Table of Contents

ABB / Generator rotor overload protection (GRPTTR) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2133

Table of Contents


The “Generator rotor overload protection” function is used to protect the rotor winding against excessive temperature as a result of overcurrents. The functions operating characteristic is designed in accordance with the American standard IEEE-C50.13.

For more detailed information on “Generator rotor overload protection” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Generator rotor overload protection GRPTTR   49R

Signals & Setting Parameters

GRPTTR function block

GRPTTR function block

GRPTTR Input signals

GRPTTR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Current Group Connection
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLOCKUC BOOLEAN 0 Block under-current protection feature
SETLKOUT BOOLEAN 0 Input for forcing the output LOCKOUT
RSTLKOUT BOOLEAN 0 Reset of the output LOCKOUT and theta to 0%

GRPTTR Output signals

GRPTTR Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General trip signal from the function
TRIPUC BOOLEAN Trip signal from under-current feature
START BOOLEAN General start signal from the function
STARTUC BOOLEAN Start signal from under-current feature
LOCKOUT BOOLEAN Trip lockout output (latched)
BLKRECL BOOLEAN Block machine closing command
ALRIPPLE BOOLEAN Ripple alarm, is set (with delay-on 20ms) if instRippleAlarm is active longer than tAlarmRipple
IMEAS REAL Measured current, used for calculation of operate time

GRPTTR Group settings (basic)

GRPTTR Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
I> 105.0 – 900.0 % 0.1 110.0 Current pickup value for overload protection
ReclsLevTheta 1.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 70.0 Level for theta in percent below which the generator can be reconnected to grid
k1 1.00 – 200.00 s 0.01 33.75 Time multiplier for thermal charact. operate time delay
AutoLockout Off
Off Auto lockout enables activation of LOCKOUT when TRIP is set
tPulse 0.5 – 10.0 s 0.1 1.0 Minimum pulse length of the trip signal
tMin 1.0 – 120.0 s 0.1 10.0 Minimum time, used in operate characteristic
tMax 100.0 – 2000.0 s 0.1 300.0 Maximum time, used in operate characteristic
tCutOff 10.0 – 2000.0 s 0.1 120.0 Cut-off time, used in operate characteristic
tReset 10.0 – 2000.0 s 0.1 120.0 Time required for Theta to reset from 100% to 0%
OpAlarmRipple Off
Off Operation Off / On of alarmRipple feature
AlmRippleLev 10.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 25.0 Alarm ripple level in percent
tAlarmRipple 0.1 – 600.0 s 0.1 5.0 Alarm ripple time, the alarm ripple has to be active longer than the specified time to set output al
Operation_I< Off
Off Operation Off / On for under-current protection feature
I< 5.0 – 500.0 % 0.1 10.0 Under-current feature pickup level
tTrip_I< 0.0 – 600.0 s 0.1 1.0 Under-current feature trip delay

GRPTTR Non group settings (basic)

GRPTTR Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
MeasurCurrent RMS
DC Measured current quantity (RMS or Calculated DC)
CT_Location LV_winding
LV_winding Excitation transformer winding where used CT is located
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups
UrLV 10.0 – 3000.0 V 0.1 400.0 Excitation transformer LV winding rated Ph-Ph voltage in V
UrHV 0.10 – 100.00 kV 0.01 11.00 Excitation transformer HV winding rated Ph-Ph voltage in kV
PhAngleShift -180 – 180 Deg 30 30 Phase angle shift across excitation transformer (degrees)

GRPTTR Monitored data

GRPTTR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IMEAS REAL A Measured current, used for calculation of operate time
IDC REAL A Average DC current value, used for alarm and trip logic
THETA REAL % Overload in percent of set trip level (i.e. Trip=100%)
RIPPLVAL REAL % DC ripple as percent of measured DC current

Logics & highlights

Representation of the rotor overload protection

Representation of the rotor overload protection

Measurement of rotor currents

Measurement of rotor currents

Rotor winding instantaneous & average DC current calculation

Rotor winding instantaneous & average DC current calculation

Operating characteristic for the overload function

Operating characteristic for the overload function

Operating principles of the rotor overload function

Operating principles of the rotor overload function

Undercurrent protection feature

Undercurrent protection feature

Trip Lockout logic

Trip Lockout logic

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