Table of Contents

ABB / Frequency time accumulation protection (FTAQFVR) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2140

Table of Contents


The “Frequency time accumulation protection” for generator protection provides the START output for a particular settable frequency limit, when the system frequency falls in that settable frequency band limit and positive sequence voltage within settable voltage band limit. The START signal triggers the individual event timer, which is the continuous time spent within the given frequency band, and the accumulation timer, which is the cumulative time spent within the given frequency band.

For more detailed information on “Frequency time accumulation protection” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

FTAQFVR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
FREQ REAL Hz Measured frequency value
ACCTIME REAL s Accumulated time for frequency band limits

Signals & Setting Parameters

FTAQFVR function block

FTAQFVR function block

FTAQFVR Input signals

FTAQFVR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for three phase current
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for three phase voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
CBCLOSE BOOLEAN 0 Circuit breaker closed status input
CBOPEN BOOLEAN 0 Circuit breaker open status input
LOADINIT BOOLEAN 0 Loads the initial accumulation time to the function
HOLDACC BOOLEAN 0 Holds the time accumulation when input is activated
RESETACC BOOLEAN 0 Resetting the accumulated time of the function block

FTAQFVR Output signals

FTAQFVR Output signals
Name Type Description
ERROR BOOLEAN Error output for incorrect settings
TRIP BOOLEAN Trip signal of the function
TRIPACC BOOLEAN Trip signal when accumulation time is exceeded the set limit
TRIPCONT BOOLEAN Trip signal when continuous time is exceeded the set limit
START BOOLEAN Start signal of the function
ACCALARM BOOLEAN Alarm signal for reaching the frequency time accumulation value
STRORHLD BOOLEAN Activated when function starts or HOLDACC input is active
FREQOK BOOLEAN Indicates the system frequency within the frequency band limits
VOLTOK BOOLEAN Indicates the system voltage within the voltage band limits

FTAQFVR Group settings (basic)

FTAQFVR Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
tContinuous 0.0 – 6000.0 s 0.1 20.0 Continuous time limit for frequency band limits
tAccLimit 10.0 – 90000.0 s 0.1 600.0 Accumulation time limit for frequency band limits
FreqHighLimit 35.00 – 90.00 Hz 0.01 47.50 Frequency High limit value
FreqLowLimit 30.00 – 85.00 Hz 0.01 47.00 Frequency Low limit value
CBCheck Disable
Enable Enabling the generator start or stop detection logic
CurrStartLevel 5.0 – 100.0 %IB 0.1 10.0 Threshold current value of generator in percentage of base current
EnaVoltCheck Disable
Enable Enabling the voltage band limit check
UHighLimit 0.0 – 200.0 %UB 1.0 200.0 Voltage high limit for voltage band limit check
ULowLimit 0.0 – 200.0 %UB 1.0 0.0 Voltage low limit for voltage band limit check

FTAQFVR Non group settings (basic)

FTAQFVR Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups
initTimeAcc 0.000 – 90000.000 s 0.001 0.0 Initial accumulated time when LOADINIT command is executed

FTAQFVR Monitored data

FTAQFVR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
FREQ REAL Hz Measured frequency value
ACCTIME REAL s Accumulated time for frequency band limits

Logics & highlights

Typical stress magnification factor curve according ANSI/IEEE C37.106-2003 Standard

Typical stress magnification factor curve according ANSI/IEEE C37.106-2003 Standard

Examples of time frequency characteristics with various frequency band limits

Examples of time frequency characteristics with various frequency band limits

Logical diagram

Logical diagram

Technical data

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