The “Generator rotor overload protection” function is used to protect the rotor winding against excessive temperature as a result of overcurrents. The functions operating characteristic is designed in accordance with the American standard IEEE-C50.13.
For more detailed information on “Generator rotor overload protection” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.
To see other supported functions, click here.
Function Identification
Function description | IEC 61850 identification |
IEC 60617 identification |
ANSI/IEEE C37.2 device number |
Generator rotor overload protection | GRPTTR | 49R | |
Signals & Setting Parameters
GRPTTR function block
GRPTTR Input signals
GRPTTR Input signals | |||
Name | Type | Default | Description |
I3P | GROUP SIGNAL | – | Current Group Connection |
BLOCK | BOOLEAN | 0 | Block of function |
BLOCKUC | BOOLEAN | 0 | Block under-current protection feature |
SETLKOUT | BOOLEAN | 0 | Input for forcing the output LOCKOUT |
RSTLKOUT | BOOLEAN | 0 | Reset of the output LOCKOUT and theta to 0% |
GRPTTR Output signals
GRPTTR Output signals | |||
Name | Type | Description | |
TRIP | BOOLEAN | General trip signal from the function | |
TRIPUC | BOOLEAN | Trip signal from under-current feature | |
START | BOOLEAN | General start signal from the function | |
STARTUC | BOOLEAN | Start signal from under-current feature | |
LOCKOUT | BOOLEAN | Trip lockout output (latched) | |
BLKRECL | BOOLEAN | Block machine closing command | |
ALRIPPLE | BOOLEAN | Ripple alarm, is set (with delay-on 20ms) if instRippleAlarm is active longer than tAlarmRipple | |
IMEAS | REAL | Measured current, used for calculation of operate time | |
GRPTTR Group settings (basic)
GRPTTR Group settings (basic) | |||||
Name | Values (Range) | Unit | Step | Default | Description |
Operation | Off On |
– | – | Off | Operation Off / On |
I> | 105.0 – 900.0 | % | 0.1 | 110.0 | Current pickup value for overload protection |
ReclsLevTheta | 1.0 – 100.0 | % | 0.1 | 70.0 | Level for theta in percent below which the generator can be reconnected to grid |
k1 | 1.00 – 200.00 | s | 0.01 | 33.75 | Time multiplier for thermal charact. operate time delay |
AutoLockout | Off On |
– | – | Off | Auto lockout enables activation of LOCKOUT when TRIP is set |
tPulse | 0.5 – 10.0 | s | 0.1 | 1.0 | Minimum pulse length of the trip signal |
tMin | 1.0 – 120.0 | s | 0.1 | 10.0 | Minimum time, used in operate characteristic |
tMax | 100.0 – 2000.0 | s | 0.1 | 300.0 | Maximum time, used in operate characteristic |
tCutOff | 10.0 – 2000.0 | s | 0.1 | 120.0 | Cut-off time, used in operate characteristic |
tReset | 10.0 – 2000.0 | s | 0.1 | 120.0 | Time required for Theta to reset from 100% to 0% |
OpAlarmRipple | Off On |
– | – | Off | Operation Off / On of alarmRipple feature |
AlmRippleLev | 10.0 – 100.0 | % | 0.1 | 25.0 | Alarm ripple level in percent |
tAlarmRipple | 0.1 – 600.0 | s | 0.1 | 5.0 | Alarm ripple time, the alarm ripple has to be active longer than the specified time to set output al |
Operation_I< | Off On |
– | – | Off | Operation Off / On for under-current protection feature |
I< | 5.0 – 500.0 | % | 0.1 | 10.0 | Under-current feature pickup level |
tTrip_I< | 0.0 – 600.0 | s | 0.1 | 1.0 | Under-current feature trip delay |
GRPTTR Non group settings (basic)
GRPTTR Non group settings (basic) | |||||
Name | Values (Range) | Unit | Step | Default | Description |
MeasurCurrent | RMS DC |
– | – | DC | Measured current quantity (RMS or Calculated DC) |
CT_Location | LV_winding HV_winding |
– | – | LV_winding | Excitation transformer winding where used CT is located |
GlobalBaseSel | 1 – 12 | – | 1 | 1 | Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups |
UrLV | 10.0 – 3000.0 | V | 0.1 | 400.0 | Excitation transformer LV winding rated Ph-Ph voltage in V |
UrHV | 0.10 – 100.00 | kV | 0.01 | 11.00 | Excitation transformer HV winding rated Ph-Ph voltage in kV |
PhAngleShift | -180 – 180 | Deg | 30 | 30 | Phase angle shift across excitation transformer (degrees) |
GRPTTR Monitored data
GRPTTR Monitored data | ||||
Name | Type | Values (Range) | Unit | Description |
IMEAS | REAL | – | A | Measured current, used for calculation of operate time |
IDC | REAL | – | A | Average DC current value, used for alarm and trip logic |
THETA | REAL | – | % | Overload in percent of set trip level (i.e. Trip=100%) |
RIPPLVAL | REAL | – | % | DC ripple as percent of measured DC current |