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GE / Cross country _ Element settings & highlights _ GU8247

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Cross-country fault means that two separate single-phase faults occur on a system together. For more detailed information on “Cross country” element, refer to GE, Universal Relay (UR) family of products, Version 8.0x manuals.

To see other supported elements, click here.

Setting Parameters

Modbus memory map for Setting parameters

Products Hex address Register name Range Units Step Format Default
D60, L90 DA00 Cross Country Function 0 to 2 1 F684 0 (Disabled)
" DA01 Cross Country Dist Reach Factor 1 to 20 0.1 F001 15
" DA02 Cross Country IN>Current Set 0.05 to 30 pu 0.001 F001 50
" DA03 Cross Country Slope 0 to 0.3 0.1 F001 1
" DA04 Cross Country VN>Voltage Set 0.004 to 3 pu 0.001 F001 75
" DA05 Cross Country 1P Mode 0 to 3 1 F687 0 (IN>)
" DA06 Cross Country 1P Time Delay 0 to 600 s 0.01 F001 5
" DA07 Cross Country Phase prio. 2pG 0 to 8 1 F688 0 (C(A) ACYCLIC)
F684 0 = Disabled, 1 = Solid Grounding, 2 = Is Comp Grounding
F687 0 = IN>, 1 = VN>, 2 = IN> AND VN>
F688 0 = C(A) ACYCLIC, 1 = A(C) ACYCLIC, 2 = B(A) ACYCLIC, 3 = A(B) ACYCLIC, 4 = C(B) ACYCLIC, 5 = B(C) ACYCLIC, 6 = C(A) CYCLIC, 7 = A(C) CYCLIc, 8 = ALL

Logics & highlights



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