Full-scheme distance protection quadrilateral for earth faults (ZMMPDIS, ZMMAPDIS) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2018


The “Full-scheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth fault” functions have functionality for load encroachment, which increases the possibility to detect high resistive faults on heavily loaded lines

For more detailed information on “Full-scheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth fault” functions, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.


Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Fullscheme distance protection,quadrilateral for earth faults (zone 1) ZMMPDIS Z< 21
Fullscheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth faults (zone 2-5) ZMMAPDIS Z< 21

Signals & Setting Parameters

ZMMPDIS function block

ZMMPDIS function block

ZMMPDIS Input signals

ZMMPDIS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKZ BOOLEAN 0 Blocks all output by fuse failure signal
BLKTR BOOLEAN 0 Blocks all trip outputs
STCND INTEGER 0 External start condition (loop enabler)
DIRCND INTEGER 0 External directional condition

ZMMPDIS Output signals

ZMMPDIS Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General Trip, issued from any phase or loop
TRL1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L1
TRL2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L2
TRL3 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L3
START BOOLEAN General Start, issued from any phase or loop
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
STND BOOLEAN Non-directional start, issued from any phase or loop

ZMMPDIS Group settings (basic)

ZMMPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
OperationDir Non-directional
Forward Operation mode of directionality NonDir / Forw / Rev
X1 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Positive sequence reactance reach
R1 0.10 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
X0 0.50 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 100.00 Zero sequence reactance reach
R0 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
RFPE 1.00 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach in ohm/loop, Ph-E
OpModetPE Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-E
tPE 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay of trip, Ph-E
IMinOpPE 10 – 30 %IB 1 20 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops
IMinOpIN 5 – 30 %IB 1 5 Minimum operate residual current for Phase-Earth loops

ZMMPDIS Non group settings (basic)

ZMMPDIS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

ZMMAPDIS function block

ZMMAPDIS function block

ZMMAPDIS Input signals

ZMMAPDIS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKZ BOOLEAN 0 Blocks all output by fuse failure signal
BLKTR BOOLEAN 0 Blocks all trip outputs
STCND INTEGER 0 External start condition (loop enabler)
DIRCND INTEGER 0 External directional condition

ZMMAPDIS Output signals

ZMMAPDIS Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General Trip, issued from any phase or loop
TRL1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L1
TRL2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L2
TRL3 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L3
START BOOLEAN General Start, issued from any phase or loop
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
STND BOOLEAN Non-directional start, issued from any phase or loop

ZMMAPDIS Group settings (basic)

ZMMAPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
OperationDir Non-directional
Forward Operation mode of directionality NonDir / Forw / Rev
X1 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach
R1 0.10 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
X0 0.50 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach
R0 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
RFPE 1.00 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach in ohm/loop, Ph-E
OpModetPE Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-E
tPE 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay of trip, Ph-E
IMinOpPE 10 – 30 %IB 1 20 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops

ZMMAPDIS Non group settings (basic)

ZMMAPDIS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

Logics & highlights

The different measuring loops at line-earth fault and phase-phase fault

The different measuring loops at line-earth fault and phase-phase fault

Characteristic for the phase-to-earth measuring loops, ohm/loop domain

Characteristic for the phase-to-earth measuring loops, ohm/loop domain

Fault loop model

Fault loop model

Directional operating modes of the distance measuring zone

Directional operating modes of the distance measuring zone

Setting angles for discrimination of forward and reverse fault

Setting angles for discrimination of forward and reverse fault

Conditioning by a group functional input signal STCND

Conditioning by a group functional input signal STCND

Composition of starting signals in non-directional operating mode

Composition of starting signals in non-directional operating mode

Composition of starting signals in directional operating mode

Composition of starting signals in directional operating mode

Tripping logic for the distance protection zone one

Tripping logic for the distance protection zone one

Power swing logic (PSLPSCH) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2028


The “Power Swing Logic (PSLPSCH)” is a complementary function to Power Swing Detection (ZMRPSB) function. It provides possibility for selective tripping of faults on power lines during system oscillations (power swings or pole slips), when the distance protection function should normally be blocked.

For more detailed information on “Power Swing Logic (PSLPSCH)”, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Signals & Setting Parameters

PSLPSCH Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Power swing logic PSLPSCH

PSLPSCH function block

PSLPSCH function block

PSLPSCH Input signals

PSLPSCH Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
STZMUR BOOLEAN 0 Start of the underreaching zone
STZMOR BOOLEAN 0 Start of the overreaching zone
STPSD BOOLEAN 0 Power swing detected
STDEF BOOLEAN 0 Start from Earth Fault Protection in forward or reverse direction
STZMPSD BOOLEAN 0 Operation of Power Swing Detection external characteristic
CACC BOOLEAN 0 Overreaching ZM zone to be accelerated
AR1P1 BOOLEAN 0 Single pole auto-reclosing in progress
CSUR BOOLEAN 0 Carrier send by the underreaching power-swing zone
CR BOOLEAN 0 Carrier receive signal during power swing detection operation

PSLPSCH Output signals

PSLPSCH Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Trip through Power Swing Logic
STZMURPS BOOLEAN Start of Underreaching zone controlled by PSL to be used in configuration
BLKZMUR BOOLEAN Block trip of underreaching impedance zone
BLKZMOR BOOLEAN Block trip of overreaching distance protection zones
CS BOOLEAN Carrier send signal controlled by the power swing

PSLPSCH Group settings (basic)

PSLPSCH Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
tDZ 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.050 Permitted max oper time diff between higher and lower zone
tDZMUR 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.200 Delay for oper of underreach zone with detected diff in oper time
tCS 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Conditional timer for sending the CS at power swings
tTrip 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Conditional timer for tripping at power swings
tBlkTr 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.300 Timer for blocking the overreaching zones trip

Logics & highlights

Simplified logic diagram – power swing communication and tripping logic

Simplified logic diagram – power swing communication and tripping logic

Control of underreaching distance protection (Zone 1) at power swings caused by the faults and their clearance on adjacent lines and other system elements

Control of underreaching distance protection (Zone 1) at power swings caused by the faults and their clearance on adjacent lines and other system elements

Automatic switch onto fault logic (ZCVPSOF) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2027


The “Automatic switch onto fault logic (ZCVPSOF)” is a function that gives an instantaneous trip when closing the breaker onto a fault. A dead-line detection check is provided to activate ZCVPSOF when the line is de-energized.

For more detailed information on “Automatic switch onto fault logic (ZCVPSOF)”, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

ZCVPSOF Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Automatic switch onto fault logic ZCVPSOF

Signals & Setting Parameters

ZCVPSOF function block

ZCVPSOF function block

ZCVPSOF Input signals

ZCVPSOF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
START_DLYD BOOLEAN 0 Start from function to be accelerated with delay by SOTF
BC BOOLEAN 0 External enabling of SOTF
ZACC BOOLEAN 0 Distance zone to be accelerated by SOTF

ZCVPSOF Output signals

ZCVPSOF Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Trip output

ZCVPSOF Group settings (basic)

ZCVPSOF Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
AutoInitMode DLD disabled
Current & Voltage
DLD disabled Automatic switch onto fault initialization
Mode Impedance
UILevel Mode of operation of SOTF Function
IPh< 1 – 100 %IB 1 20 Current level for detection of dead line in % of IBase
UPh< 1 – 100 %UB 1 70 Voltage level for detection of dead line in % of UBase
tDuration 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.020 Time delay for UI detection (s)
tSOTF 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 1.000 Drop off delay time of switch onto fault function
tDLD 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.200 Delay time for activation of dead line detection
tOperate 0.03 – 120.00 s 0.01 0.03 Time delay to operate of switch onto fault function

ZCVPSOF Non group settings (basic)

ZCVPSOF Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

ZCVPSOF Monitored data

ZCVPSOF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IL1 REAL A Current in phase L1
IL2 REAL A Current in phase L2
IL3 REAL A Current in phase L3
UL1 REAL kV Voltage in phase L1
UL2 REAL kV Voltage in phase L2
UL3 REAL kV Voltage in phase L3

Logics & highlights

Simplified logic diagram for Automatic switch onto fault logic

Simplified logic diagram for Automatic switch onto fault logic

Power swing detection (ZMRPSB) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2026


The “Power swing detection (ZMRPSB)” function is used to detect power swings and initiate block of all distance protection zones. Occurrence of earth-fault currents during a power swing inhibits the ZMRPSB function, to allow fault clearance.

For more detailed information on “Power swing detection (ZMRPSB)” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

ZMRPSB Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Power swing detection ZMRPSB Zpsb 68

Signals & Setting Parameters

ZMRPSB function block

ZMRPSB function block

ZMRPSB Input signals

ZMRPSB Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKI01 BOOLEAN 0 Block inhibit of start output for slow swing condition
BLKI02 BOOLEAN 0 Block inhibit of start output for subsequent residual current detection
BLK1PH BOOLEAN 0 Block one-out-of-three-phase operating mode
REL1PH BOOLEAN 0 Release one-out-of-three-phase operating mode
BLK2PH BOOLEAN 0 Block two-out-of-three-phase operating mode
REL2PH BOOLEAN 0 Release two-out-of-three-phase operating mode
I0CHECK BOOLEAN 0 Residual current (3I0) detection used to inhibit start output
TRSP BOOLEAN 0 Single-pole tripping command issued by tripping function
EXTERNAL BOOLEAN 0 Input for external detection of power swing

ZMRPSB Output signals

ZMRPSB Output signals
Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Power swing detected
ZOUT BOOLEAN Measured impedance within outer impedance boundary
ZIN BOOLEAN Measured impedance within inner impedance boundary

ZMRPSB Group settings (basic)

ZMRPSB Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Mode On / Off
X1InFw 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Inner reactive boundary, forward
R1LIn 0.01 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Line resistance for inner characteristic angle
R1FInFw 0.01 – 1000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance coverage to inner resistive line, forward
X1InRv 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Inner reactive boundary, reverse
R1FInRv 0.01 – 1000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance line to inner resistive boundary, reverse
OperationLdCh Off
On Operation of load discrimination characteristic
RLdOutFw 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Outer resistive load boundary, forward
ArgLd 5 – 70 Deg 1 25 Load angle determining load impedance area
RLdOutRv 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Outer resistive load boundary, reverse
kLdRFw 0.50 – 0.90 Mult 0.01 0.75 Multiplication factor for inner resistive load boundary, forward
kLdRRv 0.50 – 0.90 Mult 0.01 0.75 Multiplication factor for inner resistive load boundary, reverse
tEF 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 3.000 Timer for overcoming single-pole reclosing dead time
IMinOpPE 5 – 30 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate current in % of IBase

ZMRPSB Group settings (advanced)

ZMRPSB Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
tP1 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.045 Timer for detection of initial power swing
tP2 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.015 Timer for detection of subsequent power swings
tW 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.250 Waiting timer for activation of tP2 timer
tH 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.500 Timer for holding power swing START output
tR1 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.300 Timer giving delay to inhibit by the residual current
tR2 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 2.000 Timer giving delay to inhibit at very slow swing

ZMRPSB Non group settings (basic)

ZMRPSB Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

Logics & highlights

Operating characteristic for ZMRPSB function (setting parameters in italic)

Operating characteristic for ZMRPSB function (setting parameters in italic)

Detection of power swing in phase L1

Detection of power swing in phase L1

Detection of power swing for 1-of-3 and 2-of-3 operating mode

Detection of power swing for 1-of-3 and 2-of-3 operating mode

Simplified block diagram for ZMRPSB function

Simplified block diagram for ZMRPSB function

Full-scheme distance measuring Mho characteristic (ZMHPDIS) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2017


The mho characteristics can be classified into Offset or Directional. The directional mho characteristics can be set to Offset, Forward or Reverse by the setting parameter DirMode. The offset mho characteristic can be set to Forward or Reverse or Non-Directional.

For more detailed information, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported elements click here.

ZMHPDIS Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Full-scheme distance protection, mho characteristic ZMHPDIS Z< 21

Signals & Setting Parameters

ZMHPDIS function block

ZMHPDIS function block

ZMHPDIS Input signals

ZMHPDIS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Connection for current sample signals
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Connection for voltage sample signals
CURR_INP GROUP SIGNAL Connection for current signals
VOLT_INP GROUP SIGNAL Connection for voltage signals
POL_VOLT GROUP SIGNAL Connection for polarizing voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKZ BOOLEAN 0 Block due to fuse failure
BLKZMTD BOOLEAN 0 Block signal for blocking of time domaine function
BLKHSIR BOOLEAN 0 Blocks time domain function at high SIR
BLKTRIP BOOLEAN 0 Blocks all operate output signals
BLKPE BOOLEAN 0 Blocks phase-to-earth operation
BLKPP BOOLEAN 0 Blocks phase-to-phase operation
EXTNST BOOLEAN 0 External start
INTRNST BOOLEAN 0 Internal start
DIRCND INTEGER 0 External directional condition
STCND INTEGER 0 External start condition (loop enabler)
LDCND INTEGER 0 External load condition (loop enabler)

ZMHPDIS Output signals

ZMHPDIS Output signals
Name Type Description
TRL1 BOOLEAN Trip phase L1
TRL2 BOOLEAN Trip phase L2
TRL3 BOOLEAN Trip phase L3
TRPE BOOLEAN Trip phase-to-earth
TRPP BOOLEAN Trip phase-to-phase
STL1 BOOLEAN Start phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start phase L3
STPE BOOLEAN Start phase-to-earth
STPP BOOLEAN Start phase-to-phase

ZMHPDIS Group settings (basic)

ZMHPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off/On
DirMode Off
Forward Direction mode
LoadEncMode Off
Off Load encroachment mode Off/On
ReachMode Overreach
Overreach Reach mode Over/Underreach
ZnTimerSel Timers seperated
Timers linked
Internal start
Start from PhSel
External start
Timers seperated Zone timer selection
OpModePE Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Phase- Earth loops
ZPE 0.005 – 3000.000 Ohm/p 0.001 30.000 Positive sequence impedance setting for Phase-Earth loop
ZAngPE 10 – 90 Deg 1 85 Angle for positive sequence line impedance for Phase-Earth loop
KN 0.00 – 3.00 0.01 0.80 Magnitude of earth return compensation factor KN
KNAng -180 – 180 Deg 1 -15 Angle for earth return compensation factor KN
ZRevPE 0.005 – 3000.000 Ohm/p 0.001 30.000 Reverse reach of the phase to earth loop(magnitude)
tPE 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Delay time for operation of phase to earth elements
IMinOpPE 10 – 30 %IB 1 20 Minimum operation phase to earth current
OpModePP Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Phase- Phase loops
ZPP 0.005 – 3000.000 Ohm/p 0.001 30.000 Impedance setting reach for phase to phase elements
ZAngPP 10 – 90 Deg 1 85 Angle for positive sequence line impedance for Phase-Phase elements
ZRevPP 0.005 – 3000.000 Ohm/p 0.001 30.000 Reverse reach of the phase to phase loop(magnitude)
tPP 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Delay time for operation of phase to phase
IMinOpPP 10 – 30 %IB 1 20 Minimum operation phase to phase current

ZMHPDIS Group settings (advanced)

ZMHPDIS Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
OffsetMhoDir Non-directional
Non-directional Direction mode for offset mho
OpModetPE Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-E
OpModetPP Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-ph

ZMHPDIS Non group settings (basic)

ZMHPDIS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

Logics & highlights

Load encroachment influence on the offset mho characteristic

Load encroachment influence on the offset mho characteristic

Mho, offset mho characteristic and the source impedance influence on the mho characteristic

Mho, offset mho characteristic and the source impedance influence on the mho characteristic

Simplified mho characteristic and vector diagram for phase L1-to-L2 fault

Simplified mho characteristic and vector diagram for phase L1-to-L2 fault

Simplified offset mho characteristic and voltage vectors for phase L1-to-L2 fault

Simplified offset mho characteristic and voltage vectors for phase L1-to-L2 fault

Simplified offset mho characteristic in forward direction for phase L1-to-L2 fault

Simplified offset mho characteristic in forward direction for phase L1-to-L2 fault

Operation characteristic for reverse phase L1-to-L2 fault

Operation characteristic for reverse phase L1-to-L2 fault

Simplified mho characteristic and vector diagram for phase L1-to- earth fault

Simplified mho characteristic and vector diagram for phase L1-to- earth fault

Simplified offset mho characteristic and voltage vector for phase L1-to- earth fault

Simplified offset mho characteristic and voltage vector for phase L1-to- earth fault

Simplified characteristic for offset mho in forward direction for L1-to-earth fault

Simplified characteristic for offset mho in forward direction for L1-to-earth fault

Simplified characteristic for offset mho in reverse direction for L1-to-earth fault

Simplified characteristic for offset mho in reverse direction for L1-to-earth fault

Simplified logic for release start signal

Simplified logic for release start signal

Composition of starting signals

Composition of starting signals

Tripping logic for the distance protection zone

Tripping logic for the distance protection zone

Zone timer logic

Zone timer logic

Phase selection, quad, fixed angle, load encroachment (FDPSPDIS) _ AB2015

Phase selection with load encroachment, quadrilateral characteristic FDPSPDIS includes six impedance measuring loops; three intended for phase-to-earth faults, and three intended for phase-to-phase faults as well as for three-phase faults.

The difference, compared to the distance zone measuring function, is in the combination of the measuring quantities (currents and voltages) for different types of faults.

For more detailed information on “Phase selection, quad, fixed angle, load encroachment (FDPSPDIS)” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Phase selection, quad, fixed angle, load encroachment FDPSPDIS Z<phs 21

FDPSPDIS function block

FDPSPDIS function block

FDPSPDIS Input signals

FDPSPDIS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
DIRCND INTEGER 0 External directional condition

FDPSPDIS Output signals

FDPSPDIS Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Trip output
START BOOLEAN Start in any phase or loop
STFWL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1 – forward direction
STFWL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2 – forward direction
STFWL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3 – forward direction
STFWPE BOOLEAN Earth fault detected in forward direction
STRVL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1 – reverse direction
STRVL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2 – reverse direction
STRVL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3 – reverse direction
STRVPE BOOLEAN Earth fault detected in reverse direction
STNDL1 BOOLEAN Non directional start in L1
STNDL2 BOOLEAN Non directional start in L2
STNDL3 BOOLEAN Non directional start in L3
STNDPE BOOLEAN Non directional start, phase-earth
STFW1PH BOOLEAN Start in forward direction for single-phase fault
STFW2PH BOOLEAN Start in forward direction for two- phase fault
STFW3PH BOOLEAN Start in forward direction for thre-phase fault
STPE BOOLEAN Current conditions release of phase-earth measuring elements
STPP BOOLEAN Current conditions release of phase-phase measuring elements
STCNDZ INTEGER Start condition (Z< with LE and 3I0 E/F detection)
STCNDLE INTEGER Start condition (only LE and 3I0 E/F detection)

FDPSPDIS Group settings (basic)

FDPSPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
INBlockPP 10 – 100 %IPh 1 40 3I0 limit for blocking phase-to-phase measuring loops
INReleasePE 10 – 100 %IPh 1 20 3I0 limit for releasing phase-to-earth measuring loops
RLdFw 1.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 80.00 Forward resistive reach within the load impedance area
RLdRv 1.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 80.00 Reverse resistive reach within the load impedance area
ArgLd 5 – 70 Deg 1 30 Load angle determining the load impedance area
X1 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach
X0 0.50 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach
RFFwPP 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, forward
RFRvPP 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, reverse
RFFwPE 1.00 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, forward
RFRvPE 1.00 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, reverse
IMinOpPP 5 – 500 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate delta current for Phase-Phase loops
IMinOpPE 5 – 500 %IB 1 5 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops

FDPSPDIS Group settings (advanced)

FDPSPDIS Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
OperationZ< Off
On Operation of impedance based measurement
OperationI> Off
Off Operation of current based measurement
IPh> 10 – 2500 %IB 1 120 Start value for phase over-current element
IN> 10 – 2500 %IB 1 20 Start value for trip from 3I0 over- current element
TimerPP Off
Off Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-Ph
tPP 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 3.000 Time delay to trip, Ph-Ph
TimerPE Off
Off Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-E
tPE 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 3.000 Time delay to trip, Ph-E

FDPSPDIS Non group settings (basic)

FDPSPDIS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups


Characteristics for non-directional, forward and reverse operation of Phase selection with load encroachment, quadrilateral characteristic FDPSPDIS

Characteristics for non-directional, forward and reverse operation of Phase selection with load encroachment, quadrilateral characteristic FDPSPDIS

Characteristic of FDPSPDIS for phase-to-earth fault (setting parameters in italic), ohm/loop domain (directional lines are drawn as “line-dot-dot-line”)

Characteristic of FDPSPDIS for phase-to-earth fault (setting parameters in italic), ohm/loop domain (directional lines are drawn as "line-dot-dot-line")

The operation characteristics for FDPSPDIS at phase-to-phase fault (setting parameters in italic, directional lines drawn as “line-dot-dot-line”), ohm/phase domain

The operation characteristics for FDPSPDIS at phase-to-phase fault (setting parameters in italic, directional lines drawn as "line-dot-dot-line"), ohm/phase domain

The characteristic of FDPSPDIS for three-phase fault (setting parameters in italic)

The characteristic of FDPSPDIS for three-phase fault (setting parameters in italic)

Characteristic of load encroachment function

Characteristic of load encroachment function

Difference in operating characteristic depending on operation mode when load encroachment is activated

Difference in operating characteristic depending on operation mode when load encroachment is activated

Operating characteristic in forward direction when load encroachment is activated

Operating characteristic in forward direction when load encroachment is activated

Operating characteristic for FDPSPDIS in forward direction for three-phase fault, ohm/phase domain

Operating characteristic for FDPSPDIS in forward direction for three-phase fault, ohm/phase domain

Rotation of load characteristic for a fault between two phases

Rotation of load characteristic for a fault between two phases

General phase-selection logic diagram

General phase-selection logic diagram

Phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth operating conditions (residual current criteria)

Phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth operating conditions (residual current criteria)

Composition on non-directional phase selection signals

Composition on non-directional phase selection signals

Composition of phase selection signals for reverse direction

Composition of phase selection signals for reverse direction

Composition of phase selection signals for forward direction

Composition of phase selection signals for forward direction

TRIP and START signal logic

TRIP and START signal logic

Distance measuring zones quadrilateral characteristic (ZMQPDIS, ZMQAPDIS, ZDRDIR) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2014


The “Distance measuring zones quadrilateral characteristic (ZMQPDIS)” together with “Phase selection with load encroachment (FDPSPDIS)” has functionality for load encroachment, which increases the possibility to detect high resistive faults on heavily loaded lines.

For more detailed information on “Distance measuring zones quadrilateral characteristic (ZMQPDIS, ZMQAPDIS, ZDRDIR), refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Distance measuring zones quadrilateral characteristic, Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic (zone 1) ZMQPDIS Z< 21
Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic (zone 2-5) ZMQAPDIS Z< 21
Directional impedance quadrilateral ZDRDIR Z<-> 21D

Signals & Setting Parameters

ZMQPDIS function block

ZMQPDIS function block

ZMQPDIS Input signals

ZMQPDIS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
VTSZ BOOLEAN 0 Blocks all output by fuse failure signal
BLKTR BOOLEAN 0 Blocks all trip outputs
STCND INTEGER 0 External start condition (loop enabler)
DIRCND INTEGER 0 External directional condition

ZMQPDIS Output signals

ZMQPDIS Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General Trip, issued from any phase or loop
TRL1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L1
TRL2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L2
TRL3 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L3
START BOOLEAN General Start, issued from any phase or loop
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
STND BOOLEAN Non-directional start, issued from any phase or loop

ZMQPDIS Group settings (basic)

ZMQPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
OperationDir Non-directional
Forward Operation mode of directionality NonDir / Forw / Rev
X1 0.10 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Positive sequence reactance reach
R1 0.01 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
X0 0.10 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 100.00 Zero sequence reactance reach
R0 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
RFPP 0.10 – 3000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach in ohm/loop, Ph-Ph
RFPE 0.10 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach in ohm/loop, Ph-E
OperationPP Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Phase- Phase loops
OpModetPP Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-Ph
tPP 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay of trip, Ph-Ph
OperationPE Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Phase- Earth loops
OpModetPE Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-E
tPE 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay of trip, Ph-E
IMinOpPP 10 – 1000 %IB 1 20 Minimum operate delta current for Phase-Phase loops
IMinOpPE 10 – 1000 %IB 1 20 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops
IMinOpIN 5 – 1000 %IB 1 5 Minimum operate residual current for Phase-Earth loops

ZMQPDIS Non group settings (basic)

ZMQPDIS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

ZMQAPDIS function block (zone 2 – 5)

ZMQAPDIS function block (zone 2 - 5)

ZMQAPDIS Input signals

ZMQAPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
OperationDir Non-directional
Forward Operation mode of directionality NonDir / Forw / Rev
X1 0.10 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach
R1 0.01 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
X0 0.10 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach
R0 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
RFPP 0.10 – 3000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach in ohm/loop, Ph-Ph
RFPE 0.10 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach in ohm/loop, Ph-E
OperationPP Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Phase- Phase loops
OpModetPP Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-Ph
tPP 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay of trip, Ph-Ph
OperationPE Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Phase- Earth loops
OpModetPE Off
On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-E
tPE 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay of trip, Ph-E
IMinOpPP 10 – 1000 %IB 1 20 Minimum operate delta current for Phase-Phase loops
IMinOpPE 10 – 1000 %IB 1 20 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops

ZMQAPDIS Output signals

ZMQAPDIS Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General Trip, issued from any phase or loop
TRL1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L1
TRL2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L2
TRL3 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L3
START BOOLEAN General Start, issued from any phase or loop
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
STND BOOLEAN Non-directional start, issued from any phase or loop

ZMQAPDIS Group settings (basic)

ZMQAPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off On Off Operation Off / On
OperationDir Non-directional Forward Reverse Forward Operation mode of directionality NonDir / Forw / Rev
X1 0.10 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach
R1 0.01 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
X0 0.10 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach
R0 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle
RFPP 0.10 – 3000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach in ohm/loop, Ph-Ph
RFPE 0.10 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach in ohm/loop, Ph-E
OperationPP Off On On Operation mode Off / On of Phase- Phase loops
OpModetPP Off On On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-Ph
tPP 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay of trip, Ph-Ph
OperationPE Off On On Operation mode Off / On of Phase- Earth loops
OpModetPE Off On On Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-E
tPE 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay of trip, Ph-E
IMinOpPP 10 – 1000 %IB 1 20 Minimum operate delta current for Phase-Phase loops
IMinOpPE 10 – 1000 %IB 1 20 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops

ZMQAPDIS Non group settings (basic)

ZMQAPDIS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

ZDRDIR function block

ZDRDIR function block

ZDRDIR Input signals

ZDRDIR Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input

ZDRDIR Output signals

ZDRDIR Output signals
Name Type Description
STDIRCND INTEGER Binary coded directional information per measuring loop

ZDRDIR Group settings (basic)

ZDRDIR Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
IMinOpPP 5 – 30 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate phase-phase current for Phase-Phase loops
IMinOpPE 5 – 30 %IB 1 5 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops
ArgNegRes 90 – 175 Deg 1 115 Angle of blinder in second quadrant for forward direction
ArgDir 5 – 45 Deg 1 15 Angle of blinder in fourth quadrant for forward direction

ZDRDIR Non group settings (basic)

ZDRDIR Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

ZDRDIR Monitored data

ZDRDIR Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
L1Dir INTEGER 1=Forward 2=Reverse 0=No direction Direction in phase L1
L2Dir INTEGER 1=Forward 2=Reverse 0=No direction Direction in phase L2
L3Dir INTEGER 1=Forward 2=Reverse 0=No direction Direction in phase L3
L1R REAL Ohm Resistance in phase L1
L1X REAL Ohm Reactance in phase L1
L2R REAL Ohm Resistance in phase L2
L2X REAL Ohm Reactance in phase L2
L3R REAL Ohm Resistance in phase L3
L3X REAL Ohm Reactance in phase L3

Logics & highlights

The different measuring loops at phase-to-earth fault and phase-to-phase fault

The different measuring loops at phase-to-earth fault and phase-to-phase fault

Characteristic for phase-to-earth measuring, ohm/loop domain

Characteristic for phase-to-earth measuring, ohm/loop domain

Characteristic for phase-to-phase measuring

Characteristic for phase-to-phase measuring

Fault loop model

Fault loop model

Directional operating modes of the distance measuring zones

Directional operating modes of the distance measuring zones

Line distance protection

Line distance protection

Setting angles for discrimination of forward and reverse fault in Directional impedance quadrilateral function ZDRDIR

Setting angles for discrimination of forward and reverse fault in Directional impedance quadrilateral function ZDRDIR

Conditioning by a group functional input signal STCND, external start condition

Conditioning by a group functional input signal STCND, external start condition

Composition of starting signals in non-directional operating mode

Composition of starting signals in non-directional operating mode

Composition of start signals in directional operating mode

Composition of start signals in directional operating mode

Tripping logic for the distance protection zone

Tripping logic for the distance protection zone

Additional security logic for differential protection (LDRGFC) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2012


The “Additional security logic for differential protection (LDRGFC)” can help the security of the protection especially when the communication system is in abnormal status or for example when there is unspecified asymmetry in the communication link. It helps to reduce the probability for mal-operation of the protection.

For more detailed information on “Additional security logic for differential protection (LDRGFC)”, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Additional security logic for differential protection LDRGFC 11

Signals & Setting Parameters

LDRGFC Function block

LDRGFC Function block

LDRGFC Input signals

LDRGFC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKCV BOOLEAN 0 Block of ph to ph current variation criterion
BLKUC BOOLEAN 0 Block of the low current criterion
BLK3I0 BOOLEAN 0 Block of zero sequence current criterion
BLKUV BOOLEAN 0 Block of under voltage criterion
REMSTUP BOOLEAN 0 Startup signal of remote end

LDRGFC Output signals

LDRGFC Output signals
Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN General startup signal
STCVL1L2 BOOLEAN Start signal for current variation criterion for phase L1L2
STCVL2L3 BOOLEAN Start signal for current variation criterion for phase L2L3
STCVL3L1 BOOLEAN Start signal for current variation criterion for phase L3L1
STUC BOOLEAN Start signal for low current criterion
ST3I0 BOOLEAN Start signal for zero sequence current criterion
STUV BOOLEAN Start signal for under voltage criterion

LDRGFC Group settings (basic)

LDRGFC Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off/On
tStUpReset 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 7.000 Reset delay for startup signal
OperationCV Off
On Operation current variation Off/On
ICV> 1 – 100 %IB 1 20 Fixed threshold for ph to ph current variation criterion
OperationUC Off
On Operation low current criterion Off/On
IUC< 1 – 100 %IB 1 5 Start value for low current operation in % of IBase
Operation3I0 Off
On Operation zero sequence current criterion Off/On
I3I0> 1 – 100 %IB 1 10 Start value for zero sequence current criterion in % of IBase
OperationUV Off
On Operation under voltage criterion Off/On
UPhN< 1 – 100 %UB 1 60 Start value for phase voltage criterion in % of UBase
UPhPh< 1 – 100 %UB 1 60 Start value for ph to ph voltage criterion in % of UBase

LDRGFC Group settings (advanced)

LDRGFC Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
tCV 0.000 – 0.005 s 0.001 0.002 Time delay for phase to phase current variation
tUC 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.200 Time delay for low current criterion
t3I0 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay for zero sequence current criterion
tUV 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay for low voltage criterion

LDRGFC Non group settings (basic)

LDRGFC Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

LDRGFC Monitored data

LDRGFC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IL1 REAL A Current RMS value for phase L1
IL2 REAL A Current RMS value for phase L2
IL3 REAL A Current RMS value for phase L3
3I0 REAL A Zero sequence current value
UL1 REAL kV Voltage RMS value for phase L1
UL2 REAL kV Voltage RMS value for phase L2
UL3 REAL kV Voltage RMS value for phase L3
UL12 REAL kV Voltage RMS value for ph to ph L1L2
UL23 REAL kV Voltage RMS value for ph to ph L2L3
UL31 REAL kV Voltage RMS value for ph to ph L3L1

Logics & highlights

LDRGFC Current variation logic diagram

LDRGFC Current variation logic diagram

LDRGFC Zero sequence current criterion logic diagram

LDRGFC Zero sequence current criterion logic diagram

LDRGFC Low voltage criterion logic diagram

LDRGFC Low voltage criterion logic diagram

LDRGFC Low current criterion logic diagram

LDRGFC Low current criterion logic diagram

LDRGFC Logic diagram for start up element

LDRGFC Logic diagram for start up element

High impedance differential protection, single phase (HZPDIF) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2011


The “High impedance differential protection, single phase (HZPDIF)” function can be used when the involved CT cores have the same turns ratio and similar magnetizing characteristics.

For more detailed information on “High impedance differential protection, single phase (HZPDIF)” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here .

HZPDIF Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
High impedance differential protection, single phase HZPDIF Id 87

Signals & Setting Parameters

HZPDIF Function block

HZPDIF Function block

HZPDIF Input signals

HZPDIF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
ISI GROUP SIGNAL Single phase current input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKTR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip

HZPDIF Output signals

HZPDIF Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Trip signal
ALARM BOOLEAN Alarm signal
MEASVOLT REAL Measured RMS voltage on CT secondary side

HZPDIF Group settings (basic)

HZPDIF Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
U>Alarm 5 – 500 V 1 10 Alarm voltage level in volts on CT secondary side
tAlarm 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 5.000 Time delay to activate alarm
U>Trip 10 – 900 V 1 100 Operate voltage level in volts on CT secondary side
SeriesResistor 50 – 20000 Ohm 1 250 Value of series resistor in Ohms

HZPDIF Monitored data

HZPDIF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
MEASVOLT REAL kV Measured RMS voltage on CT secondary side

Logics & highlights

HZPDIF scheme

HZPDIF scheme

Logic diagram for 1Ph High impedance differential protection HZPDIF

Logic diagram for 1Ph High impedance differential protection HZPDIF

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