Table of Contents

ABB / Fault locator (LMBRFLO) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2155

Table of Contents


The “Fault locator” is an impedance measuring function giving the distance to the fault in km, miles or % of line length. The main advantage is the high accuracy achieved by compensating for load current and for the mutual zero-sequence effect on double circuit lines.

For more detailed information on “Fault locator” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Fault locator LMBRFLO

Signals & Setting Parameters

LMBRFLO function block

LMBRFLO function block

LMBRFLO Input signals

LMBRFLO Input signals
Name Type Description
PHSELL1 BOOLEAN 0 Phase selecton L1
PHSELL2 BOOLEAN 0 Phase selecton L2
PHSELL3 BOOLEAN 0 Phase selecton L3
CALCDIST BOOLEAN 0 Do calculate fault distance (release)

LMBRFLO Output signals

LMBRFLO Output signals
Name Type Description
CALCMADE BOOLEAN Fault calculation made
FLT_X REAL Reactive distance to fault
BCD_80 BOOLEAN Distance in binary coded data, bit represents 80%
BCD_40 BOOLEAN Distance in binary coded data, bit represents 40%
BCD_20 BOOLEAN Distance in binary coded data, bit represents 20%
BCD_10 BOOLEAN Distance in binary coded data, bit represents 10%
BCD_8 BOOLEAN Distance in binary coded data, bit represents 8%
BCD_4 BOOLEAN Distance in binary coded data, bit represents 4%
BCD_2 BOOLEAN Distance in binary coded data, bit represents 2%
BCD_1 BOOLEAN Distance in binary coded data, bit represents 1%

LMBRFLO Group settings (basic)

LMBRFLO Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
R1A 0.001 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 2.000 Source resistance A (near end)
X1A 0.001 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 12.000 Source reactance A (near end)
R1B 0.001 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 2.000 Source resistance B (far end)
X1B 0.001 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 12.000 Source reactance B (far end)
R1L 0.001 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 2.000 Positive sequence line resistance
X1L 0.001 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 12.500 Positive sequence line reactance
R0L 0.001 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 8.750 Zero sequence line resistance
X0L 0.001 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 50.000 Zero sequence line reactance
R0M 0.000 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 0.000 Zero sequence mutual resistance
X0M 0.000 – 1500.000 Ohm/p 0.001 0.000 Zero sequence mutual reactance
LineLengthUnit kilometer
kilometer Line length unit
LineLength 0.0 – 10000.0 0.1 40.0 Length of line

LMBRFLO Non group settings (basic)

LMBRFLO Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
DrepChNoIL1 1 – 30 Ch 1 1 Recorder input number recording phase current, IL1
DrepChNoIL2 1 – 30 Ch 1 2 Recorder input number recording phase current, IL2
DrepChNoIL3 1 – 30 Ch 1 3 Recorder input number recording phase current, IL3
DrepChNoIN 0 – 30 Ch 1 4 Recorder input number recording residual current, IN
DrepChNoIP 0 – 30 Ch 1 0 Recorder input number recording 3I0 on parallel line
DrepChNoUL1 1 – 30 Ch 1 5 Recorder input number recording phase voltage, UL1
DrepChNoUL2 1 – 30 Ch 1 6 Recorder input number recording phase voltage, UL2
DrepChNoUL3 1 – 30 Ch 1 7 Recorder input number recording phase voltage, UL3
UL1Gain 0.000 – 10.000 0.001 1.000 Scale factor for fine tuning of voltage magnitude L1
UL2Gain 0.000 – 10.000 0.001 1.000 Scale factor for fine tuning of voltage magnitude L2
UL3Gain 0.000 – 10.000 0.001 1.000 Scale factor for fine tuning of voltage magnitude L3

LMBRFLO Monitored data

LMBRFLO Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
FLT_REL REAL Distance to fault, relative
FLT_DIST REAL Distance to fault in line length unit
FLT_X REAL Ohm Reactive distance to fault
FLT_R REAL Ohm Resistive distance to fault
Fault loop

Logics & highlights

Simplified network configuration with network data, required for settings of the fault location-measuring function

Simplified network configuration with network data, required for settings of the fault location-measuring function

Accurate algorithm for measurement of distance to fault

Accurate algorithm for measurement of distance to fault (1/4)
Accurate algorithm for measurement of distance to fault (2/4)
Accurate algorithm for measurement of distance to fault (3/4)
Accurate algorithm for measurement of distance to fault (4/4)

Table 859: Expressions for UA, IA and IFA for different types of faults

Expressions for UA, IA and IFA for different types of faults

The non-compensated impedance model

The non-compensated impedance model

Example of connection of parallel line IN for Fault locator LMBRFLO

Example of connection of parallel line IN for Fault locator LMBRFLO

Technical Data

LMBRFLO technical data

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