Schneider Protection Relays – Supported Devices

Schneider protection relays cover all applications in medium-voltage and high-voltage protection, from overcurrent or motor to complex distance protection.

Easergy Protection

Easery P1

Easergy P3

EAsergy P5

Easergy MiCOM Px30 Series

Easergy MiCOM P13x

Easergy MiCOM P63x

Easergy MiCOM P43x

Easergy MiCOM P532

Easergy MiCOM P138

Easergy MiCOM P436 and 438

Easergy MiCOM P638

Easergy MiCOM Px40 Series

Easergy MiCOM P14x

Easergy MiCOM P24x

Easergy MiCOM P341

Easergy MiCOM P34x

Easergy MiCOM P44x M/Nd7 Numerical Distance Protection (SC5011)

Easergy MiCOM P54x

Easergy MiCOM P64x M/Gb3 Transformer Protection Relay (SC5014)

Easergy MiCOM P740

Easergy MiCOM P746

Easergy MiCOM P841

Easergy MiCOM P849

Micom Px10 Series

MiCOM P11x

MiCOM P211

Micom Px20 Series

MiCOM P12x

MiCOM P22x

MiCOM P521

MiCOM P72x

MiCOM P821 T/J31 10E Breaker Failure Protection (SC5012)

MiCOM P92x M/J62 V12D Voltage and Frequency Relays (SC5013)

Vamp Protection

Sepam Series 10

Sepam Series 20

Sepam Series 40

Sepam Series 60

Sepam Series 80

SIPROTEC 4 Family – Supported Protection & Control IEDs

SIPROTEC 4 is the industry standard for digital protection technology in all fields of application and leads the way in integrating protection, control, measurement, and automation functions in one device.

Overcurrent and motor protection

Multifunction protection – SIPROTEC 7SJ61 – V4.9 (SI4018)

Multifunction protection – SIPROTEC 7SJ62 – V4.9 (SI4019)

Multifunction protection – SIPROTEC 7SJ63

Multifunction protection with synchronization – SIPROTEC 7SJ64 – V4.9 (SI4019)

Multifunction protection – SIPROTEC 7SJ66

Distance Protection

Distance protection for transmission lines – SIPROTEC 7SA522 – V4.74 (SI4012)

Distance protection for all voltage levels – SIPROTEC 7SA61 – V4.74 (SI4011)

Line differential protection

Line differential protection for two line ends – SIPROTEC 7SD610 – V4.7 (SI4014)

Line differential protection with distance protection – SIPROTEC 7SD5 – V4.7 (SI4013)

Breaker management

Breaker-management device – SIPROTEC 7VK61 – V4.7 (SI4015)

Transformer differential protection

Transformer differential protection – SIPROTEC 7UT612 – V4.67 (SI4016)

Motor and generator protection

Motor and generator protection – SIPROTEC 7UM61

Motor and generator protection – SIPROTEC 7UM62

paralleling device

Paralleling device – SIPROTEC 7VE6

High speed busbar transfer device

High speed busbar transfer device – SIPROTEC 7VU68 – V4.76 (SI4020)

Busbar protection

Distributed Busbar/Breaker Failure protection – SIPROTEC 7SS522 – V4.7 (SI4017)

Distributed Busbar/Breaker Failure protection – SIPROTEC 7SS523 – V3.3 (SI4017)

Distributed Busbar/Breaker Failure protection – SIPROTEC 7SS525 – V3.3 (SI4017)

Bay controllr


Bay controller unit – SIPROTEC 6MD63

Bay controller – SIPROTEC 6MD66

Reyrolle Family – Supported Protection Relays


The comprehensive range of Reyrolle products provides the total protection requirements of distribution markets and industrial applications – ranging from overcurrent protection via transformer protection and voltage control to a full spectrum of auxiliary and trip relays. The portfolio includes many famous products such as “Argus, “Duobias”, “Solkor”, “Rho”, etc.

Transformer Differential Protection

Reyrolle 7SR242 Duobias, Transformer Protection _ SR7102

Overcurrent & Feeder Protection

Reyrolle 7SR45 Argus, Non-Directional Overcurrent Protection _ SR7101

Reyrolle 7SR110 & 7SR210 Argus, Overcurrent Protection _ SR7103

Reyrolle 7SR210 & 7SR220 Argus, Overcurrent Protection _ SR7104

Reyrolle 7SR10 Argus, Overcurrent Protection _ SR7105

Line Differential Protection

Reyrolle 7SR18 Solkor, Line Differential Protection _ SR7106

Motor & Generator Protection

Reyrolle 7SR17 Rho, Motor Protection

Reyrolle 7SR105 Rho, Motor Protection

Capacitor Bank Protection

Reyrolle 7SR191 Capa, Capacitor Bank Protection

Relion 670 Series – Supported functions


ABB Relion® 670 series IEDs belong to the Relion protection and control product family. This family offers the widest range of products for the protection, control, measurement, and supervision of power systems. For more detailed information on each function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

Analog Inputs

Analog inputs _ AB2142

Differential protection functions

Transformer differential protection (T2WPDIF and T3WPDIF) _ AB2119

High impedance differential protection, single phase (IEC HZPDIF, ANSI 87) _ AB2011

Generator differential protection (GENPDIF) _ AB2122

Line differential protection (L4CPDIF) _ AB2123

Line differential protection, 3 or 6 CT sets, with in-zone transformers (LT3CPDIF , LT6CPDIF) _ AB2124

Low impedance restricted earth fault protection (REFPDIF) _ AB2120

Additional security logic for differential protection (IEC LDRGFC, ANSI 11REL) _ AB2012

Self adaptive differential protection for two-winding power transformers (PSTPDIF) _ AB2121

Impedance protection functions

Distance measuring zones, quadrilateral characteristic (ZMQPDIS, ZMQAPDIS, ZDRDIRPhase selection, quad, fixed angle, load encroachment (FDPSPDIS) _ AB2014

Distance measuring zone, quadrilateral characteristic for series compensated lines (ZMCPDIS, ZMCAPDIS, ZDSRDIR) _ AB2016

Full-scheme distance measuring, Mho characteristic (ZMHPDIS) _ AB2017

Full-scheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth faults (ZMMPDIS, ZMMAPDIS) _ AB2018

Directional impedance element for mho characteristic and additional distance protection directional function for earth faults (ZDMRDIR, ZDARDIR) _ AB2019

Mho impedance supervision logic (ZSMGAPC) _ AB2020

Faulty phase identification with load encroachment (FMPSPDIS) _ AB2021

Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic, separate settings (ZMRPDIS, ZMRAPDIS and ZDRDIR) _ AB2022

Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle (FRPSPDIS) _ AB2023

High speed distance protection (ZMFPDIS) _ AB2024

High speed distance protection for series compensated lines (ZMFCPDIS) _ AB2025

Power swing detection (ZMRPSB) _ AB2026

Automatic switch onto fault logic (ZCVPSOF) _ AB2027

Power swing logic (PSLPSCH) _ AB2028

Pole slip protection (PSPPPAM) _ AB2029

Out-of-step protection (OOSPPAM) _ AB2030

Phase preference logic (PPLPHIZ) _ AB2031

Phase preference logic (PPL2PHIZ) _ AB2032

Under impedance protection for generators and transformers (ZGVPDIS) _ AB2125

100% stator earth fault protection, injection based (STTIPHIZ) _ AB2126

Current protection functions

Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection (PHPIOC) _ AB2034

Directional phase overcurrent protection, four steps (OC4PTOC) _ AB2035

Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection (EFPIOC) _ AB2036

Directional residual overcurrent protection, four steps (EF4PTOC) _ AB2037

Four step directional negative phase sequence overcurrent protection (NS4PTOC) _ AB2038

Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection (SDEPSDE) _ AB2039

Thermal overload protection, one time constant, Celsius/Fahrenheit (LCPTTR/LFPTTR) _ AB2040

Thermal overload protection, two time constants (TRPTTR) _ AB2127

Breaker failure protection (CCRBRF) _ AB2041

Stub protection (STBPTOC) _ AB2042

Pole discordance protection (CCPDSC) _ AB2043

Directional underpower protection (GUPPDUP) _ AB2044

Directional overpower protection (GOPPDOP) _ AB2045

Broken conductor check (BRCPTOC) _ AB2046

Voltage-restrained time overcurrent protection (VRPVOC) _ AB2047

Capacitor bank protection (CBPGAPC) _ AB2128

Negativ sequence time overcurrent protection for machines (NS2PTOC) _ AB2129

Average power transient earth fault protection (APPTEF) _ AB2130

Accidental energizing protection for synchronous generator (AEGPVOC) _ AB2131

Generator stator overload protection (GSPTTR) _ AB2132

Generator rotor overload protection (GRPTTR) _ AB2133

Voltage protection functions

Two step undervoltage protection (UV2PTUV) _ AB2049

Two step overvoltage protection (OV2PTOV) _ AB2050

Two step residual overvoltage protection (ROV2PTOV) _ AB2051

Overexcitation protection (OEXPVPH) _ AB2052

Voltage differential protection (VDCPTOV) _ AB2053

Loss of voltage check (LOVPTUV) _ AB2054

Radial feeder protection (PAPGAPC) _ AB2055

100% Stator earth fault protection, 3rd harmonic based (STEFPHIZ) _ AB2139

Unbalance protection functions

Shunt capacitor cascading failure protection (SCCFPVOC) _ AB2135

Current unbalance protection of SCB (SCUCPTOC) _ AB2136

Phase voltage differential based capacitor bank unbalanced protection (SCPDPTOV) _ AB2137

Voltage unbalance protection of shunt capacitor bank (SCUVPTOV) _ AB2138

Frequency protection functions

Underfrequency protection (SAPTUF) _ AB2057

Overfrequency protection (SAPTOF) _ AB2058

Rate-of-change of frequency protection (SAPFRC) _ AB2059

Frequency time accumulation protection (FTAQFVR) _ AB2140

Multipurpose protection functions

General current and voltage protection (CVGAPC) _ AB2061

System protection and control functions

Multipurpose filter (SMAIHPAC) _ AB2063

Secondary system supervision functions

Current circuit supervision (CCSSPVC) _ AB2065

Fuse failure supervision (FUFSPVC) _ AB2066

Fuse failure supervision (VDSPVC) _ AB2067

Voltage based delta supervision (DELVSPVC) _ AB2068

Current based delta supervision (DELISPVC) _ AB2069

Delta supervision of real input (DELSPVC) _ AB2070

Control functions

Synchrocheck, energizing check, and synchronizing (SESRSYN) _ AB2072

Autorecloser for 1 phase, 2 phase and/or 3 phase operation (SMBRREC) _ AB2073

Interlocking _ AB2074

Logical node for interlocking (SCILO) _ AB2075

Interlocking for busbar earthing switch (BB_ES) _ AB2076

Interlocking for bus-section breaker (A1A2_BS) _ AB2077

Interlocking for bus-section disconnector (A1A2_DC) _ AB2078

Interlocking for bus-coupler bay (ABC_BC) _ AB2079

Interlocking for 1 1/2 (CB BH) _ AB2080

Interlocking for double CB bay (DB) _ AB2081

Interlocking for line bay (ABC_LINE) _ AB2082

Interlocking for transformer bay (AB_TRAFO) _ AB2083

Position evaluation (POS_EVAL) _ AB2084

Scheme communication functions

Scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent protection (ZCPSCH) _ AB2101

Phase segregated scheme communication logic for distance protection (ZC1PPSCH) _ AB2102

Current reversal and Weak-end infeed logic for distance protection 3-phase (ZCRWPSCH) _ AB2103

Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for phase segregated communication (ZC1WPSCH) _ AB2104

Local acceleration logic (ZCLCPSCH) _ AB2105

Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent protection (ECPSCH) _ AB2106

Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for residual overcurrent protection (ECRWPSCH) _ AB2107

Monitoring functions

Event function (EVENT) _ AB2153

Disturbance report (DRPRDRE) _ AB2154

Fault locator (LMBRFLO) _ AB2155

SIPROTEC 5 Family – Supported “Functions” and “Function Groups”

SIPROTEC 5 is part of the new generation of incomparable modular, flexible, and intelligent digital field devices and offers a wide product range with modular elements for every application and requirement.

Function Groups

Function-Group Type Line _ SI5200

Function-Group Type Voltage/current 3-Phase _ SI5201

Function-Group Type Voltage/current 1-Phase _ SI5202

Function-Group Type Voltage 3-Phase _ SI5203

Function-Group Type Circuit Breaker _ SI5204

Function-Group Type Transformer diff _ SI5205

Function-Group Type Auto Transformer diff _ SI5208

Function-Group Type Motor diff _ SI5213

Function-Group Type Generator diff _ SI5215

Function-Group Type Capacitor Bank _ SI5218

Function-Group Type Capacitor Bank diff _ SI5219

Protection & Automation Functions

Power-system data _ SI5010

Abnormal frequency protection (ANSI 81AF) [FGs:] _ SI5091

Arc protection [Can be used in FGs that provide current measured values] _ SI5071

Automatic reclosing [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5024

Bus Coupler Differential Protection [Part of the Bay proxy] _ SI5107

Busbar differential protection for single busbar (ANSI 87B) [FGs:] _ SI5086

Busbar differential protection [FGs: Busbar] _ SI5100

Circuit breaker failure protection (1-Pole/3-Pole) [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5101

Circuit breaker failure protection (3-Pole) [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5102

Circuit breaker failure protection (ANSI 50BF) [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5062

Circuit breaker restrike protection [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5063

Current jump detection [Can be used in Protection FGs based on current measurement] _ SI5068

Differential protection for phase angle regulating transformer (PST) [FGs:] _ SI5074

Directional intermittent ground fault protection [FGs:] _ SI5035

Directional negative sequence protection with current independent time delay (ANSI 46) [FGs:] _ SI5037

Directional overcurrent protection, ground (ANSI 67N) [FGs: can be used in protection FGs] _ SI5078

Directional overcurrent protection, Phases (ANSI 67) [FGs: can be used in protection FGs] _ SI5027

Distance protection with classic method (ANSI 21, 21N) [Can be used in FGs that provide voltage and current measured values as well as line parameters] _ SI5015

Distance protection with reactance method (RMD) (ANSI 21/21 N) [Can be used in FGs that provide voltage and current measured values as well as line parameters] _ SI5014

Echo and tripping in the event of weak infeed [FGs: Line] _ SI5021

End fault protection in busbar protection [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5104

External trip initiation 3-Pole [FGs:] _ SI5023

External Tripping Busbar Section (Direct) [Busbar PF of the
Busbar FG] _ SI5105

External Tripping Busbar Section (from Bay) [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5106

Fault locator [Can be used in protection FGs with 3-phase current and voltage measurement] _ SI5051

Faulto lcator plus [Can be used in protection FGs with 3-phase current and voltage measurement] _ SI5052

Generator differential protection (ANSI 87G) [FGs:] _ SI5077

Ground fault protection for high resistance ground faults in grounded-neutral systems (ANSI 67N) [FGs: Line] _ SI5019

Group indications of overcurrent protection functions [FGs:] _ SI5030

Hot-spot calculation (ANSI 49H) [FGs:] _ SI5083

Impedance protection (ANSI 21) [Can be used in FGs that provide voltage and current measured values] _ SI5016

Inherent circuit breaker failure protection [FGs: Circuit-breaker] _ SI5103

Inrush-current and 2nd harmonic detection [Can be used in the same FG as the functions that are to be blocked] _ SI5065

Instantaneous high current tripping [FGs:] _ SI5029

Instantaneous tripping at switch onto fault [Can be used in all protection FGs] _ SI5058

Line differential protection (87L) [FGs: Line] _ SI5011

Load jam protection (Motor) [FGs: Motor] _ SI5098

Motor differential protection (ANSI 87M) [FGs:] _ SI5076

Motor restart inhibit (ANSI 66) [Can be used in specific protection FGs] _ SI5097

Motor starting time supervision (ANSI 48) [FGs: Motor] _ SI5096

Negative sequence protection (ANSI 46) [Cab be used in protection FGs with current measurement] _ SI5036

Non directional intermittent ground fault protection [Cab be used in protection FGs with current measurement] _ SI5034

Out of step protection (ANSI 78) [Can be used in an FG with at least 3 voltage inputs and current inputs] _ SI5064

Overcurrent protection 1-phase (ANSI 50N/51N) [Can be used in Protection FGs with 1-phase current measurement] _ SI5031

Overcurrent protection, Ground (ANSI 50N/51N) [Can be used in Protection FGs] _ SI5026

Overcurrent protection, Phases (ANSI 50/51) [Can be used in Protection FGs] _ SI5025

Overexcitation protection (ANSI 24) [FGs:] _ SI5079

Overfrequency protection (ANSI 81O) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5053

Overvoltage protection with 3-phase voltage (ANSI 59) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5039

Overvoltage protection with any voltage (ANSI 59) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5044

Overvoltage protection with negative-sequence voltage (ANSI 47) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5041

Overvoltage Protection with Negative-Sequence Voltage/Positive-Sequence Voltage [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5081

Overvoltage protection with positive-sequence voltage (ANSI 59) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5040

Overvoltage Protection with Positive-sequence Voltage and Compounding (ANSI 59) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5042

Overvoltage protection with zero sequence voltage/residual voltage (ANSI 59N) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5043

Phase sequence switchover [It is integrated in the Power-system data] _ SI5057

Positive-sequence overcurrent protection (ANSI 50/51) [FGs:] _ SI5028

Power protection (P,Q), 3-phase (ANSI 32) [Can be used in FGs which provide measured voltages and currents of the 3-phases ] _ SI5066

Power swing blocking [Can be used in FGs with at least 3 voltage inputs and current inputs ] _ SI5017

Power-plant disconnection protection (ANSI 37 (-dP)) [FGs:] _ SI5084

Power-system data _ SI5010

Rate of frequency change protection [FGs:] _ SI5055

Rate of voltage change protection [Can be used in protection FGs with 3‑phase voltage measurement ] _ SI5048

Restricted ground fault protection (ANSI 87N, REF) [FGs: Transformer side , Auto transformer] _ SI5013

Restricted ground fault protection (ANSI 87N, REF) [FGs:] _ SI5075

Reverse power protection (ANSI 32R) [FGs:] _ SI5085

Rotor ground fault protection (1-3 Hz) [FGs:] _ SI5095

Rotor ground fault protection (IRgnd>, fn) (ANSI 64R) [FGs:] _ SI5093

Rotor ground fault Protection (Rgnd<, fn) [FGs:] _ SI5094

Sensitive ground fault detection [FGs:] _ SI5033

Shaft current protection (ANSI 51GN) [FGs: Voltage/current 1-phase] _ SI5099

Startup overcurrent protection (ANSI 51) [FGs:] _ SI5090

Stator ground fault protection 90 % [FGs:] _ SI5087

Stator ground fault protection 100 % (20 Hz) [FGs:] _ SI5088

Stator ground fault protection with 3rd harmonic [FGs:] _ SI5089

Stub differential protection (ANSI 87STUB) [FGs: Line] _ SI5012

Teleprotection with distance protection [Can be used in FGs with voltage-measuring point in combination with the distance-protection function ] _ SI5018

Teleprotection with ground fault protection [Can be used in FGs with a voltage-measuring point in combination with the Ground-fault protection function ] _SI5020

Temperature supervision [Can wok in all protection FGs] _ SI5061

Thermal overload protection 1-phase function (ANSI 49) [Can be used in 1-phase protection FGs with current measurement] _ SI5060

Thermal overload protection, 3-phase – advance (ANSI 49) [Can be used in 1-phase protection FGs with current measurement] _ SI5059

Thermal overload protection, user-defined characteristic curve (ANSI 49) [FGs:] _ SI5082

Transformer differential protection (ANSI 87T) [FGs:] _ SI5073

Tripping with missing or weak infeed according to French specification [FGs: Line] _ SI5022

Unbalanced-load protection [FGs:] _ SI5080

Undercurrent protection function (ANSI 37) [FGs:] _ SI5038

Underexcitation protection (ANSI 40) [FGs:] _ SI5092

Underfrequency load shedding [FGs: Voltage/Current 3-phase , Line] _ SI5056

Underfrequency protection (ANSI 81U) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5054

Undervoltage controlled reactive power protection (ANSI 27/Q) [Can be used in Protection FGs containing 3-phase voltage and current measurement] _ SI5067

Undervoltage Protection with 3-Phase Voltage (ANSI 27) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5045

Undervoltage protection with any voltage (ANSI 27) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5047

Undervoltage protection with positive-sequence voltage (ANSI 27) [Can be used in protection FGs, which are based on voltage measurement] _ SI5046

Undervoltage-controlled reactive-power protection (ANSI 27/Q) [FGs:] _ SI5049

Vector jump protection [Can be used in Voltage-current 3-phase & Voltage 3-phase FGs] _ SI5070

Voltage comparison supervision (ANSI 60) [FGs: Generator stator , Generator side , Voltage-current 3-phase , Transformer side , Auto transformer autoside] _ SI5050

Voltage dependent overcurrent protection (ANSI 51V) [FGs:] _ SI5032

Voltage jump detection [Can be used in Protection FGs based on voltage measurement] _ SI5069

Voltage measuring point selection [FGs:] _ SI5072

UR Multilin Family – Supported elements


The Universal Relay family of protection and control products are built on a common modular platform. For more detailed information, refer to Universal Relay (UR) family of products, Version 8.0x manuals.

Non-grouped protection elements

Setting group 1

Line pickup [Products: D30, D60, L60, L90] _ GU8031

Load encroachment [Products: D30, D60, F60, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8032

Power swing detect (ANSI 68) [Products: D30, D60, G60, L60, L90, N60, T60] _ GU8047

Breaker failure (ANSI 50BF) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D60, F60, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, T60] _ GU8011

Sensitive directional power (ANSI 32) [Products: C60, C95, D60, F60, G30, G60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8048

Bus differential [Products: B30, B90] _ GU8012

End fault protection [Products: B30, B90] _ GU8019

Generator unbalance (ANSI 46) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8023

Loss of excitation (ANSI 40) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8033

Stator differential (ANSI 87S) [Products: G60, M60] _ GU8051

Split phase protection (ANSI 50P) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8050

Accidental energization (ANSI 50/27) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8010

Distance protection elements

Phase distance (ANSI 21P, IEC PDIS) [Products: D30, D60, G60, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8017

Ground distance (ANSI 21G, IEC PDIS) [Products: D30, D60, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8018

Transformer protection elements

Percent differential (ANSI 87T) [Products: G30, T35, T60] _ GU8061

Instantaneous differential (ANSI 50/87) [Products: T35, T60] _ GU8062

Interturn fault detection [Products: T35, T60] _ GU8063

Hottest spot temperature [Products: G30, T35, T60] _ GU8064

Aging factor [Products: G30, T35, T60] _ GU8065

Loss of life [Products: G30, T35, T60] _ GU8066

current protection elements

Instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50) [Products: B90] _ GU8014

Time overcurrent (ANSI 51) [Products: B90] _ GU8015

Phase current protection elements

Phase time overcurrent (ANSI 51P, IEC PTOC) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T35, T60] _ GU8044

Phase instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50P, IEC PIOC) [Products: All except B90, C30] _ GU8045

Phase directional overcurrent (ANSI 67P, IEC PDOC/PTOC) [Products: B30, C70, D30, D60, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8046

Phase current unbalance (ANSI 60P, IEC PVCB/PTOC) [Products: C70] _ GU8081

Neutral current protection elements

Neutral time overcurrent (ANSI 51N, IEC PTOC) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8039

Neutral instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50N, IEC PIOC) [Products: All except B90, C30, T35] _ GU8040

Neutral directional overcurrent (ANSI 67N, IEC PDEF/PTOC) [Products: B30, C70, D30, D60, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8041

Transient ground fault detection [Products: D60, F35, F60, L90, T35] _ GU8042

Neutral current unbalance (ANSI 60N, IEC PVCB/PTOC) [Products: C70] _ GU8079

Ground current protection elements

Ground time overcurrent (ANSI 51G, IEC PTOC) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T35, T60] _ GU8025

Ground instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50G, IEC PIOC) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T35, T60] _ GU8026

Restricted ground fault (ANSI 87RGF, IEC PNDF) [Products: F60, G30, G60, L90, T35, T60] _ GU8027

Negative sequence current protection elements

Negative sequence time overcurrent (ANSI 51Q, IEC PTOC) [Products: C70, D30, D60, F35, F60, L30, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8035

Negative sequence instantaneous overcurrent (ANSI 50Q, IEC PIOC) [Products: C70, D30, D60, F35, F60, L30, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8036

Negative sequence directional overcurrent (ANSI 67Q, IEC PDEF/PTOC) [Products: C70, D30, D60, F60, G30, G60, L60, L90, T60] _ GU8037

Voltage protection elements

Undervoltage (ANSI 27) [Products: B90] _ GU8068

Phase undervoltage (ANSI 27P, IEC PTUV) [Products: All except B90, C30, T35] _ GU8069

Phase overvoltage (ANSI 59P, IEC PTOV) [Products: B30, C60, C70, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, N60, T60] _ GU8070

Neutral overvoltage (ANSI 59N, IEC PTOV) [Products: All except B90, C30, N60, T35] _ GU8071

Negative sequence overvoltage (ANSI 59Q, IEC PTOV) [Products: C70, D30, D60, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, M60, T60] _ GU8072

Auxiliary undervoltage (ANSI 27X, IEC PTUV) [Products: B30, C60, C95, D30, D60, F35, F60, G30, G60, L30, L60, L90, M60, T60] _ GU8073

Auxiliary overvoltage (ANSI 59X, IEC PTOV) [Products: All except B90, C30, N60, T35] _ GU8074

Compensated overvoltage (ANSI 59C, IEC PTOV) [Products: D60, L60, L90x] _ GU8075

Volts per hertz (ANSI 24, IEC PVPH) [Products: G30, G60, L90, T60] _ GU8076

Neutral voltage unbalance (ANSI 59NU, IEC PVCB/PTOV) [Products: C70] _ GU8080

Line differential protection elements

Current differential (ANSI 87L) [Products: L30 , L90] _ GU8029

Stub bus [Products: L30 , L90] _ GU8030

Supervising elements

Disturbance detector [Products: L30 , L90] _ GU8058

87L trip [products: L90] _ GU8059

Wattmetric protection elements

Wattmetric zero-sequence directional (ANSI 32N, IEC PSDE) [Products: D30, D60, F35, F60, L60, L90] _ GU8078

Stator ground protection elements

Stator Ground Source

100% stator ground (ANSI 64TN) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8054

Third harmonic neutral undervoltage (ANSI 27TN) [Products: G30, G60] _ GU8055

Sub-harmonic stator ground fault [Products: G60] _ GU8056

Field ground fault protection elements

Field ground (ANSI 64F) [Products: G60] _ GU8021

Field current [Products: G60] _ GU8022

Control elements

Easergy MiCOM P64x M/Gb3 setting parameters & highlights (SC5014)


Easergy MiCOM P64x series provides fast and complete protection for transformer faults, preserving service life and is designed for two and three winding transformers (including autotransformers).

For more detailed information on “Easergy MiCOM P64x” relays, refer to Schneider protection relays manuals.

To see other supported devices, click here.

This post covers the specific versions of the MiCOM products with:

  • Hardware suffix: L (P642) M (P643/P645)
  • Software sufix: B6 (P643) & B5 (P642/P643/P645)

Configuration menu

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
This column contains CONFIGURATION parameters.
Restore Defaults 09 01 No Operation No operation, All settings, Setting Group 1, Setting Group 2, Setting Group 3, or Setting Group 4
Setting to restore a setting group to factory default settings.
Setting Group 09 02 Menu Select from Menu or Select from PSL
Allows setting group changes to be initiated using 2 DDB signals in the programmable scheme logic or from the Menu settings.
Active Settings 09 03 Group 1 Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 or Group 4
Selects the active setting group.
Save Changes 09 04 No Operation No Operation, Save or  Abort
Saves all relay settings.
Copy From 09 05 Group 1 Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 or Group 4
Allows displayed settings to be copied from a selected setting group.
Copy To 09 06 No Operation No Operation, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 or Group 4
Allows displayed settings to be copied to a selected setting group.
Setting Group 1 09 07 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables Group 1 settings. If the setting group is disabled from the configuration, all associated settings and signals are hidden, with the exception of this setting.
Setting Group 2 09 08 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting Group 2 works in the same way as Setting Group 1.
Setting Group 3 09 09 Disbaled Enabled or Disabled
Setting Group 3 works in the same way as Setting Group 1.
Setting Group 4 09 0A Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting Group 4 works in the same way as Setting Group 1.
Diff Protection 09 0C Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the differential protection.  The unit provides bias differential protection with multiple CT inputs.
REF Protection 09 0E Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Restricted Earth Fault protection.  The unit provides a low impedance REF function per transformer winding.
Over Current 09 10 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the overcurrent protection: ANSI 50/51/67P, 46OC.
NPS OverCurrent 09 11 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Negative Phase Sequence overcurrent protection: ANSI 50/51/67P, 46OC.
Thermal Overload 09 12 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Thermal Overload Protection: ANSI 49.
Earth Fault 09 13 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Earth Fault Protection: ANSI 50N/51N.
Residual O/V NVD 09 16 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Residual Overvoltage (Neutral Voltage Displacement) Protection function: ANSI 59N.
Overfluxing 09 18 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Overfluxing protection: ANSI 24.
Through Fault 09 1B Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Through Fault function.  The Through Fault current monitoring function in the P64x gives the fault current level, the duration of the faulty condition, the date and time.
Volt Protection 09 1D Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Voltage Protection (Under/Overvoltage and NPS Overvoltage) function: ANSI 27/59/47.
Freq Protection 09 1E Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Frequency Protection (Under/Overfrequency) function: ANSI 81O/U.
RTD Inputs 09 1F Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the RTD (Resistance Temperature Device) Inputs.
CB Fail 09 20 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Circuit Breaker Fail Protection function: ANSI 50BF.
Supervision 09 21 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the Supervision (VTS&CTS) functions: ANSI VTS/CTS.
Input Labels 09 25 Visible Invisible or  Visible
Sets the Input Labels menu visible in the relay settings menu.
Output Labels 09 26 Visible Invisible or  Visible
Sets the Output Labels menu to visible in the relay settings menu.
RTD Lables 09 27 Visible Invisible or  Visible
Sets the RTD Labels menu visible in the relay settings menu.
CT and VT Ratios 09 28 Visible Invisible or  Visible
Sets the Current & Voltage Transformer Ratios menu visible in the relay settings menu.
Record Control 09 29 Visible Invisible or  Visible
Sets the Record Control menu visible in the relay settings menu.
Disturb Recorder 09 2A Visible Invisible or  Visible
Sets the Disturbance Recorder menu visible in the relay settings menu.
Measure’t Setup 09 2B Visible Invisible or  Visible
Sets the Measurement Setup menu visible in the relay settings menu.
Comms Settings 09 2C Visible Invisible or  Visible
Sets the Communications Settings menu visible in the relay settings menu.  These are the settings associated with the 1st and 2nd rear communications ports.
Commission Tests 09 2D Visible Invisible or Visible
Sets the Commissioning Tests menu visible in the relay settings menu.
Setting Values 09 2E Primary Primary or Secondary
This affects all protection settings that are dependent on CT and VT ratios.
Control Inputs 09 2F Visible Invisible or  Visible
Sets the Control Inputs menu visible in the relay setting menu.
CLIO Inputs 09 30 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the CLIO (Current Loop Input Output) function.
CLIO Outputs 09 31 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables (activates) or disables (turns off) the CLIO (Current Loop Input Output) Outputs function.
CLIO status (Hidden) 09 32 Hidden False or True
CLIO status (Hidden).
No Courier text. Cell value set to False if CLIO not fitted and Cell value set to True if CLIO is fitted.
Control I/P Config 09 35 Visible Invisible or Visible
Sets the Control Input Configuration menu visible in the relay setting menu.
Ctrl I/P Labels 09 36 Visible Invisible or Visible
Sets the Control Input Labels menu visible in the relay setting menu.
Direct Access 09 39 Enabled Enabled, Disabled or Hotkey Only
Defines what controls are available using the direct access keys – Enabled (Hotkey and CB Control functions) / Hotkey Only (Control Inputs and Setting group selection) / CB Cntrl Only (CB open/close).
PB CONFIG 09 48 Visible Invisible or Visible
Sets the PB CONFIG menu visible in the relay setting menu.
IEC GOOSE 09 49 Visible Invisible or Visible
Sets the IEC 61850 GOOSE menu visible in the relay setting menu.
Function Keys 09 50 Visible Invisible or Visible
Sets the Function Key menu visible in the relay setting menu.
VIR I/P Labels 09 70 Invisible Invisible or Visible
VIR I/P Labels Visible/Invisible
VIR O/P Labels 09 80 Invisible Invisible or Visible
VIR O/P Labels Visible/Invisible
Usr Alarm Labels 09 90 Invisible Invisible or Visible
USR Alarm Labels Visible/Invisible
RP1 Read Only 09 FB Disabled Enabled, Disabled
Visible when comms options are:
1 – Courier                       3 – CS103           6 – IEC61850 with 1st Rear Courier,             7 – IEC61850 with 1st Rear CS103.
RP2 Read Only 09 FC Disabled Enabled, Disabled
Visible when comms options are:
1 – Courier, or                  3 – CS103; and hardware options are: 7, 8, E or F.
NIC Read Only 09 FD Disabled Enabled, Disabled
Visible when comms options are:   6 – IEC61850 with 1st Rear Courier,             7 – IEC61850 with 1st Rear CS103.
SettingValueBeh. 09 FE Independent 0 = Independent or 1 = Locked Mode
Independent: cell [092E] Setting Values will be independent in each interface. For example, the Front Port can have [092E] set to Secondary and a remote port can have [092E] set to Primary.
Locked Mode: cell [092E] Setting Values are locked to the same value for all interfaces. All interfaces have the same value for [092E]. Whichever interface selects Locked Mode will have its setting for [092E] applied to all interfaces. Any interface can then change [092E] and it will apply on all interfaces.
LCD Contrast 09 FF 11 0 to 31 step 1
To confirm the LCD contrast press the right and left arrow keys together instead of Enter. This prevents someone selecting a black or blank contrast setting by accident. Note: The contrast can be set through the FP comms port using the MiCOM software.

System Config

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
This column contains GROUP 1 SYSTEM CONFIG parameters
Winding Config 30 01 HV+LV+TV HV+LV or           HV+LV+TV
P643 and P645 only.
This setting indicates if the protected transformer is a two or three winding transformer.
Winding Type 30 02 Conventional Conventional or Auto
The winding type may be configured as Conventional or Auto. This setting is just for information.
HV CT Terminals 30 03 01 (P642) 01 (P642)
Each digit corresponds to a terminal. For further detailed connections refer to the installation section. P642 only – from right to left the current inputs are T1, T2. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
LV CT Terminals 30 04 10 (P645) 10 (P642)
P642 only.
Each digit corresponds to a terminal. From right to left the current inputs are T1, T2. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled For further detailed connections refer to the installation section.
TV CT Terminals 30 05 010 (P643) 010 (P643)
P643 only.
Each digit corresponds to a terminal. From right to left the current inputs are T1, T2, T3. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled For further detailed connections refer to the installation section.
Sref 30 07 100MVA 0.1MVA to 5000MVA step 0.1MVA
Reference power. Used by the differential function to calculate the ratio correction factors. Used by the thermal function when the monitored winding is set to biased current.
HV Connection 30 08 Y-Wye Y-Wye, D-Delta or Z-Zigzag
The HV winding connections can be configured as Wye, Delta, or Zigzag.
HV Grounding 30 09 Grounded Grounded or Ungrounded
In Simple mode:
Grounded = P64x filters zero sequence current on HV side. Ungrounded = no zero sequence filtering is done on HV side. In Advanced mode:
Grounding = Information only, and zero sequence filtering depends on Zero seq filt HV setting.
HV Nominal 30 0A 220kV 100V to 1MV step 1V
Nominal voltage of the HV winding, mid-tap voltage of the on-load tap changer, or no-load tap changer tap voltage.
HV Rating 30 0B 100MVA 0.1MVA to 5000MVA step 0.1MVA
This rating is used by the thermal overload function if the monitored winding is set to HV.
% Reactance 30 0C 0.1 1% to 100% step 0.63%
Transformer leakage reactance.
LV Vector Group 30 0D 0 0 to 11 step 1
This is used to provide vector correction for phase shift between HV and LV windings.
LV Connection 30 0E Y-Wye Y-Wye, D-Delta or Z-Zigzag
The LV winding connections can be configured as Wye, Delta, or Zigzag.
LV Grounding 30 0F Grounded Grounded or Ungrounded
When set as grounded, the P64x filters the zero sequence current in the LV side. When set as ungrounded, no zero sequence filtering is done in the LV side.
LV Nominal 30 10 220kV 100V to 1MV step 1V
Nominal voltage of the LV winding, mid-tap voltage of the on-load tap changer, or no-load tap changer tap voltage.
LV Rating 30 11 100MVA 0.1MVA to 5000MVA step 0.1MVA
This rating is used by the thermal overload function if the monitored winding is set to LV.
TV Vector Group 30 12 0 0 to 11 step 1
P643 and P645 only.
This is used to provide vector correction for phase shift between HV and TV windings.
TV Connection 30 13 Y-Wye Y-Wye,D-Delta or Z-Zigzag
P643 and P645 only.
The winding connections can be configured as Wye, Delta, or Zigzag.
TV Grounding 30 14 Grounded Grounded or Ungrounded
P643 and P645 only. Simple:
Grounded = P64x filters zero sequence current on TV side. Ungrounded = no zero sequence filtering is done on LV side. Advanced:
Grounding = Information only, and zero sequence filtering depends on Zero seq filt HV setting.
TV Nominal 30 15 220kV 100V to 1MV step 1V
P643 and P645 only.
Nominal voltage of the TV winding.
TV Rating 30 16 100MVA 0.1MVA to 5000MVA step 0.1MVA
P643 and P645 only.
This rating is used by the thermal overload function if the monitored winding is set to TV.
Match Factor CT1 30 20 Set by relay Set by relay
CT1 ratio correction factor used by the differential function.
Match Factor CT2 30 21 Set by relay Set by relay
CT2 ratio correction factor used by the differential function.
Match Factor CT3 30 22 Set by relay Set by relay
P643 and P645 only.
CT3 ratio correction factor used by the differential function.
Match Factor CT4 30 23 Set by relay Set by relay
P645 only.
CT4 ratio correction factor used by the differential function.
Match Factor CT5 30 24 Set by relay Set by relay
P645 only.
CT5 ratio correction factor used by the differential function.
MatchFac REF HV 30 25 Set by relay Set by relay
Ratio correction factor used by REF HV protection.
MatchFac REF LV 30 26 Set by relay Set by relay
Ratio correction factor used by REF LV protection.
MatchFac REF TV 30 27 Set by relay Set by relay
P643 and P645 only.
Ratio correction factor used by REF TV protection.
MatchFac REFAuto 30 28 Set by relay Set by relay
Ratio correction factor used by REF Auto protection.
Phase Sequence 30 5E Standard ABC Standard ABC or Reverse ACB
This sets the phase rotation. It affects the positive and negative sequence quantities calculated by the relay. It also affects functions that are dependent on phase quantities.
VT Reversal 30 5F No Swap No Swap, A-B Swap or C-A Swap
P643 and P645 only.
For applications where 2-phase current inputs are swapped.
CT1 Reversal 30 60 No Swap No Swap, A-B Swap or C-A Swap
For applications where 2-phase current inputs are swapped.
CT2 Reversal 30 61 No Swap No Swap, A-B Swap or C-A Swap
For applications where 2-phase current inputs are swapped.
CT3 Reversal 30 62 No Swap No Swap, A-B Swap or C-A Swap
P643 and P645 only.
For applications where 2-phase current inputs are swapped.
CT4 Reversal 30 63 No Swap No Swap, A-B Swap or C-A Swap
P645 only.
For applications where 2-phase current inputs are swapped.
CT5 Reversal 30 64 No Swap No Swap, A-B Swap or C-A Swap
P645 only.
For applications where 2-phase current inputs are swapped.

Differential Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
31 00    
This column contains the GROUP 1 DIFF PROTECTION parameters
Trans Diff 31 01 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
This enables or disables differential protection for setting group1.
Set Mode 31 02 Simple Simple or Advanced
Defines Simple or Advanced Mode, as per HV/LV/TV Grounding.
Advanced = zero sequence filtering enabled/disabled in Zero seq filt HV/LV/TV.
Simple = Is-HS1 calculated as 1/Xt (Xt=transformer reactance); and Zero seq filt HV/LV/TV, Is-HS1 and Is-Hs2 hidden
Is1 31 03 0.2 0.1pu to 2.5pu step 0.01pu
Minimum differential threshold of the low set differential characteristic
K1 31 04 0.3 0% to 200% step 1%
First slope setting of the low set differential characteristic
Is2 31 05 1 0.1pu to 20pu step 0.01pu
Bias current threshold for the second slope of the low set differential characteristic
K2 31 06 0.8 15% to 200% step 1%
Second slope setting of the low set differential characteristic
tDiff 31 07 0s 0 to 10s step 10ms
Differential time delay
Is-CTS 31 08 1.5 0.1pu to 2.5pu step 0.01pu
In restrain mode, the differential protection Is1 setting is increased to Is-CTS setting after CT failure is detected.  The Is-CTS setting increases the restrain region of the differential characteristic
Is-HS1 31 10 1/Xt 2.00pu to 32pu step 0.1pu
High set element one. In the simple mode the relay calculates Is-HS1 as 1/Xt.  Where Xt is the transformer reactance. This setting is hidden in simple mode.  In advance mode Is-HS1 is visible and settable.
HS2 Status 31 11 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enable or Disabled High set element two
Is-HS2 31 12 32 2.00pu to 32pu step 0.1pu
High Set element two when HS2 Status is enabled. When HS2 Status is enabled, High set element two. In the simple mode the relay calculates Is-HS2 as 1/Xt.  Where Xt is the transformer reactance. This setting is hidden in simple mode.  In advance mode Is-HS2 is visible and settable.
Diff calc remove 31 13 Disabled Disabled or TV
P643 and P645 only.
Disable means diff protection is same as usual, ‘TV’ means phase currents of the ends which belong to TV are no effect on trans diff protection. This setting is only settable in advance mode.
Transient Bias 31 14 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Default setting ‘Enabled’ means trans diff protection is same as version B2A, ‘Disabled ‘ means the transient bias is removed from bias current for all cases.
Zero seq filt HV 31 20 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables zero sequence filtering on the HV winding. This setting is only visible and settable in advance mode.
Zero seq filt LV 31 21 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables zero sequence filtering on the LV winding. This setting is only visible and settable in advance mode.
Zero seq filt TV 31 22 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables zero sequence filtering on the TV winding. This setting is only visible and settable in advance mode.
2nd harm blocked 31 28 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
2nd harm blocked
Ih(2)%> 31 29 0.2 5% to 50% step 1%
Second harmonic blocking threshold
Cross blocking 31 2A Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables cross blocking
CTSat and NoGap 31 2B Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables CT saturation detection
5th harm blocked 31 33 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables 5th harmonic blocking
Ih(5)%> 31 34 0.35 0% to 100% step 1%
Fifth harmonic blocking threshold
Circuitry Fail 31 40 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the circuitry fail alarm
Is-cctfail 31 41 0.1 0.03pu to 1pu step 0.01pu
Minimum differential threshold of the circuitry fail alarm
K-cctfail 31 42 0.1 0% to 50% step 1%
Slope for the circuitry fail alarm function
CctFail Delay 31 43 5s 0s to 10s step 0.1s
Sets the circuitry fail alarm time delay

Restricted Earth Fault (REF) Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
32 00    
This column contains GROUP1 REF PROTECTION parameters.
REF HV status 32 01 LowZ REF Disabled, LowZ REF or HighZ REF
Select to be HighZ REF or LowZ REF or disable for the HV winding
Neutral CT Input 32 02 TN1 TN1
HV IS1 Set 32 03 0.09 0.02In to 1In step 0.01In
Minimum differential threshold of the HV restricted earth fault characteristic
HV IS2 Set 32 04 0.9 0.1In to 10In step 0.1In
Bias current threshold for the second slope of the HV restricted earth fault characteristic
HV IREF K1 32 05 0 0% to 150% step 1%
First slope setting of the HV REF characteristic.  Normally set to 0% to give optimum sensitivity for internal faults
HV IREF K2 32 06 1.5 15% to 150% step 1%
Second slope setting of the HV REF characteristic.  Normally set to 150% to ensure adequate restraint for external faults.
HV tREF 32 07 0s 0.01s
Operating time delay for the HV  REF element
HV IREF>Is 32 08 0.09 0.02In to 1In step 0.01In
Threshold of the HV HighZ restricted earth fault.
HV Trans.Bias 32 09 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Default setting ‘Enabled’ means REF protection is same as version B2A, ‘Disabled ‘ means the transient bias is removed from bias current for all cases.
REF LV status 32 20 Disabled Disabled, LowZ REF or HighZ REF
Select to be HighZ REF or LowZ REF or disable for the LV winding
Neutral CT Input 32 21 TN2 TN2
LV IS1 Set 32 22 0.09 0.02In to 1In step 0.01In
Minimum differential threshold of the LV  REF characteristic
LV IS2 Set 32 23 0.9 0.1In to 10In step 0.1In
Bias current threshold for the second slope of the LV REF characteristic
LV IREF K1 32 24 0 0% to 150% step 1%
First slope setting of the LV REF characteristic.  Normally set to 0% to give optimum sensitivity for internal faults
LV IREF K2 32 25 1.5 15% to 150% step 1%
Second slope setting of the LV REF characteristic.  Normally set to 150% to ensure adequate restraint for external faults.
LV tREF 32 26 0s 0s to 10s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the LV restricted earth fault element
LV IREF>Is 32 27 0.09 0.02In to 1In step 0.01In
Threshold of the LV HighZ restricted earth fault.
LV Trans.Bias 32 28 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Default setting ‘Enabled’ means REF protection is same as version B2A, ‘Disabled ‘ means the transient bias is removed from bias current for all cases.
REF TV status 32 30 Disabled Disabled, LowZ REF or HighZ REF
P643 and P645 only.
Select to be HighZ REF or LowZ REF or disable for the LV winding
Neutral CT Input 32 31 TN3 TN3
P643 and P645 only.
TV IS1 Set 32 32 0.09 0.02In to 1In step 0.01In
P643 and P645 only.
Minimum differential threshold of the TV  REF characteristic
TV IS2 Set 32 33 0.9 0.1In to 10In step 0.1In
P643 and P645 only.
Bias current threshold for the second slope of the TV REF characteristic
TV IREF K1 32 34 0 0% to 150% step 1%
P643 and P645 only.
First slope setting of the TV REF characteristic.  Normally set to 0% to give optimum sensitivity for internal faults
TV IREF K2 32 35 1.5 15% to 150% step 1%
P643 and P645 only.
Second slope setting of the TV REF characteristic.  Normally set to 150% to ensure adequate restraint for external faults
TV tREF 32 36 0s 0s to 10s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay for the TV restricted earth fault element
TV IREF>Is 32 37 0.09 0.02In to 1In step 0.01In
P643 and P645 only.
Threshold of the TV HighZ restricted earth fault.
TV Trans.Bias 32 38 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Default setting ‘Enabled’ means REF protection is same as version B2A, ‘Disabled ‘ means the transient bias is removed from bias current for all cases.
REF Auto status 32 40 LowZ REF Disabled, LowZ REF or HighZ REF
Enables or disables restricted earth fault protection for the Auto
Neutral CT Input 32 41 TN1 TN1
Indicates which single phase CT is used for Auto REF calculation.
Auto IS1 Set 32 42 0.09 0.02In to 1In step 0.01In
Minimum differential threshold of the Auto REF characteristic
Auto IS2 Set 32 43 0.9 0.1In to 10In step 0.1In
Bias current threshold for the second slope of the Auto REF characteristic
Auto IREF K1 32 44 0 0% to 150% step 1%
First slope setting of the Auto REF characteristic.  Normally set to 0% to give optimum sensitivity for internal faults
Auto IREF K2 32 45 1.5 15% to 150% step 1%
Second slope setting of the Auto REF characteristic.  Normally set to 150% to ensure adequate restraint for external faults
Auto tREF 32 46 0s 0s to 10s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the Auto restricted earth fault element
Auto IS1 Set 32 47 0.09 0.02In to 1In step 0.01In
Threshold of the Auto HighZ restricted earth fault.
Auto Trans.Bias 32 48 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Default setting ‘Enabled’ means REF protection is same as version B2A,
‘Disabled ‘ means the transient bias is removed from bias current for all cases.

NPS Overcurrent Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
NPS OVER          ENT
34 00    
This column contains GROUP 1: NPS OVERCURRENT parameters
NPS O/C 1 34 01 T1 Disabled, HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
Negative Sequence Overcurrent 1
I2>1 Status 34 02 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables stage 1 of NPS OC 1
I2>1 Char 34 03 DT (DT) DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Slelect the stage 1 of NPSOC element 1 time characteristic
I2>1 Direction 34 04 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>1 Current Set 34 05 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
Current pick-up setting for the stage 1 NPS element 1
I2>1 Time Delay 34 06 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the stage 1 NPS overcurrent element 1
I2>1 TMS 34 07 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of IEC IDMT characteristic
I2>1 Time Dial 34 08 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time dial setting to adjust the operating time of IEEE/US IDMT characteristic
I2>1 K(RI) 34 09 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the oprating time for the RI IDMT characteristic
I2>1 Reset Char 34 0A DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I2>1 tReset 34 0B 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determine the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I2>2 Status 34 12 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables stage 2 of NPS OC 1
I2>2 Char 34 13 DT (DT) DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Slelect stage 2 of NPSOC element 1 time characteristic
I2>2 Direction 34 14 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>2 Current Set 34 15 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
Current pick-up setting for the stage 2 NPS element 1
I2>2 Time Delay 34 16 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the stage 2 NPS overcurrent element 1
I2>2 TMS 34 17 1s 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of IEC IDMT characteristic
I2>2 Time Dial 34 18 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time dial setting to adjust the operating time of IEEE/US IDMT characteristic
I2>2 K(RI) 34 19 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the oprating time for the RI IDMT characteristic
I2>2 Reset Char 34 1A DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I2>2 tReset 34 1B 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determine the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I2>3 Status 34 21 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables stage 3 NPS definite time element 1
I2>3 Direction 34 22 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>3 Current Set 34 23 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
Current pick-up setting for the stage 3 NPS element 1
I2>3 Time Delay 34 24 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the stage 3 NPS overcurrent element 1
I2>4 Status 34 27 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables stage 4 NPS definite time element 1
I2>4 Direction 34 28 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>4 Current Set 34 29 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
Current pick-up setting for the stage 4 NPS element 1
I2>4 Time Delay 34 2A 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the stage 4 NPS overcurrent element 1
I2> VTS Block 34 2D 15 4-bit binary setting
Logic settings that determine whether VT supervision will block selected negative sequence overcurrent stages. VTS Block only affects directional overcurrent protection. Setting 0 allows continued non-directional operation
I2> V2pol Set 34 2E 5*V1 0.5*V1 to 25*V1 step 0.5*V1
The minimum threshold above which the relay must detect a polarizing voltage for the negative phase sequence directional elements to operate
I2> Char Angle 34 2F -60° -95° to 95° step 1°’
Characteristic angle for directionalized NPS fault protection
NPS O/C 2 34 31 P642: T2 P643: T3 P645: T5 Disabled, HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
Negative Sequence Overcurrent 2
I2>1 Status 34 32 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables stage 1 of NPS OC 2
I2>1 Char 34 33 DT (DT) DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Slelect stage 1 of NPSOC element 2 time characteristic
I2>1 Direction 34 34 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>1 Current Set 34 35 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
Current pick-up setting for the stage 1 NPS element 2
I2>1 Time Delay 34 36 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the stage 1 NPS overcurrent element 2
I2>1 TMS 34 37 1s 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of IEC IDMT characteristic
I2>1 Time Dial 34 38 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time dial setting to adjust the operating time of IEEE/US IDMT characteristic
I2>1 K(RI) 34 39 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the oprating time for the RI IDMT characteristic
I2>1 Reset Char 34 3A DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I2>1 tReset 34 3B 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determine the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I2>2 Status 34 42 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables stage 2 NPS OC 2
I2>2 Char 34 43 DT (DT) DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Slelect stage 2 of NPSOC element 2 time characteristic
I2>2 Direction 34 44 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>2 Current Set 34 45 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
Current pick-up setting for the stage 2 NPS element 2
I2>2 Time Delay 34 46 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the stage 2 NPS overcurrent element 2
I2>2 TMS 34 47 1s 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of IEC IDMT characteristic
I2>2 Time Dial 34 48 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time dial setting to adjust the operating time of IEEE/US IDMT characteristic
I2>2 K(RI) 34 49 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the oprating time for the RI IDMT characteristic
I2>2 Reset Char 34 4A DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I2>2 tReset 34 4B 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determine the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I2>3 Status 34 51 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables stage 3 NPS OC 2
I2>3 Direction 34 52 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>3 Current Set 34 53 0.2 24A to 1200A step 3A
Current pick-up setting for the stage 3 NPS OC 2
I2>3 Time Delay 34 54 10 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the stage 3 NPS OC 2
I2>4 Status 34 57 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables stage 4 NPS OC 2
I2>4 Direction 34 58 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>4 Current Set 34 59 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
Current pick-up setting for the stage 4 OC 2
I2>4 Time Delay 34 5A 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Operating time delay for the stage 4 NPS OC2
I2> VTS Block 34 5D 15 4-bit binary setting
Logic settings that determine whether VT supervision will block selected negative sequence overcurrent stages. VTS Block only affects directional overcurrent protection. Setting 0 allows continued non-directional operation
I2> V2pol Set 34 5E 5*V1 0.5*V1 to 25*V1 step 0.5*V1
The minimum threshold above which the relay must detect a polarizing voltage for the negative phase sequence directional elements to operate
I2> Char Angle 34 5F -60° -95° to 95° step 1°
Characteristic angle for directionalized NPS fault protection
NPS O/C 3 34 61 P643: T2 P645: T3 Disabled, HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
P643 and P645 only.
Negetive Sequence Overcurrent 3
I2>1 Status 34 62 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables stage 1 of NPS OC 3
I2>1 Char 34 63 DT (DT) DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
P643 and P645 only.
Slelect stage 1 of NPSOC element 3 time characteristic
I2>1 Direction 34 64 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>1 Current Set 34 65 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
P643 and P645 only.
Current pick-up setting for the stage 1 NPS element 3
I2>1 Time Delay 34 66 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay for the stage 1 NPS overcurrent element 3
I2>1 TMS 34 67 1s 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of IEC IDMT characteristic
I2>1 Time Dial 34 68 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time dial setting to adjust the operating time of IEEE/US IDMT characteristic
I2>1 K(RI) 34 69 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the oprating time for the RI IDMT characteristic
I2>1 Reset Char 34 6A DT DT or Inverse
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I2>1 tReset 34 6B 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Setting that determine the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I2>2 Status 34 72 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables stage 2 of NPS OC 3
I2>2 Char 34 73 DT (DT) DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
P643 and P645 only.
Slelect stage 2 of NPSOC element 3 time characteristic
I2>2 Direction 34 74 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>2 Current Set 34 75 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
P643 and P645 only.
Current pick-up setting for the stage 2 NPS element 3
I2>2 Time Delay 34 76 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay for the stage 2 NPS overcurrent element 3
I2>2 TMS 34 77 1s 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of IEC IDMT characteristic
I2>2 Time Dial 34 78 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time dial setting to adjust the operating time of IEEE/US IDMT characteristic
I2>2 K(RI) 34 79 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the oprating time for the RI IDMT characteristic
I2>2 Reset Char 34 7A DT DT or Inverse
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I2>2 tReset 34 7B 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Setting that determine the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I2>3 Status 34 81 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables stage 3 NPS OC 3
I2>3 Direction 34 82 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>3 Current Set 34 83 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
P643 and P645 only.
Current pick-up setting for the stage 3 NPS OC 3
I2>3 Time Delay 34 84 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay for the stage 3 NPS OC 3
I2>4 Status 34 87 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables stage 4 NPS OC 3
I2>4 Direction 34 88 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
Determines the direction of measurement for this element
I2>4 Current Set 34 89 0.2*I1 0.08*I1 to 4*I1 step 0.01*I1
P643 and P645 only.
Current pick-up setting for the stage 4 NPS OC 3
I2>4 Time Delay 34 8A 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay for the stage 4 NPS OC 3
I2> VTS Block 34 8D 15 4-bit binary setting
P643 and P645 only.
Logic settings that determine whether VT supervision will block selected negative sequence overcurrent stages. VTS Block only affects directional overcurrent protection. Setting 0 allows continued non-directional operation
I2> V2pol Set 34 8E 5*V1 0.5*V1 to 25*V1 step 0.5*V1
P643 and P645 only.
The minimum threshold above which the relay must detect a polarizing voltage for the negative phase sequence directional elements to operate
I2> Char Angle 34 8F -60° -95° to 95° step 1°
P643 and P645 only.
Characteristic angle for directionalized NPS fault protection

Overcurrent Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
OVERCUR            1
35 00    
This column contains GROUP 1: OVERCURRENT 1 parameters
Overcurrent 1 35 01 T1 Disabled, HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
Overcurrent 1
I>1 Status 35 02 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the first stage overcurrent element
I>1 Char 35 03 IEC S Inverse DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Setting for the tripping characteristic for the first stage overcurrent element
I>1 Direction 35 04 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the first stage element
I>1 Current Set 35 05 1 24A to 1200A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the first stage overcurrent element
I>1 Time Delay 35 06 1s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the first stage element
I>1 TMS 35 07 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
I>1 Time Dial 35 08 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
I>1 K (RI) 35 09 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
I>1 Reset Char 35 0A DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I>1 tRESET 35 0B 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determines the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I>2 Status 35 12 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the first stage overcurrent element
I>2 Char 35 13 DT (DT) DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Setting for the tripping characteristic for the second stage overcurrent element
I>2 Direction 35 14 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the second stage element
I>2 Current Set 35 15 1 24A to 1200A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the second stage overcurrent element
I>2 Time Delay 35 16 1s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the second stage element.
I>2 TMS 35 17 1s 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
I>2 Time Dial 35 18 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
I>2 K (RI) 35 19 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
I>2 Reset Char 35 1A DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I>2 tRESET 35 1B 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determines the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I>3 Status 35 21 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the third stage overcurrent element
I>3 Direction 35 22 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the third stage element
I>3 Current Set 35 23 10A 24A to 3840A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the third stage overcurrent element
I>3 Time Delay 35 24 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the third stage element
I>4 Status 35 27 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the fourth stage overcurrent element
I>4 Direction 35 28 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the fourth stage element
I>4 Current Set 35 29 10 24A to 3840A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the fourth stage overcurrent element
I>4 Time Delay 35 2A 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the fourth stage element.
I> Char Angle 35 2D 30° -95°’ to 95° step ‘1°’
Setting for the relay characteristic angle used for the directional decision
I> Function Link 35 2E 15 4-bit binary setting
Logic Settings that determine whether blocking signals from VT supervision affect certain overcurrent stages
Overcurrent 2 35 31 P642: T2 P643: T3 P645: T5 Disabled, HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
Overcurrent 2
I>1 Status 35 32 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the first stage overcurrent element
I>1 Char 35 33 IEC S Inverse DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Setting for the tripping characteristic for the first stage overcurrent element
I>1 Direction 35 34 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the first stage element
I>1 Current Set 35 35 1 24A to 1200A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the first stage overcurrent element
I>1 Time Delay 35 36 1s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the first stage element
I>1 TMS 35 37 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
I>1 Time Dial 35 38 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
I>1 K (RI) 35 39 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
I>1 Reset Char 35 3A DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I>1 tRESET 35 3B 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determines the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I>2 Status 35 42 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the second stage overcurrent element
I>2 Char 35 43 IEC S Inverse DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Setting for the tripping characteristic for the first stage overcurrent element
I>2 Direction 35 44 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the second stage element
I>2 Current Set 35 45 1 24A to 1200A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the second stage overcurrent element
I>2 Time Delay 35 46 1 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the second stage element.
I>2 TMS 35 47 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
I>2 Time Dial 35 48 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
I>2 K (RI) 35 49 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
I>2 Reset Char 35 4A DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I>2 tRESET 35 4B 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determines the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I>3 Status 35 51 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the third stage overcurrent element
I>3 Direction 35 52 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the third stage element
I>3 Current Set 35 53 10 24A to 3840A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the third stage overcurrent element
I>3 Time Delay 35 54 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the third stage element
I>4 Status 35 57 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the fourth stage overcurrent element
I>4 Direction 35 58 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the fourth stage element
I>4 Current Set 35 59 10 24A to 3840A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the fourth stage overcurrent element
I>4 Time Delay 35 5A 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the fourth stage element.
I> Char Angle 35 5D 30° -95° to 95° step 1°
Setting for the relay characteristic angle used for the directional decision
I> Function Link 35 5E 15 4-bit binary setting
Logic Settings that determine whether blocking signals from VT supervision affect certain overcurrent stages
Overcurrent 3 35 61 P643: T2 P645: T3 P643 and P645 only.
Disabled, HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
P643 and P645 only. Overcurrent 3
I>1 Status 35 62 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to enable or disable the first stage overcurrent element
I>1 Char 35 63 IEC S Inverse DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the tripping characteristic for the first stage overcurrent element
I>1 Direction 35 64 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the first stage element
I>1 Current Set 35 65 1 24A to 1200A step 3A
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the first stage overcurrent element
I>1 Time Delay 35 66 1 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the first stage element
I>1 TMS 35 67 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
I>1 Time Dial 35 68 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
I>1 K (RI) 35 69 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
I>1 Reset Char 35 6A DT DT or Inverse
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I>1 tRESET 35 6B 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Setting that determines the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I>2 Status 35 72 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to enable or disable the second stage overcurrent element
I>2 Char 35 73 DT (DT) DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the tripping characteristic for the second stage overcurrent element
I>2 Direction 35 74 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the second stage element
I>2 Current Set 35 75 1 24A to 1200A step 3A
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the second stage overcurrent element
I>2 Time Delay 35 76 1 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the second stage element.
I>2 TMS 35 77 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
I>2 Time Dial 35 78 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
I>2 K (RI) 35 79 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
I>2 Reset Char 35 7A DT DT or Inverse
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
I>2 tRESET 35 7B 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Setting that determines the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
I>3 Status 35 81 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to enable or disable the third stage overcurrent element
I>3 Direction 35 82 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the third stage element
I>3 Current Set 35 83 10 24A to 3840A step 3A
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the third stage overcurrent element
I>3 Time Delay 35 84 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the third stage element
I>4 Status 35 87 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to enable or disable the fourth stage overcurrent element
I>4 Direction 35 88 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the fourth stage element
I>4 Current Set 35 89 10 24A to 3840A step 3A
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the fourth stage overcurrent element
I>4 Time Delay 35 8A 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the fourth stage element.
I> Char Angle 35 8D 30° -95° to 95° step 1°
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the relay characteristic angle used for the directional decision
I> Function Link 35 8E 15 4-bit binary setting
P643 and P645 only.
Logic Settings that determine whether blocking signals from VT supervision affect certain overcurrent stages
V DEPENDANT O/C 35 90 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
Sub-Heading for voltage dependant over current
V Dep OC>1 Mode 35 91 VCO 0 = VCO, 1 = VRO
Voltage dependant overcurrent stage 1 mode
V OC>1 35 92 Disabled Disabled, HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
Enable or disable Voltage dependant overcurrent stage 1
V OC>1 Char 35 93 IEC S Inverse DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Setting for the tripping characteristic for the first stage voltage dependant overcurrent element
V OC>1 Direction 35 94 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the first stage element
V OC>1 Curr’ Set 35 95 1 24A to 1200A step 3A
Current pick-up setting for first stage the voltage dependant over current
V OC>1 T Delay 35 96 1 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the first stage element
V OC>1 TMS 35 97 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.025
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
V OC>1 Time Dial 35 98 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
V OC>1 k (RI) 35 99 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
V OC>1 Rst Char 35 9A DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
V OC>1 tRESET 35 9B 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determines the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
V OC>1 Angle 35 9C 30° -95° to 95° step 1°
Setting for the relay characteristic angle used for the directional decision
V OC>1 V<1 Set 35 9D 80 5V to 120V step 1V
Sets the voltage V1 threshold at which the current setting of the overcurrent stage/stages becomes reduced, noting that this occurs on a per phase basis.
V OC>1 K Set 35 9E 0.25 0.1 to 1 step 0.25
Sets to determine the overcurrent multiplier factor used to reduce the pick-up overcurrent setting.
V OC>1 V<2 Set 35 9F 60 5V to 120V step 1V
Sets the voltage V2 threshold at which the current setting of the overcurrent stage/stages becomes reduced, noting that this occurs on a per phase basis.
V Dep OC>2 Mode 35 A1 VCO 0 = VCO, 1 = VRO
Allows selection of whether voltage control or voltage restrained should be applied.
V OC>2 35 A2 Disabled Disabled, HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
Enable or disable Voltage dependant overcurrent stage 2
V OC>2 Char 35 A3 IEC S Inverse DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Setting for the tripping characteristic for the second stage voltage dependant overcurrent element
V OC>2 Direction 35 A4 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
This setting determines the direction of measurement for the second stage element
V OC>2 Curr’ Set 35 A5 1 24A to 1200A step 3A
Current pick-up setting for second stage the voltage dependant over current
V OC>2 T Delay 35 A6 1 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting for the time delay for the definite time setting if selected for the second stage element
V OC>2 TMS 35 A7 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.025
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
V OC>2 Time Dial 35 A8 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
V OC>2 k (RI) 35 A9 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Setting for the time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
V OC>2 Rst Char 35 AA DT DT or Inverse
Setting to determine the type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
V OC>2 tRESET 35 AB 0s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Setting that determines the reset/release time for definite time reset characteristic
V OC>2 Angle 35 AC 30° -95° to 95° step 1°
Setting for the relay characteristic angle used for the directional decision
V OC>2 V<1 Set 35 AD 80 5V to 120V step 1V
Sets the voltage V1 threshold at which the current setting of the overcurrent stage/stages becomes reduced, noting that this occurs on a per phase basis.
V OC>2 K Set 35 AE 0.25 0.1 to 1 step 0.25
Sets to determine the overcurrent multiplier factor used to reduce the pick-up overcurrent setting.
V OC>2 V<2 Set 35 AF 60 5V to 120V step 1V
Sets the voltage V2 threshold at which the current setting of the overcurrent stage/stages becomes reduced, noting that this
occurs on a per phase basis.

Thermal Overload Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
This column contains GROUP1: THERMAL OVERLOAD parameters
Monit’d winding 37 11 HV HV, LV, TV or Biased Current
An overall through loading picture of the transformer is provided when the monitor winding is set to Biased Current
Ambient T 37 12 AVERAGE RTD 1 to 10, CLIO 1 to 4 or Average
Ambient temperature
CLI Input Type 37 15 4-20mA 0-1 mA, 0-10m/a, 0-20mA or 4-20mA
This setting is available when Ambient T is set to CLIOx
CLI Minimum 37 16 0 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
This setting is available when Ambient T is set to CLIOx
CLI Maximum 37 17 100 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
This setting is available when Ambient T is set to CLIOx
Average Amb T 37 18 25 -25°C to 75°C step 0.1°C
This setting is available when Ambient T is set to Average
Top Oil Temp 37 21 CALCULATED RTD 1 to 10, CLIO 1 to 4 or Calculated
The top oil temperature may be calculated by the relay, or it may be measured using RTD or CLIO inputs
CLI Input Type 37 24 4-20mA 0 to 3 step 1
This setting is available when Top Oil T is set to CLIOx
CLI Minimum 37 25 0 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
This setting is available when Top Oil T is set to CLIOx
CLI Maximum 37 26 100 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
This setting is available when Top Oil T is set to CLIOx
IB 37 29 1 0.1pu to 4pu step 0.01pu
The relay uses this setting to calculate the ratio of ultimate load to rated load
Rated NoLoadLoss 37 2A 3 0.1 to 100 step 0.1
Ratio of load loss at rated load to no-load loss (iron loss).  The transformer manufacturer should provide this parameter
Hot Spot Overtop 37 2B 25 0.1°C to 200°C step 0.1°C
Hottest spot temperature over top oil temperature setting.  The transformer manufacturer should provide this parameter
Top Oil Overamb 37 2C 55 0.1°C to 200°C step 0.1°C
Top oil temperature over ambient temperature setting.  The transformer manufacturer should provide this parameter
Cooling Mode 37 2D Cooling Mode 1 Cooling Mode 1, Cooling Mode 2, Cooling Mode 3, Cooling Mode 4 or Select via PSL
This setting is uesed to select the cooling Mode
Cooling Mode 1 37 2F Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
This is the Sub-Heading for cooling mode 1. It is visible when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 1 or to be select from PSL
Winding exp m 37 30 0.8 0.01 to 2 step 0.01
Winding exponient m for cooling mode 1, available when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 1 or select from PSL
Oil exp n 37 31 0.8 0.01 to 2 step 0.01
oil exponient n for cooling mode 1, available when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 1 or select from PSL
Cooling Mode 2 37 32 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
This is the Sub-Heading for cooling mode 2. It is visible when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 2 or to be select from PSL
Winding exp m 37 33 0.8 0.01 to 2 step 0.01
Winding exponient m for cooling mode 2, available when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 2 or select from PSL
Oil exp n 37 34 0.8 0.01 to 2 step 0.01
oil exponient n for cooling mode 2, available when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 2 or select from PSL
Cooling Mode 3 37 35 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
This is the Sub-Heading for cooling mode 3. It is visible when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 3 or to be select from PSL
Winding exp m 37 36 0.8 0.01 to 2 step 0.01
Winding exponient m for cooling mode 3, available when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 3 or select from PSL
Oil exp n 37 37 0.8 0.01 to 2 step 0.01
oil exponient n for cooling mode 3, available when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 3 or select from PSL
Cooling Mode 4 37 38 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
This is the Sub-Heading for cooling mode 4. It is visible when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 4 or to be select from PSL
Winding exp m 37 39 0.8 0.01 to 2 step 0.01
Winding exponient m for cooling mode 4, available when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 4 or select from PSL
Oil exp n 37 3A 0.8 0.01 to 2 step 0.01
oil exponient n for cooling mode 4, available when cooling mode is selected to be cooling mode 4 or select from PSL
Hot spot rise co 37 3B 1 0.01 min to 20 min step 0.01 min
Hot spot rise co parameters used to calculate the hot spot temperature
Top oil rise co 37 3C 120 1 min to 1000 min step 1 min
Top oil reis co parameters used to calculate the top oil temperature
Tol Status 37 40 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
This setting enables or disables the three hot spot and the three top oil thermal stages
Hot Spot>1 Set 37 5E 110 deg C 1°C to 300°C step 0.1°C
Hot spot first stage setting.  The suggested temperature limits given by IEEE Std. C57.91-1995 may be used to set it.  See the application chapter for suggested values
tHot Spot>1 Set 37 5F 10 mins 0 min to 60000 min step 1 min
Hot spot first stage time delay setting
Hot Spot>2 Set 37 60 130 deg C 1°C to 300°C step 0.1°C
Hot spot second stage setting.  The suggested temperature limits given by IEEE Std. C57.91-1995 may be used to set it.  See the application chapter for suggested values
tHot Spot>2 Set 37 61 10 mins 0 min to 60000 min step 0.1 min
Hot spot second stage time delay setting
Hot Spot>3 Set 37 62 150 deg C 1°C to 300°C step 0.1°C
Hot spot third stage setting.  The suggested temperature limits given by IEEE Std. C57.91-1995 may be used to set it.  See the application chapter for suggested values
tHot Spot>3 Set 37 63 10 mins 0 min to 60000 min step 1 min
Hot spot third stage time delay setting
Top Oil>1 Set 37 64 70 deg C 1°C to 300°C step 0.1°C
Top oil first stage setting.  The suggested temperature limits given by IEEE Std. C57.91-1995 may be used to set it.  See the application chapter for suggested values.
tTop Oil>1 Set 37 65 10 mins 0 min to 60000 min step 1 min
Top oil second stage setting.  The suggested temperature limits given by IEEE Std. C57.91-1995 (may be used to set it.  See the application chapter for suggested values
Top Oil>2 Set 37 66 80 deg C 1°C to 300°C step 0.1°C
Top oil second stage setting.  The suggested temperature limits given by IEEE Std. C57.91-1995 (may be used to set it.  See the application chapter for suggested values
tTop Oil>2 Set 37 67 10 mins 0 min to 60000 min step 1 min
Top oil second stage time delay setting
Top Oil>3 Set 37 68 90 deg C 1°C to 300°C step 0.1°C
Top oil third stage setting.  The suggested temperature limits given by IEEE Std. C57.91-1995 may be used to set it.  See the application chapter for suggested values
tTop Oil>3 Set 37 69 10 mins 0 min to 60000 min step 1 min
Top oil third stage time delay setting
tPre-trip Set 37 6A 5 mins 0 min to 60000 min step 1 min
After the tpre-trip timer has expired, a pre-trip alarm is given.  This alarm indicates that if the load remains unchanged a thermal trip will be asserted after the stage timer has expired
LOL Status 37 80 Enable Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the loss of life function
Life Hours at HS 37 81 180000 hrs 1 hr to 300000 hrs step 1hr
Life hours at the reference hottest spot temperature.  Advice from the transformer manufacturer may be required
Designed HS temp 37 82 110 deg C 1°C to 200°C step 0.1°C
The designed hottest spot temperature is 110°C for a transformer rated 65°C average winding rise, and 95°C for a transformer rated 55°C average winding rise
Constant B Set 37 83 15000 1 to 100000 step 1
Constant B is associated to the life expectancy curve.  It is based on modern experimental data, and it may be set to 15000 as suggested by IEEE Std. C57.91-1995
FAA> Set 37 84 2 0.1 to 30 step 0.01
Aging acceleration factor setting.  If the aging acceleration factor calculated by the relay is above this setting and tFAA has expired, an FAA alarm would be asserted.  FAA calculation depends on constant B and the hottest temperature calculated by the thermal element
tFAA> Set 37 85 10 mins 0 min to 60000 min step 1 min
Aging acceleration factor timer
LOL>1 Set 37 86 135000 hrs 1 hr to 300000 hrs step 1hr
Transformer loss of life setting.  If the life already lost by the transformer is above this threshold, an LOL alarm would be asserted after tLOL has expired.  LOL calculation depends on the life hours at design hot spot temperature and the calculated residual life
tLOL> Set 37 87 10 mins 0 min to 60000 min step 1 min
Loss of life timer
Reset Life Hours 37 88 0 hr 1 hr to 300000 hrs step 1hr
Resets the LOL status parameter to the set value when the loss of life reset command is executed. For new transformers
Reset Life Hours is zero, so that when the commissioning of the thermal element is over, the loss of life statistics calculations
are reset to zero. For old transformers this setting should indicate how much life the transformer has already lost; therefore, it
should be set to the transformer loss of life

Earth Fault Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
GROUP 1: EARTH FAULT 38 00    
This colunm contains GROUP1 : EARTH FAULT parameters
Earth Fault 1 38 01 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enable or Disable Earth Fault 1
EF 1 Input 38 02 Measured Measured or Derived
Selects measured neutral current or derived neutral current
EF 1 Derived 38 03 T1 HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
This is available when earth fault is selected to be derived for stage 1  to detemine the derived current source
EF 1 Measured 38 04 TN1 TN1, TN2 or TN3
This is available when earth fault is selected to be measured for stage 1 to determine the measured current source
IN>1 Status 38 05 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the first stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>1 Char 38 06 IEC S Inverse DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Tripping characteristic for the first stage earth fault element 1
IN>1 Direction 38 07 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Direction setting for the first stage  earth fault protection 1
IN>1 Current 38 08 0.2*In 24A to 1200A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the first stage earth fault element 1
IN>1 IDG Is 38 09 1.5 1 to 4 step 0.1
Multiple of IN>1 setting for the IDG curve (Scandinavia), determines the actual relay current threshold at which the element starts
IN>1 Time Delay 38 0A 1 0s to 200s step 0.01s
Operating time delay setting for the first stage definite time element
IN>1 TMS 38 0B 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
IN>1 Time Dial 38 0C 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
IN>1 K (RI) 38 0D 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
IN>1 IDG Time 38 0E 1.2 1 to 2 step 0.01
Minimum operating time at high levels of fault current for the IDG curve
IN>1 Reset Char 38 0F DT DT or Inverse
Type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
IN>1 tRESET 38 10 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Reset/release time setting for definite time reset characteristic
IN>2 Status 38 15 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the second stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>2 Char 38 16 DT Disabled, DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST  Inverse (TD)
Tripping characteristic for the second stage earth fault protection 1
IN>2 Direction 38 17 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Direction setting for the second stage earth fault protection 1
IN>2 Current 38 18 0.2 24A to 1200A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the second stage earth fault element 1
IN>2 IDG Is 38 19 1.5 1 to 4 step 0.1
Multiple of IN>2 setting for the IDG curve (Scandinavia), determines the actual relay current threshold at which the element starts
IN>2 Time Delay 38 1A 1 0s to 200s step 0.01s
Operating time delay setting for the second stage definite time element
IN>2 TMS 38 1B 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
IN>2 Time Dial 38 1C 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
IN>2 K (RI) 38 1D 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
IN>2 IDG Time 38 1E 1.2 1s to 2s step 0.01s
Minimum operating time at high levels of fault current for the IDG curve
IN>2 Reset Char 38 1F DT DT or Inverse
Type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
IN>2 tRESET 38 20 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Reset/release time setting for definite time reset characteristic
IN>3 Status 38 25 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the third stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>3 Direction 38 26 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Direction setting for the third stage earth fault protection 1
IN>3 Current 38 27 0.5 24A to 9600A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the third stage earth fault element 1
IN>3 Time Delay 38 28 0 0s to 200s step 0.01s
Operating time delay setting for the third stage definite time element
IN>4 Status 38 2C Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the fourth stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>4 Direction 38 2D Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Direction setting for the fourth stage earth fault protection 1
IN>4 Current 38 2E 0.5 24A to 9600A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the fourth stage earth fault element 1
IN>4 Time Delay 38 2F 0 0s to 200s step 0.01s
Operating time delay setting for the fourth stage definite time element
IN> Func Link 38 33 15 4-bit binary setting
Settings that determine whether VT supervision logic signals block selected earth fault stages.  When set to 1, the VTS operation will block the stage if directionalized. When set to 0, the stage will revert to non-directional on the operation of the VTS
IN> DIRECTIONAL 38 34 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
Sub-Heading for IN directional
IN> Char Angle 38 35 -60 -95° to 95° step 1°
Setting for the relay characteristic angle used for the directional decision
IN> Pol 38 36 Zero Sequence Zero sequence or Neg sequence
Setting that determines whether the directional function uses zero sequence or negative sequence voltage polarizing
IN> VNpol Set 38 37 5 0.5V to 80V step 0.5V
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the minimum zero sequence voltage polarizing quantity for directional decision
IN> V2pol Set 38 38 5 0.5V to 80V step 0.5V
Setting for the minimum negative sequence voltage polarizing quantity for directional decision
IN> I2pol Set 38 39 0.08 24A to 300A step 3A
Setting for the minimum negative sequence current polarizing quantity for directional decision
Earth Fault 2 38 41 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enable or Disable Earth Fault 2
EF 2 Input 38 42 Measured Measured or Derived
Selects measured neutral current or derived neutral current
EF 2 Derived 38 43 P642: T2 P643: T3 P645: T5 HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
The setting is avaliable when earth fault input is derived to select the derived neural current source
EF 2 Measured 38 44 TN2 TN1, TN2 or TN3
The setting is avaliable when earth fault input is measured to select the measured neural curernt source
IN>1 Status 38 45 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the first stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>1 Char 38 46 IEC S Inverse DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Tripping characteristic for the first stage earth fault protection 2
IN>1 Direction 38 47 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Direction setting for the first stage earth fault protection 2
IN>1 Current 38 48 0.2*In 24A to 1200A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the first stage earth fault element 2
IN>1 IDG Is 38 49 1.5 1 to 4 step 0.1
Multiple of IN>1 setting for the IDG curve (Scandinavia), determines the actual relay current threshold at which the element starts
IN>1 Time Delay 38 4A 1 0s to 200s step 0.01s
Operating time delay setting for the first stage definite time element
IN>1 TMS 38 4B 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
IN>1 Time Dial 38 4C 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
IN>1 K (RI) 38 4D 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
IN>1 IDG Time 38 4E 1.2 1s to 2s step 0.01s
Minimum operating time at high levels of fault current for the IDG curve
IN>1 Reset Char 38 4F DT DT or Inverse
Type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
IN>1 tRESET 38 50 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Reset/release time setting for definite time reset characteristic
IN>2 Status 38 55 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the second stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>2 Char 38 56 DT DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
Tripping characteristic for the second stage earth fault protection 2
IN>2 Direction 38 57 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Direction setting for the second stage  earth fault protection 2
IN>2 Current 38 58 0.2 24A to 1200A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the second stage earth fault element 2
IN>2 IDG Is 38 59 1.5 1 to 4 step 0.1
Multiple of IN>2 setting for the IDG curve (Scandinavia), determines the actual relay current threshold at which the element starts
IN>2 Time Delay 38 5A 1 0s to 200s step 0.01s
Operating time delay setting for the second stage definite time element
IN>2 TMS 38 5B 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
IN>2 Time Dial 38 5C 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
IN>2 K (RI) 38 5D 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
Time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
IN>2 IDG Time 38 5E 1.2 1s to 2s step 0.01s
Minimum operating time at high levels of fault current for the IDG curve
IN>2 Reset Char 38 5F DT DT or Inverse
Type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
IN>2 tRESET 38 60 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Reset/release time setting for definite time reset characteristic
IN>3 Status 38 65 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the third stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>3 Direction 38 66 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Direction setting for the third stage earth fault protection 2
IN>3 Current 38 67 0.5 24A to 9600A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the third stage earth fault element 2
IN>3 Time Delay 38 68 0 0s to 200s step 0.01s
Operating time delay setting for the third stage definite time element
IN>4 Status 38 6C Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Setting to enable or disable the fourth stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>4 Direction 38 6D Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
Direction setting for the fourth stage earth fault protection 2
IN>4 Current 38 6E 0.5 24A to 9600A step 3A
Pick-up setting for the fourth stage earth fault element 2
IN>4 Time Delay 38 6F 0 0s to 200s step 0.01s
Operating time delay setting for the fourth stage definite time element
IN> Func Link 38 73 15 4-bit binary setting
Settings that determine whether VT supervision logic signals block selected earth fault stages.  When set to 1, the VTS operation will block the stage if directionalized. When set to 0, the stage will revert to non-directional on the operation of the VTS
IN> DIRECTIONAL 38 74 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
Sub-Heading for IN directional
IN> Char Angle 38 75 -60 -95° to 95° step 1°
Setting for the relay characteristic angle used for the directional decision
IN> Pol 38 76 Zero Sequence Zero sequence or Neg sequence
Setting that determines whether the directional function uses zero sequence or negative sequence voltage polarizing
IN> VNpol Set 38 77 5 0.5V to 80V step 0.5V
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the minimum zero sequence voltage polarizing quantity for directional decision
IN> V2pol Set 38 78 5 0.5V to 25V step 0.5V
Setting for the minimum negative sequence voltage polarizing quantity for directional decision
IN> I2pol Set 38 79 0.08 24A to 300A step 3A
Setting for the minimum negative sequence current polarizing quantity for directional Decision
Earth Fault 3 38 81 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only. Earth Fault 3
EF 3 Input 38 82 Measured Measured or Derived
P643 and P645 only.
Selects measured neutral current or derived neutral current
EF 3 Derived 38 83 P643: T2 P645: T3 HV Winding, LV Winding, TV Winding, T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5
P643 and P645 only.
EF 3 Measured 38 84 TN3 TN1, TN2 or TN3
P643 and P645 only.
IN>1 Status 38 85 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to enable or disable the first stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>1 Char 38 86 IEC S Inverse DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
P643 and P645 only.
Tripping characteristic for the first stage earth fault protection
IN>1 Direction 38 87 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
Direction setting for the first stage earth fault protection 3
IN>1 Current 38 88 0.2*In 24A to 1200A step 3A
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the first stage earth fault element 3
IN>1 IDG Is 38 89 1.5 1 to 4 step 0.1
P643 and P645 only.
Multiple of IN>1 setting for the IDG curve (Scandinavia), determines the actual relay current threshold at which the element starts
IN>1 Time Delay 38 8A 1 0s to 200s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay setting for the first stage definite time element
IN>1 TMS 38 8B 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
P643 and P645 only.
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
IN>1 Time Dial 38 8C 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
P643 and P645 only.
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
IN>1 K (RI) 38 8D 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
P643 and P645 only.
Time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
IN>1 IDG Time 38 8E 1.2 1s to 2s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Minimum operating time at high levels of fault current for the IDG curve
IN>1 Reset Char 38 8F DT DT or Inverse
P643 and P645 only.
Type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
IN>1 tRESET 38 90 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Reset/release time setting for definite time reset characteristic
IN>2 Status 38 95 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
d P645 only.
e or disable the second stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>2 Char 38 96 DT DT (DT), IEC S Inverse (TMS), IEC V Inverse (TMS), IEC E Inverse (TMS), UK LT Inverse (TMS), Rectifier (TMS), RI (K), IEEE M Inverse (TD), IEEE V Inverse (TD), IEEE E Inverse (TD), US Inverse (TD) or US ST Inverse (TD) 
P643 and P645 only.
Tripping characteristic for the second stage earth fault protection
IN>2 Direction 38 97 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
Direction setting for the second stage  earth fault protection 2
IN>2 Current 38 98 0.2 24A to 1200A step 3A
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the second stage earth fault element 2
IN>2 IDG Is 38 99 1.5 1 to 4 step 0.1
P643 and P645 only.
Multiple of IN>2 setting for the IDG curve (Scandinavia), determines the actual relay current threshold at which the element starts
IN>2 Time Delay 38 9A 1 0s to 200s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay setting for the second stage definite time element
IN>2 TMS 38 9B 1 0.025 to 1.2 step 0.005
P643 and P645 only.
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
IN>2 Time Dial 38 9C 1 0.01 to 100 step 0.01
P643 and P645 only.
Time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEEE/US IDMT curves
IN>2 K (RI) 38 9D 1 0.1 to 10 step 0.05
P643 and P645 only.
Time multiplier to adjust the operating time for the RI curve
IN>2 IDG Time 38 9E 1.2 1s to 2s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Minimum operating time at high levels of fault current for the IDG curve
IN>2 Reset Char 38 9F DT DT or Inverse
P643 and P645 only.
Type of reset/release characteristic of the IEEE/US curves
IN>2 tRESET 38 A0 0 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Reset/release time setting for definite time reset characteristic
IN>3 Status 38 A5 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to enable or disable the third stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>3 Direction 38 A6 Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
Direction setting for the third stage  earth fault protection 3
IN>3 Current 38 A7 0.5 24A to 9600A step 3A
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the third stage earth fault element 3
IN>3 Time Delay 38 A8 0 0s to 200s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay setting for the third stage definite time element
IN>4 Status 38 AC Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to enable or disable the fourth stage definite time element. If the function is disabled, all associated settings with the exception of this setting, are hidden
IN>4 Direction 38 AD Non-Directional Non-directional, Directional Fwd or Directional Rev
P643 and P645 only.
Direction setting for the fourth stage TV winding earth fault protection
IN>4 Current 38 AE 0.5 24A to 9600A step 3A
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the fourth stage earth fault element on the TV winding
IN>4 Time Delay 38 AF 0 0s to 200s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay setting for the fourth stage definite time element
IN> Func Link 38 B3 15 4-bit binary setting
P643 and P645 only.
Settings that determine whether VT supervision logic signals block selected earth fault stages.  When set to 1, the VTS operation will block the stage if directionalized. When set to 0, the stage will revert to non-directional on the o
IN> DIRECTIONAL 38 B4 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
P643 and P645 only.
IN> Char Angle 38 B5 -60 -95° to 95° step 1°
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the relay characteristic angle used for the directional decision
IN> Pol 38 B6 Zero Sequence Zero sequence or Neg sequence
P643 and P645 only.
Setting that determines whether the directional function uses zero sequence or negative sequence voltage polarizing
IN> VNpol Set 38 B7 5 0.5V to 80V step 0.5V
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the minimum zero sequence voltage polarizing quantity for directional decision
IN> V2pol Set 38 B8 5 0.5V to 25V step 0.5V
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the minimum negative sequence voltage polarizing quantity for directional decision
IN> I2pol Set 38 B9 0.08 24A to 300A step 3A
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the minimum negative sequence current polarizing quantity for directional decision

Through Fault (TF) Monitoring Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
39 00    
This column contains GROUP1: THROUGH FAULT parameters
Through Fault 39 01 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables monitoring of through faults
Monitored Input 39 02 HV HV, LV, TV or Biased Current
Selects the input winding to be monitored
TF I> Trigger 39 03 3.85pu 0.08pu to 20pu step 0.01pu
A through fault event is recorded if any of the phase currents is larger than this setting
TF I2t> Alarm 39 04 100 pu 0 to 1600pu step 0.1pu
An alarm is asserted if the maximum cumulative I2t in the three phases exceeds this setting

Residual Overvoltage (Neutral Voltage Displacement)

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
P643 and P645 only.
This column contains GROUP 1: RESIDUAL O/V NVD parameters
VN>1 Function 3B 14 DT Disabled, DT or IDMT
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the tripping characteristic of the first stage residual overvoltage element
VN>1 Voltage Set 3B 16 5*V1 1*V1 to 80*V1 step 1*V1
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the first stage residual overvoltage characteristic
VN>1 Time Delay 3B 18 5s 0 to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay setting for the first stage definite time residual overvoltage element
VN>1 TMS 3B 1A 1 0.5 to 100 step 0.5
P643 and P645 only.
TMS to adjust the operating time of the IDMT characteristic. The characteristic is defined as follows: t = K / ( M – 1)
where: K = TMS
t = Operating time in seconds
M = Derived residual voltage/relay setting voltage (VN> Voltage Set)
VN>1 tReset 3B 1C 0s 0 to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to determine the reset or release definite time for the first stage characteristic
VN>2 Status 3B 20 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Setting to enable or disable the second stage definite time residual overvoltage element
VN>2 Voltage Set 3B 26 10*V1 1*V1 to 80*V1 step 1*V1
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the second stage residual overvoltage element
VN>2 Time Delay 3B 28 10s 0 to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay for the second stage residual overvoltage element


Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
This column contains GROUP 1: OVERFLUXING parameters
Volts/Hz W1 3D 01 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
Volts/Hz Overfluxing element W1.
P643 and P645 only if the optional three-phase VT is available.
V/HZ Alm Status 3D 02 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables the V/Hz alarm element
V/HZ Alm Set 3D 03 2.31 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz element
V/Hz Alarm Delay 3D 04 10s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay setting of the V/Hz alarm element
V/Hz>1 Status 3D 10 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables the V/Hz first stage trip element
V/Hz>1 Function 3D 13 DT DT or IDMT
P643 and P645 only.
Tripping characteristic setting of the V/Hz first stage trip element
V/Hz>1 Trip Set 3D 16 2.42 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz first stage trip element
V/Hz>1 Trip TMS 3D 19 0.1 0.01 to 12 step 0.01
P643 and P645 only.
Setting for the Time Multiplier Setting (TMS) to adjust the operating time of the IDMT characteristic
V/Hz>1 Delay 3D 1A 60s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time-delay setting of the V/Hz first stage trip element
V/Hz>1 tReset 3D 1B 60s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
P643 and P645 only.
Reset function so the user can reset overfluxing after injection testing
V/Hz>2 Status 3D 20 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables the V/Hz second stage trip element
V/Hz>2 Trip Set 3D 25 2.64 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz second stage trip element
V/Hz>2 Delay 3D 2A 3s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay setting of the V/Hz alarm element
V/Hz>3 Status 3D 30 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables the V/Hz third stage trip element
V/Hz>3 Trip Set 3D 35 2.86 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz third stage trip element
V/Hz>3 Delay 3D 3A 2.00s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay setting of the V/Hz alarm element
V/Hz>4 Status 3D 40 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables the V/Hz fourth stage trip element
V/Hz>4 Trip Set 3D 45 3.08 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
P643 and P645 only.
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz fourth stage trip element
V/Hz>4 Delay 3D 4A 1.00s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
P643 and P645 only.
Operating time delay setting of the V/Hz alarm element
TPre-trip Alarm 3D 4F 200s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
P643 and P645 only. Pre-trip alarm time delay
Volts/Hz W2 3D 50    
Volts/Hz Overfluxing element W2.
V/HZ Alm Status 3D 51 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the V/Hz alarm element
V/HZ Alm Set 3D 52 2.31 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz element
V/Hz Alarm Delay 3D 53 10s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
Operating time delay setting of the V/Hz alarm element
V/Hz>1 Status 3D 60 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the V/Hz first stage trip element
V/Hz>1 Function 3D 63 DT DT or IDMT
Tripping characteristic setting of the V/Hz first stage trip element
V/Hz>1 Trip Set 3D 66 2.42 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz first stage trip element
V/Hz>1 Trip TMS 3D 69 0.1 s 0.01 to 12 step 0.01
Setting for the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IDMT characteristic.
V/Hz>1 Delay 3D 6A 60s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
Operating time delay setting of the V/Hz alarm element
V/Hz>1 tReset 3D 6B 0s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
Reset function so the user can reset overfluxing after injection testing
V/Hz>2 Status 3D 70 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the V/Hz second stage trip element
V/Hz>2 Trip Set 3D 75 2.64 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz second stage trip element
V/Hz>2 Delay 3D 7A 3s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
Operating time delay setting of the V/Hz alarm element
V/Hz>3 Status 3D 80 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the V/Hz third stage trip element
V/Hz>3 Trip Set 3D 85 2.86 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz third stage trip element
V/Hz>3 Delay 3D 8A 2.00s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
Operating time delay setting of the V/Hz alarm element
V/Hz>4 Status 3D 90 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the V/Hz fourth stage trip element
V/Hz>4 Trip Set 3D 95 3.08 V/HZ 1.5V/Hz to 3.5V/Hz step 0.01V/Hz
Pick-up setting for the V/Hz fourth stage trip element
V/Hz>4 Delay 3D 9A 1.00s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
Operating time delay setting of the V/Hz alarm element
TPre-trip alarm 3D 9F 200s 0s to 6000s step 0.1s
Pre-trip alarm time delay

Voltage Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
42 00    
This column contains GROUP 1: VOLT PROTECTION parameters
UNDER VOLTAGE 42 01 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
P643 and P645 only. UNDER VOLTAGE
V< Measur’t Mode 42 02 Phase-Neutral Phase-Phase or Phase-Neutral
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the measured input voltage used for the undervoltage elements
V< Operate Mode 42 03 Any Phase Any-Phase or Three-phase
P643 and P645 only.
Determines whether any phase or all three phases must satisfy the undervoltage criteria before a decision is made
V<1 Function 42 04 DT IDMT or DT or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Tripping characteristic for the first stage undervoltage function. The characteristic is defined by: t =  K / (1 – M)
t  = Operating time in seconds
M =  Measured voltage/relay setting voltage (V< Voltage Set)
V<1 Voltage Set 42 05 50V 10V to 120V step 1V
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the pick-up setting for the first stage undervoltage element
V<1 Time Delay 42 06 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the operating time-delay for the first stage definite time undervoltage element
V<1 TMS 42 07 1 0.05 to 100 step 0.05
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the time multiplier setting to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
V<1 Poledead Inh 42 08 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
If the setting is enabled, the relevant stage is inhibited by the pole dead logic.  This logic produces an output when it detects either an open circuit breaker through auxiliary contacts feeding the relay opto inputs, or it detects a combination of both undercurrent and undervoltage on any one phase.  It allows the undervoltage protection to reset when the circuit breaker opens to cater for line or bus side VT applications.
V<2 Status 42 09 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables the second stage undervoltage element
V<2 Voltage Set 42 0A 38V 10V to 120V step 1V
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the pick-up setting for the second stage undervoltage element
V<2 Time Delay 42 0B 5s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the operating time-delay for the second stage definite time undervoltage element
V<2 Poledead Inh 42 0C Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
This works in the same way as V<1 Poledead Inh but for V<2 Poledead Inh instead.
OVERVOLTAGE 42 20 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
P643 and P645 only. OVERVOLTAGE
V> Measur’t Mode 42 21 Phase-Phase Phase-Phase or Phase-Neutral
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the measured input voltage used for the overvoltage elements
V> Operate Mode 42 22 Any Phase Any-Phase or Three-phase
P643 and P645 only.
Determines whether any phase or all three phases must satisfy the overvoltage criteria before a decision is made
V>1 Function 42 23 DT IDMT or DT or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Tripping characteristic for the first stage overvoltage function. The characteristic is defined by:
t = K / (M – 1)
t = Operating time in seconds
M = Measured voltage/relay setting voltage (V<> Voltage Set)
V>1 Voltage Set 42 24 130V 60V to 185V step 1V
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the pick-up setting for the first stage overvoltage element
V>1 Time Delay 42 25 10s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the operating time-delay for the first stage definite time overvoltage element
V>1 TMS 42 26 1 0.05 to 100 step 0.05
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the time multiplier to adjust the operating time of the IEC IDMT characteristic
V>2 Status 42 27 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
Enables or disables the second stage overvoltage element
V>2 Voltage Set 42 28 150V 60V to 185V step 1V
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the pick-up setting for the second stage overvoltage element
V>2 Time Delay 42 29 0.5 0s to 100s step 0.01s
P643 and P645 only.
Sets the operating time-delay for the second stage definite time overvoltage element
NPS O/V 42 40 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
Negative phase sequence over voltage
V2> Status 42 41 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enable  or disable the NPS OV
V2> Voltage Set 42 42 15V 1V to 110V step 1V
Set up the pick up setting for Negative phase sequence over voltage
V2> Time Delay 42 43 5s 0s to 100s step 0.01s
Set the operating time delay  for the definite time stage

Frequency Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
43 00    
This column contains GROUP 1: FREQ PROTECTION parameters
UNDER FREQUENCY 43 01 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
F<1 Status 43 02 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the first stage underfrequency element
F<1 Setting 43 03 49.5Hz 46Hz to 65Hz step 0.01Hz
Determines the pick-up threshold for the first stage underfrequency element
F<1 Time Delay 43 04 4s 0s to 600s step 0.01s
Determines the minimum operating time-delay for the first stage underfrequency element
F<2 Status 43 05 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the second stage underfrequency element
F<2 Setting 43 06 49Hz 46Hz to 65Hz step 0.01Hz
Determines the pick-up threshold for the second stage underfrequency element
F<2 Time Delay 43 07 3s 0s to 600s step 0.01s
Determines the minimum operating time-delay for the second stage underfrequency element
F<3 Status 43 08 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the third stage underfrequency element
F<3 Setting 43 09 48.5Hz 46Hz to 65Hz step 0.01Hz
Determines the pick-up threshold for the third stage underfrequency element
F<3 Time Delay 43 0A 2s 0s to 600s step 0.01s
Determines the minimum operating time-delay for the third stage underfrequency element
F<4 Status 43 0B Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Determines the pick-up threshold for the fourth stage underfrequency element
F<4 Setting 43 0C 48Hz 46Hz to 65Hz step 0.01Hz
Enables or disables the fourth stage underfrequency element
F<4 Time Delay 43 0D 1s 0s to 600s step 0.01s
Determines the minimum operating time-delay for the fourth stage underfrequency element
OVER FREQUENCY 43 0F Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
F>1 Status 43 10 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the first stage overfrequency element
F>1 Setting 43 11 50.5Hz 46Hz to 65Hz step 0.01Hz
Determines the pick-up threshold for the first stage overfrequency element
F>1 Time Delay 43 12 2s 0s to 600s step 0.01s
Determines the minimum operating time-delay for the first stage overfrequency element
F>2 Status 43 13 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the second stage overfrequency element
F>2 Setting 43 14 51Hz 46Hz to 65Hz step 0.01Hz
Determines the pick-up threshold for the second stage overfrequency element
F>2 Time Delay 43 15 1s 0s to 600s step 0.01s
Determines the minimum operating time-delay for the second stage overfrequency element

Resistor Temperature Device (RTD) Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
RTD PROT        ON
44 00    
This column contains GROUP 1: RTD PROTECTION parameters
Select RTD 44 01 0 10-bit binary setting:
Bit 0 – Select RTD 1, Bit 1 – Select RTD 2, Bit 2 – Select RTD 3 through to Bit 9 – Select RTD 10
10-bit setting to enable or disable the 10 RTDs. For each bit 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
RTD1 PROTECTION 44 02 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 03 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
Temperature setting for the RTD 1 alarm element
RTD Alarm Dly 44 04 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
Operating time delay setting for the RTD 1 alarm element
RTD Trip Set 44 05 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
Operating time delay setting for the RTD 1 alarm element
RTD Trip Dly 44 06 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
Operating time delay setting for the RTD 1 alarm element
RTD2 PROTECTION 44 07 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 08 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Alarm Dly 44 09 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Set 44 0A 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Dly 44 0B 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD3 PROTECTION 44 0C Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 0D 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Alarm Dly 44 0E 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Set 44 0F 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Dly 44 10 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD4 PROTECTION 44 11 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 12 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Alarm Dly 44 13 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Set 44 14 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Dly 44 15 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD5 PROTECTION 44 16 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 17 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Alarm Dly 44 18 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Set 44 19 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Dly 44 1A 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD6 PROTECTION 44 1B Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 1C 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Alarm Dly 44 1D 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Set 44 1E 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Dly 44 1F 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD7 PROTECTION 44 20 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 21 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Alarm Dly 44 22 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Set 44 23 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Dly 44 24 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD8 PROTECTION 44 25 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 26 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Alarm Dly 44 27 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Set 44 28 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Dly 44 29 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD9 PROTECTION 44 2A Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 2B 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Alarm Dly 44 2C 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Set 44 2D 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Dly 44 2E 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD 10 PROTECTION 44 2F Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
RTD Alarm Set 44 30 80°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Alarm Dly 44 31 10 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Set 44 32 85°C 0° to 200°C step 1°C
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead
RTD Trip Dly 44 33 1 s 0s to 100s step 1s
This setting works in the same way as the RTD 1 alarm element, but for RTD 2 instead

Circuit Breaker (CB) Failure

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
GROUP 1: CB FAIL 45 00    
T1 CBF 45 01 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
I< Current Set 45 02 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
Set the CT1 under current setting
IN< Status 45 03 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enable or Disabel the IN<
IN< Input 45 04 Measured Measured or Derived
Set the IN input, derived or measured
IN< Terminal 45 05 TN1 TN1, TN2 or TN3
If for IN is measured, set the measured netrual current source
IN< Current Set 45 06 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
Set IN under current setting
CB Fail 1 Status 45 07 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the first stage of the circuit breaker function
CB Fail 1 Timer 45 08 0.05s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
Circuit breaker fail timer setting for stage 1, for which the initiating condition must be valid
CB Fail 2 Status 45 09 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the second stage of the circuit breaker function
CB Fail 2 Timer 45 0A 0.2s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
Circuit breaker fail timer setting for stage 2, for which the initiating condition must be valid
CBF Non I Reset 45 0C CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
Setting which determines the elements that reset the circuit breaker fail time for non current-based protection functions (such as voltage and frequency) initiating circuit breaker fail conditions
CBF Ext Reset 45 0D CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
Setting which determines the elements that reset the circuit breaker fail time for external protection functions initiating circuit breaker fail conditions
T2 CBF 45 11 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
I< Current Set 45 12 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
IN< Status 45 13 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
IN< Input 45 14 Measured Measured or Derived
IN< Terminal 45 15 TN1 TN1, TN2 or TN3
IN< Current Set 45 16 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
CB Fail 1 Status 45 17 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
CB Fail 1 Timer 45 18 0.05s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
CB Fail 2 Status 45 19 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
CB Fail 2 Timer 45 1A 0.2s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
CBF Non I Reset 45 1C CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
CBF Ext Reset 45 1D CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
T3 CBF 45 21 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
I< Current Set 45 22 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
P643 and P645 only.
IN< Status 45 23 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
IN< Input 45 24 Measured Measured or Derived
P643 and P645 only.
IN< Terminal 45 25 TN1 TN1, TN2 or TN3
P643 and P645 only.
IN< Current Set 45 26 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
P643 and P645 only.
CB Fail 1 Status 45 27 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
CB Fail 1 Timer 45 28 0.05s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
P643 and P645 only.
CB Fail 2 Status 45 29 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P643 and P645 only.
CB Fail 2 Timer 45 2A 0.2s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
P643 and P645 only.
CBF Non I Reset 45 2C CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
P643 and P645 only.
CBF Ext Reset 45 2D CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
P643 and P645 only.
T4 CBF 45 31 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P645 only.
I< Current Set 45 32 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
P645 only.
IN< Status 45 33 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P645 only.
IN< Input 45 34 Measured Measured or Derived
P645 only.
IN< Terminal 45 35 TN1 TN1, TN2 or TN3
P645 only.
IN< Current Set 45 36 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
P645 only.
CB Fail 1 Status 45 37 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P645 only.
CB Fail 1 Timer 45 38 0.05s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
P645 only.
CB Fail 2 Status 45 39 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P645 only.
CB Fail 2 Timer 45 3A 0.2s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
P645 only.
CBF Non I Reset 45 3C CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
P645 only.
CBF Ext Reset 45 3D CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
P645 only.
T5 CBF 45 41 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P645 only.
I< Current Set 45 42 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
P645 only.
IN< Status 45 43 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P645 only.
IN< Input 45 44 Measured Measured or Derived
P645 only.
IN< Terminal 45 45 TN1 TN1, TN2 or TN3
P645 only.
IN< Current Set 45 46 0.1 5% to 400% step 1%
P645 only.
CB Fail 1 Status 45 47 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
P645 only.
CB Fail 1 Timer 45 48 0.05s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
P645 only.
CB Fail 2 Status 45 49 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
P645 only.
CB Fail 2 Timer 45 4A 0.2s 0s to 10s step 0.001s
P645 only.
CBF Non I Reset 45 4C CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
P645 only.
CBF Ext Reset 45 4D CB Open & I< I< Only, CB Open & I< or Prot Reset & I
P645 only.

VT and CT Supervision

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
GROUP 1: SUPERVIS 46 00    
This column contains GROUP 1: SUPERVISION parameters
VT SUPERVISION 46 01 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
VT Supervision does not apply to P642 when the optional three-phase VT input is available. Only visible if Main VT is fitted or P642 model with 2 VT inputs.
VTS Status 46 02 Indication Blocking or Indication or Disabled
Determines whether on detection of VTS.
• VTS logic is Disabled.
• VTS alarm is Indication only.
• Voltage-dependent protection elements are Blocked. Optional conversion of directional overcurrent to non-directional protection (blocking mode only).
VTS Reset Mode 46 03 Manual Manual or Auto
VTS block is latched after user-settable VTS Time Delay. Once latched, the reset methods are: Manual using the front panel interface (or remote communications).
Auto provided VTS condition has been removed and 3-phase voltages have been restored above ph
VTS Time Delay 46 04 5s 1s to 10s step 0.1s
Operating time delay setting of the VTS element on detection of a voltage supervision condition.
VTS I> Inhibit 46 05 10 0.08pu to 32pu step 0.01pu
The overcurrent setting inhibits VT supervision if all 3-phase voltages are lost, due to a close-up 3-phase fault after CB is closed.
In P643, CT1/CT2/CT3 if the VT is in the HV, TV or LV. In P645, CT1/CT3/CT5 if the VT is in HV, TV or LV.
VTS I2> Inhibit 46 06 0.05 0.05pu to 0.5pu step 0.01pu
NPS overcurrent setting inhibits VT supervision if a fault occurs with excess negative sequence current. In P643, always referred to CT1/CT2/CT3 if the VT is in the HV, TV or LV.
In P645, always referred to CT1/CT3/CT5 if the VT is in HV, TV or LV.
CT SUPERVISION 46 20 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
CT Supervision applies to P642, P643, P645 and P746 when the optional CT input is available.
Diff CTS 46 21 Enable Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the CTS function
CTS Status 46 22 Restrain Indication or Restrain
In Indication mode, the CTS alarm  is issued without delay when a CT failure is detected.  In restrain mode, the differential protection is desensitised to the Is-CTS setting
CTS Tdelay 46 23 2s 0s to 10s step 0.1s
Determines the operating time delay of the element on detection of a current transformer supervision condition
CTS I1 46 24 0.1 5% to 100% step 1%
Set release threshold
CTS I2/I1>1 46 25 0.05 5% to 100% step 1%
Low set ratio of negative to positive sequence current
CTS I2/I1>2 46 26 0.4 5% to 100% step 1%
High set ratio of negative to positive sequence current

Input Labels

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
This column contains GROUP 1: INPUT LABELS parameters
Opto Input 1 4A 01 Input L1 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 2 4A 02 Input L2 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 3 4A 03 Input L3 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 4 4A 04 Input L4 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 5 4A 05 Input L5 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 6 4A 06 Input L6 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 7 4A 07 Input L7 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 8 4A 08 Input L8 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 9 4A 09 Input L9 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 10 4A 0A Input L10 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 11 4A 0B Input L11 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 12 4A 0C Input L12 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 13 4A 0D Input L13 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 14 4A 0E Input L14 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 15 4A 0F Input L15 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 16 4A 10 Input L16 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 17 4A 11 Input L17 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 18 4A 12 Input L18 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 19 4A 13 Input L19 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 20 4A 14 Input L20 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 21 4A 15 Input L21 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 22 4A 16 Input L22 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 23 4A 17 Input L23 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 24 4A 18 Input L24 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 25 4A 19 Input L25 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 26 4A 1A Input L26 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 27 4A 1B Input L27 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 28 4A 1C Input L28 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 29 4A 1D Input L29 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 30 4A 1E Input L30 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 31 4A 1F Input L31 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input
Opto Input 32 4A 20 Input L32 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual opto input

Output Labels

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
This column contains GROUP 1: OUTPUT LABELS parameters
Relay 1 4B 01 Output R1 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P642, P643, P645 and P746.
Text label to describe each individual relay output contact. This text is displayed in the programmable scheme logic and event
record description of the relay output contact
Relay 2 4B 02 Output R2 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 3 4B 03 Output R3 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 4 4B 04 Output R4 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 5 4B 05 Output R5 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 6 4B 06 Output R6 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 7 4B 07 Output R7 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 8 4B 08 Output R8 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 9 4B 09 Output R9 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 10 4B 0A Output R10 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 11 4B 0B Output R11 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 12 4B 0C Output R12 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as Relay 1.
Relay 13 4B 0D Output R13 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
Text label to describe each individual relay output contact. This text is displayed in the programmable scheme logic and event record description of the relay output contact
Relay 14 4B 0E Output R14 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 15 4B 0F Output R15 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 16 4B 10 Output R16 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 17 4B 11 Output R17 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 18 4B 12 Output R18 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 19 4B 13 Output R19 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 20 4B 14 Output R20 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 21 4B 15 Output R21 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 22 4B 16 Output R22 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 23 4B 17 Output R23 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 24 4B 18 Output R24 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P643, P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 12.
Relay 25 4B 19 Output R25 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P645 and P746 only.
Text label to describe each individual relay output contact. This text is displayed in the programmable scheme logic and event record description of the relay output contact
Relay 26 4B 1A Output R26 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 19.
Relay 27 4B 1B Output R27 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 19.
Relay 28 4B 1C Output R28 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 19.
Relay 29 4B 1D Output R29 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 19.
Relay 30 4B 1E Output R30 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 19.
Relay 31 4B 1F Output R31 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 19.
Relay 32 4B 20 Output R32 Not Used 16-character text string (32 to 163)
P645 and P746 only.
This works in the same way as Relay 19.

RTD Labels

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
GROUP 1: RTD LABE 4C 00    
This column contains GROUP 1: RTD LABELS parameters
RTD 1 4C 01 RTD 1 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Text label to describe each individual RTD.  This text is displayed in the Measurements 3 menu and fault records for the description of the RTDs.
RTD 2 4C 02 RTD 2 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as RTD 1.
RTD 3 4C 03 RTD 3 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as RTD 1.
RTD 4 4C 04 RTD 4 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as RTD 1.
RTD 5 4C 05 RTD 5 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as RTD 1.
RTD 6 4C 06 RTD 6 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as RTD 1.
RTD 7 4C 07 RTD 7 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as RTD 1.
RTD 8 4C 08 RTD 8 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as RTD 1.
RTD 9 4C 09 RTD 9 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as RTD 1.
RTD 10 4C 0A RTD 10 16-character text string (32 to 163)
This works in the same way as RTD 1.

Current Loop Inputs and Outputs (CLIO) Protection

Menu Text Row Col Default Setting Available Setting
4D 00    
This column contains GROUP 1: CLIO PROTECTION parameters
CLI1 PROTECTION 4D 01 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
CLI Input Status 4D 02 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop (transducer) input 1 element
CLI Input Type 4D 04 4-20mA 0 to 1mA, 0 to 10mA, 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA
Current loop 1 input type
CLI Input Label 4D 06 CLIO Input 1 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Current loop 1 input description.  The minimum and maximum settings define the range but they have no units.  The user can use the label to enter the transducer function and unit of measurement
CLI Minimum 4D 08 0 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
Current loop input 1 minimum setting.  Defines the lower range of the physical or electrical quantity measured by the transducer
CLI Maximum 4D 0A 100 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
Current loop input 1 maximum setting.  Defines the upper range of the physical or electrical quantity measured by the transducer
CLI Alarm 4D 0C Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Alarm Fn 4D 0E Over Over or Under
Operating mode of the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Alarm Set 4D 10 50 From "MIN(CLI1Min, Max)" to "MAX(CLI1Min, Max))" step 0.1
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Alarm Delay 4D 12 1 0s to 100s step 0.1s
Operating time-delay setting of current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Trip 4D 14 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 trip element
CLI Trip Fn 4D 16 Over Over or Under
Operating mode of the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Trip Set 4D 18 60 LI1Min, Max)" to "MAX(CLI1Min, tep 0.1
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 trip element
CLI Trip Delay 4D 1A 0 0s to 100s step 0.1s
Operating mode of the current loop input 1 trip element
CLI I< Alarm 4D 1C Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop input 1 undercurrent element used to supervise the 4-20 mA input only
CLI I< Alm Set 4D 1E 0.0035 0mA to 4mA step 0.1mA
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 undercurrent element. (4 – 20 mA input only)
CLI2 PROTECTION 4D 21 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
CLI Input Status 4D 22 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop (transducer) input 1 element
CLI Input Type 4D 24 4-20mA 0 to 1mA, 0 to 10mA, 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA
Current loop 1 input type
CLI Input Label 4D 26 CLIO Input 2 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Current loop 1 input description.  The minimum and maximum settings define the range but they have no units.  The user can use the label to enter the transducer function and unit of measurement
CLI Minimum 4D 28 0 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
Current loop input 1 minimum setting.  Defines the lower range of the physical or electrical quantity measured by the transducer
CLI Maximum 4D 2A 100 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
Current loop input 1 maximum setting.  Defines the upper range of the physical or electrical quantity measured by the transducer
CLI Alarm 4D 2C Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Alarm Fn 4D 2E Over Over or Under
Operating mode of the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Alarm Set 4D 30 50 From "MIN(CLI2Min, Max)" to "MAX(CLI2Min, Max))" step 0.1
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Alarm Delay 4D 32 1s 0s to 100s step 0.1s
Operating time-delay setting of current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Trip 4D 34 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 trip element
CLI Trip Fn 4D 36 Over Over or Under
Operating mode of the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Trip Set 4D 38 60 From "MIN(CLI2Min, Max)" to "MAX(CLI2Min, Max))" step 0.1
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 trip element
CLI Trip Delay 4D 3A 0s 0s to 100s step 0.1s
Operating mode of the current loop input 1 trip element
CLI I< Alarm 4D 3C Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop input 1 undercurrent element used to supervise the 4-20 mA input only
CLI I< Alm Set 4D 3E 0.0035 0mA to 4mA step 0.1mA
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 undercurrent element. (4 – 20 mA input only)
CLI3 PROTECTION 4D 41 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
CLI Input Status 4D 42 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop (transducer) input 1 element
CLI Input Type 4D 44 4-20mA 0 to 1mA, 0 to 10mA, 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA
Current loop 1 input type
CLI Input Label 4D 46 CLIO Input 3 16-character text string (32 to 163)
Current loop 1 input description.  The minimum and maximum settings define the range but they have no units.  The user can use the label to enter the transducer function and unit of measurement
CLI Minimum 4D 48 0 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
Current loop input 1 minimum setting.  Defines the lower range of the physical or electrical quantity measured by the transducer
CLI Maximum 4D 4A 100 -9999 to 9999 step 0.1
Current loop input 1 maximum setting.  Defines the upper range of the physical or electrical quantity measured by the transducer
CLI Alarm 4D 4C Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Alarm Fn 4D 4E Over Over or Under
Operating mode of the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Alarm Set 4D 50 50 From "MIN(CLI3Min, Max)" to "MAX(CLI3Min, Max))" step 0.1
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Alarm Delay 4D 52 1s 0s to 100s step 0.1s
Operating time-delay setting of current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Trip 4D 54 Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 trip element
CLI Trip Fn 4D 56 Over Over or Under
Operating mode of the current loop input 1 alarm element
CLI Trip Set 4D 58 60 From "MIN(CLI3Min, Max)" to "MAX(CLI3Min, Max))" step 0.1
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 trip element
CLI Trip Delay 4D 5A 0s 0s to 100s step 0.1s
Operating mode of the current loop input 1 trip element
CLI I< Alarm 4D 5C Disabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop input 1 undercurrent element used to supervise the 4-20 mA input only
CLI I< Alm Set 4D 5E 0.0035 0mA to 4mA step 0.1mA
Pick-up setting for the current loop input 1 undercurrent element. (4 – 20 mA input only)
CLI4 PROTECTION 4D 61 Sub-Heading Sub-Heading
CLI Input Status 4D 62 Enabled Enabled or Disabled
Enables or disables the current loop (transducer) input 1 element
CLI Input Type 4D 64 4-20mA 0 to 1mA, 0 to 10mA, 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA
Current loop 1 input type
CLI Input Label