage variation (URatioVar>)
COMPEXED BOOLEAN Indicates that a trigger was made for compensation
PUDIFL1 REAL Differential voltage magnitude of phase L1 in % of UBase
PUDIFL2 REAL Differential voltage magnitude of phase L2 in % of UBase
PUDIFL3 REAL Differential voltage magnitude of phase L3 in % of UBase
USEDURATL1 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltages stored and used for calculation of differential voltage of phase L1
USEDURATL2 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltages stored and used for calculation of differential voltage of phase L2
USEDURATL3 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltages stored and used for calculation of differential voltage of phase L3
URATIOL1 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltages of phase L1
URATIOL2 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltages of phase L2
URATIOL3 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltages of phase L3

SCPDPTOV Non group settings (basic)

SCPDPTOV Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
SCBGndType Grounded
Grounded Selection of shunt capacitor bank ground type
NeutVoltMeas Not available
Available Selection of shunt capacitor bank neutral voltage VT availability
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups
VoltRatioL1 0.010 – 0.950 0.001 0.500 Voltage ratio of tap voltage to bus voltage for phase L1
VoltRatioL2 0.010 – 0.950 0.001 0.500 Voltage ratio of tap voltage to bus voltage for phase L2
VoltRatioL3 0.010 – 0.950 0.001 0.500 Voltage ratio of tap voltage to bus voltage for phase L3

SCPDPTOV Group settings (basic)

SCPDPTOV Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
URatioVar> 5 – 300 % 1 10 Threshold limit for percentage variation of calculated voltage ratio from set voltage ratios (VoltRatioLx, where Lx is phase L1, L2 and L3)
UMin> 5.0 – 100.0 %UB 0.1 50.0 Minimum bus voltage for operation in
% of UBase
UdifWrn> 1.0 – 95.0 %UB 0.1 5.0 Phase voltage differential warning level in % of UBase
tDefWrn 0.00 – 60.00 s 0.01 5.00 Definite time delay to warning
UdifAlm> 1.0 – 95.0 %UB 0.1 8.0 Phase voltage differential alarm level in % of UBase
tDefAlm 0.00 – 60.00 s 0.01 5.00 Definite time delay to alarm
Udif> 1.0 – 95.0 %UB 0.1 10.0 Phase voltage differential trip level in
% of UBase
CurveType Definite time
Definite time Selection of time delay curve type for trip
tDefTrip 0.00 – 60.00 s 0.01 5.00 Definite time delay for trip
k 0.05 – 1.10 0.01 0.05 Time multiplier for programmable curve for trip
tMin 0.00 – 60.00 s 0.01 0.10 Minimum operate time for programmable curve for trip
tReset 0.00 – 60.00 s 0.01 0.02 Reset time delay for warning, alarm and trip
tPCrv 0.000 – 3.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter P for programmble curve for trip
tACrv 0.005 – 200.000 0.001 1.000 Parameter A for programmble curve for trip
tBCrv 0.50 – 100.00 0.01 1.00 Parameter B for programmble curve for trip
tCCrv 0.0 – 1.0 0.1 0.0 Parameter C for programmble curve for trip
tDCrv 0.000 – 60.000 0.001 0.000 Parameter D for programmble curve for trip
CrvSat 0 – 100 1 0 Tuning parameter for programmable curve

SCPDPTOV Non group settings (advanced)

SCPDPTOV Non group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
BlockTrip Trip disabled
Trip enabled
Trip enabled Trip blocked / enabled

SCPDPTOV Monitored data

SCPDPTOV Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
LASTCOMP GROUP SIGNAL Indicates date and time when the last trigger was made for compensation
UDIFL1 REAL kV Magnitude of differential voltage of phase L1
UDIFL2 REAL kV Magnitude of differential voltage of phase L2
UDIFL3 REAL kV Magnitude of differential voltage of phase L3
PUDIFL1 REAL % Differential voltage magnitude of phase L1 in % of UBase
PUDIFL2 REAL % Differential voltage magnitude of phase L2 in % of UBase
PUDIFL3 REAL % Differential voltage magnitude of phase L3 in % of UBase
UL1 REAL kV Bus voltage of phase L1
UL2 REAL kV Bus voltage of phase L2
UL3 REAL kV Bus voltage of phase L3
UTAPL1 REAL kV Tap voltage of phase L1
UTAPL2 REAL kV Tap voltage of phase L2
UTAPL3 REAL kV Tap voltage of phase L3
UNSCB REAL kV Measured voltage at capacitor bank neutral
USEDURATL1 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltage used for calculation of differential voltage of phase L1
USEDURATL2 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltage used for calculation of differential voltage of phase L2
USEDURATL3 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltage used for calculation of differential voltage of phase L3
URATIOL1 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltage of phase L1
URATIOL2 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltage of phase L2
URATIOL3 REAL Magnitude of ratio between tap and bus voltage of phase L3

Logics & highlights

Single line diagram of the typical single WYE shunt capacitor bank configuration

Single line diagram of the typical single WYE shunt capacitor bank

Differential voltage calculation

Differential voltage calculation

Voltage ratio calculation

Voltage ratio calculation

Grounded single WYE connected SCB

Grounded single WYE connected SCB

Calculation for grounded capacitor bank

Calculation for grounded capacitor bank

Ungrounded single WYE connected SCB

Ungrounded single WYE connected SCB

Calculation for ungrounded capacitor bank

Calculation for ungrounded capacitor bank

Programmable curve

Programmable curve

Simplified Warning, Alarm, and Trip logic

Simplified Warning, Alarm, and Trip logic

INHIBIT and BLOCK behavior in the function

INHIBIT and BLOCK behavior in the function

Cyclic reporting of calculated and stored voltage ratios over IEC 61850

Cyclic reporting of calculated and stored voltage ratios over IEC 61850

Differential voltage reporting over IEC 61850

Differential voltage reporting over IEC 61850

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