Line differential protection (L4CPDIF) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2123


High speed “Line differential protection” for 4 CT sets, 2-3 line ends (L4CPDIF) is a unit type protection system with typical operate time less than one cycle. These types of systems are suitable for the protection of complex transmission network configurations because they exhibit good performance during evolving, inter-circuit, and cross-country faults.

For more detailed information on “Line differential protection”, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
High speed line differential protection for 4 CT sets, 2-3 line ends L4CPDIF 3Id/I > 87L

Signals & Setting Parameters

L4CPDIF function block

L4CPDIF function block

L4CPDIF Input signals

L4CPDIF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P1 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase current samples, group 1
I3P2 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase current samples, group 2
I3P3 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase current samples, group 3
I3P4 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase current samples, group 4
U3P1 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase voltage samples, group 1
U3P2 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase voltage samples, group 2
U3P3 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase voltage samples, group 3
U3P4 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase voltage samples, group 4
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
LOWSENEN BOOLEAN 0 Input for forcing the function enable low sensitivity
CCBLK BOOLEAN 0 Block CCC (local)

L4CPDIF Output signals

L4CPDIF Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Common, main, trip output signal
TRL1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L1
TRL2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L2
TRL3 BOOLEAN Trip signal from phase L3
START BOOLEAN Common, main, start output signal
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
STUNR BOOLEAN Start of unrestrained differential protection
COMFBLKD BOOLEAN Block due to communication failed
BLKHL1 BOOLEAN Block signal due to 2nd or 5th harmonic, phase L1
BLKHL2 BOOLEAN Block signal due to 2nd or 5th harmonic, phase L2
BLKHL3 BOOLEAN Block signal due to 2nd or 5th harmonic, phase L3
OPENCT BOOLEAN An open CT was detected
DIFLBLKD BOOLEAN Local line differential function blocked
TRLOCAL BOOLEAN Trip from local differential function
TRREMOTE BOOLEAN Trip from remote differential function
ALARM BOOLEAN Alarm for sustained differential current
INTFLTL1 BOOLEAN Internal fault has been detected in phase L1
INTFLTL2 BOOLEAN Internal fault has been detected in phase L2
INTFLTL3 BOOLEAN Internal fault has been detected in phase L3
SYNLOSS BOOLEAN Loss of data synchronism was detected
CHARGEN BOOLEAN Charging current compensation is enabled
IDL1 REAL Instantaneous differential current, phase L1
IDL2 REAL Instantaneous differential current, phase L2
IDL3 REAL Instantaneous differential current, phase L3
IDL1MAG REAL Magnitude of fund. freq. differential current, phase L1
IDL2MAG REAL Magnitude of fund. freq. differential current, phase L2
IDL3MAG REAL Magnitude of fund. freq. differential current, phase L3
IBIASL1 REAL Magnitude of the bias current, L1
IBIASL2 REAL Magnitude of the bias current, L2
IBIASL3 REAL Magnitude of the bias current, L3
IREQSTL1 REAL Required current level to start, phase L1
IREQSTL2 REAL Required current level to start, phase L2
IREQSTL3 REAL Required current level to start, phase L3

L4CPDIF Non group settings (basic)

L4CPDIF Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups
NoOfUsedCTs 2 – 4 1 2 Total number of 3-Ph CT sets connected to diff protection
TapTransformer Off
Off Small tap transformer included in the protected zone
DiffMode Master
Master Differential function mode Master/ Slave
ReleaseLocal Block all
Release local
Block all Release of local terminal for trip under test mode
TestModeSet Off
Off Test Mode Off/On

L4CPDIF Group settings (basic)

L4CPDIF Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Mode Off / On
IdMin 0.20 – 2.00 IB 0.01 0.30 Oper – restr charact., section 1 sensitivity, multiple of IBase
IdMinHigh 0.20 – 10.00 IB 0.01 0.80 Initial lower sensitivity, as multiple of IBase
tIdMinHigh 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 1.000 Time interval of initial lower sensitivity, in s
IdUnre 1.00 – 100.00 IB 0.01 10.00 Unrestrained differential current limit, multiple of IBase
OpenCTEnable Off
On Open CTEnable Off/On
tOCTResetDelay 0.100 – 10.000 s 0.001 0.250 Reset delay in s. After delay, diff. function is activated
OCTBlockEn Off
On Enable Open CT blocking function trip Off/On
IdiffAlarm 0.05 – 1.00 IB 0.01 0.15 Sustained differential current alarm, multiple of IBase
tAlarmDelay 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 10.000 Delay for alarm due to sustained differential current, in s
LossSynEn Off
Off Loss of data synchronism detection Off/On
tLossSynReset 0.100 – 60.000 s 0.001 1.000 Loss of data synchronism detection reset delay in s. After delay, diff. function is activated
CCCOpMode Off
U based
IDiff reduction
Off Operation mode of charging current compensation
VTOnLineGrp1 No
No Voltage transformer installed on the line at the end, the currents of which are connected to group 1
VTOnLineGrp2 No
No Voltage transformer installed on the line at the end, the currents of which are connected to group 2
VTOnLineGrp3 No
No Voltage transformer installed on the line at the end, the currents of which are connected to group 3
VTOnLineGrp4 No
No Voltage transformer installed on the line at the end, the currents of which are connected to group 4
C0 0.001 – 1000.000 uF 0.001 0.001 Total zero sequence capacitance of the protected line, in microfarad
C1 0.001 – 1000.000 uF 0.001 0.001 Total positive sequence capacitance of the protected line, in microfarad
NoOfLineEnds 2 – 3 1 2 Number of physical line ends of the protected line circuit, 2 ends or 3 ends
NoOfCTSetsGrp1 1 – 2 1 1 Number of 3-ph CTs at line end, the currents of which are connected to group 1 (1 or 2)
NoOfCTSetsGrp2 1 – 2 1 1 Number of 3-ph CTs at line end, the currents of which are connected to group 2 (1 or 2)
NoOfCTSetsGrp3 1 – 2 1 1 Number of 3-ph CTs at line end, the currents of which are connected to group 3 (1 or 2)
NoOfCTSetsGrp4 1 – 2 1 1 Number of 3-ph CTs at line end, the currents of which are connected to group 4 (1or 2)
tChargCurrDelay 0.010 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Delay for compensation of charging current due to initial voltage oscillation, in s

L4CPDIF Group settings (advanced)

L4CPDIF Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
EndSection1 0.20 – 2.00 IB 0.01 1.00 End of section 1, as multiple of reference current IBase
EndSection2 1.00 – 10.00 IB 0.01 3.00 End of section 2, as multiple of reference current IBase
SlopeSection2 10.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 50.0 Slope in section 2 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
SlopeSection3 30.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 100.0 Slope in section 3 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
I2/I1Ratio 5.0 – 100.0 % 1.0 10.0 Max. ratio of 2nd harm. to fundamental harm dif. curr. in %
I5/I1Ratio 5.0 – 100.0 % 1.0 10.0 Max. ratio of 5th harm. to fundamental harm dif. curr. in %
SendInterTrip No
Yes Send inter-trip to remote ends

L4CPDIF Monitored data

L4CPDIF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IDL1MAG REAL A Magnitude of fund. freq. differential current, phase L1
IDL2MAG REAL A Magnitude of fund. freq. differential current, phase L2
IDL3MAG REAL A Magnitude of fund. freq. differential current, phase L3
IBIASL1 REAL A Magnitude of the bias current, L1
IBIASL2 REAL A Magnitude of the bias current, L2
IBIASL3 REAL A Magnitude of the bias current, L3
ICL1 REAL A Amount of compensated charging current, phase L1
ICL2 REAL A Amount of compensated charging current, phase L2
ICL3 REAL A Amount of compensated charging current, phase L3

Logics & highlights

Two-end power line with one CB and one CT group at each end

Two-end power line with one CB and one CT group at each end

Two-end power line with two CB and CT groups at one end

Two-end power line with two CB and CT groups at one end

Two-end power line with two CB and CT groups at each end

Two-end power line with two CB and CT groups at each end

Three-end power line with two CB and CT groups at one end

Three-end power line with two CB and CT groups at one end

Simplified logic diagram for the internal fault detector shown for a two-end power line (one detector for each phase)

Simplified logic diagram for the internal fault detector shown for a two-end power line (one detector for each phase)

Incremental currents flowing towards the internal fault point with a default orientation of CTs

Incremental currents flowing towards the internal fault point with a default orientation of CTs

Description of the restrained and unrestrained operate characteristics

Description of the restrained and unrestrained operate characteristics

Characteristic sections

Characteristic sections

Charging currents fed from all voltage sources

Charging currents fed from all voltage sources

Capacitances for phaseL1 of a transmission line

Capacitances for phaseL1 of a transmission line

Currents calculation (1/3)

Currents calculation (1/3)

Currents calculation (2/3)

Currents calculation (2/3)

Currents calculation (3/3)

Currents calculation (3/3)

Charging current compensation using the exact method (CCCOpMode = U based)

Charging current compensation using the exact method (CCCOpMode = U based)

Charging current compensation using the approximate method (CCCOpMode = Idiff reduction)

Charging current compensation using the approximate method (CCCOpMode = Idiff reduction)

Simplified logic for open CT detection

Simplified logic for open CT detection

Operate region for loss of data synchronism detection

Operate region for loss of data synchronism detection

Simplified logic for loss of synchronism detection

Simplified logic for loss of synchronism detection

Block signal logic for line differential coordination logic

Block signal logic for line differential coordination logic

Trip signal logic for line differential coordination logic

Trip signal logic for line differential coordination logic

Simplified logic for L4CPDIF

Simplified logic for L4CPDIF

Simplified logic for the internal fault detector shown for a two-end power line (one detector for each phase)

Simplified logic for the internal fault detector shown for a two-end power line (one detector for each phase)

Generator differential protection (GENPDIF) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2122


To combine fast fault clearance, as well as sensitivity and selectivity, the “Generator differential protection” is normally the best choice for phase-to-phase generator short circuits.

For more detailed information on “Generator differential protection”, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Generator differential protection GENPDIF Id > 87G

Signals & Setting Parameters

GENPDIF function block

GENPDIF function block

GENPDIF Input signals

GENPDIF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3PNCT1 GROUP SIGNAL Neutral side input1
I3PNCT2 GROUP SIGNAL Neutral side input2
I3PTCT1 GROUP SIGNAL Terminal side input1
I3PTCT2 GROUP SIGNAL Terminal side input2
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKRES BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip command by the restrained diff. protection
BLKUNRES BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip by unrestrained "instantaneous" diff. prot.
BLKNSUNR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for unrestr. neg. seq. differential feature
BLKNSSEN BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for sensitive neg. seq. differential feature
DESENSIT BOOLEAN 0 Raise pick up: function temporarily desensitized

GENPDIF Output signals

GENPDIF Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General, common trip signal
TRIPRES BOOLEAN Trip signal from restrained differential protection
TRIPUNRE BOOLEAN Trip signal from unrestrained differential protection
TRNSUNR BOOLEAN Trip signal from unrestr. neg. seq. diff. protection
TRNSSENS BOOLEAN Trip signal from sensitive neg. seq. diff. protection
START BOOLEAN Common start signal from any phase
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
BLKH BOOLEAN Common harmonic block signal
OPENCT BOOLEAN An open CT was detected
OPENCTAL BOOLEAN Open CT Alarm output signal. Issued after a delay …
IDL1 REAL Instantaneous differential current L1; in primary Amperes
IDL2 REAL Instantaneous differential current L2; in primary Amperes
IDL3 REAL Instantaneous differential current L3; in primary Amperes
IDNSMAG REAL Negative Sequence Differential current; in primary Amperes
IBIAS REAL Magnitude of the common Bias current; in primary Amperes
IDDCL1 REAL DC component of diff. current, phase L1; primary Amperes
IDDCL2 REAL DC component of diff. current, phase L2; primary Amperes
IDDCL3 REAL DC component of Diff. current, phase L3; primary Amperes

GENPDIF Non group settings (basic)

GENPDIF Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
InvertCT2Curr No
No Invert CT 2 curr., yes (1) or no (0). Default is no (0).
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

GENPDIF Group settings (basic)

GENPDIF Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
IdMin 0.05 – 1.00 IB 0.01 0.25 Section 1 sensitivity, multiple of generator rated current
IdUnre 1.00 – 50.00 IB 0.01 10.00 Unrestr. prot. limit, multiple of generator rated current
OpNegSeqDiff Off
On Negative Sequence Differential Enable Off/On
IMinNegSeq 0.02 – 0.20 IB 0.01 0.04 Neg. sequence curr. limit, as multiple of gen. rated curr.

GENPDIF Group settings (advanced)

GENPDIF Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
EndSection1 0.20 – 1.50 IB 0.01 1.25 End of section 1, multiple of generator rated current
EndSection2 1.00 – 10.00 IB 0.01 3.00 End of section 2, multiple of generator rated current
SlopeSection2 10.0 – 50.0 % 0.1 40.0 Slope in section 2 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
SlopeSection3 30.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 80.0 Slope in section 3 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
OpCrossBlock Off
On Operation On / Off for cross-block logic between phases
NegSeqROA 30.0 – 120.0 Deg 0.1 60.0 Operate Angle of int/ext neg. seq. fault discriminator, deg
HarmDistLimit 5.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 10.0 (Total) relative harmonic distorsion limit, percent
TempIdMin 1.0 – 5.0 IdMin 0.1 2.0 Temp. Id pickup when input raisePickUp=1, multiple of IdMin
AddTripDelay 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Additional trip delay, when input raisePickUp=1
OperDCBiasing Off
Off Operation DC biasing On / Off
OpenCTEnable Off
Off Open CT detection feature Off/On
tOCTAlarmDelay 0.100 – 10.000 s 0.001 1.000 Open CT: time to alarm if an open CT is detected, in sec
tOCTResetDelay 0.100 – 10.000 s 0.001 0.250 Reset delay in s. After delay, diff. function is activated
tOCTUnrstDelay 0.100 – 100.000 s 0.001 10.000 Unrestrained diff. protection blocked after this delay, in s

GENPDIF Monitored data

GENPDIF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IDL1MAG REAL A Fund. freq. differential current, phase L1; in primary A
IDL2MAG REAL A Fund. freq. differential current, phase L2; in primary A
IDL3MAG REAL A Fund. freq. differential current, phase L3; in primary A
IDNSMAG REAL A Negative Sequence Differential current; in primary Amperes
IBIAS REAL A Magnitude of the common Bias current; in primary Amperes

Logics & highlights

Position of current transformers; the recommended (default) orientation

Position of current transformers; the recommended (default) orientation

Fundamental frequency differential & bias currents

Fundamental frequency differential currents

Internal fault

Internal fault

External fault

External fault

Operate-restrain characteristic

Operate-restrain characteristic

NegSeqROA determines the boundary between the internal and external fault regions

NegSeqROA determines the boundary between the internal and external fault regions

Simplified principle design of the Generator differential protection GENPDIF

Simplified principle design of the Generator differential protection GENPDIF

Generator differential logic diagram 1

Generator differential logic diagram 1

Generator differential logic diagram 2

Generator differential logic diagram 2

Generator differential logic diagram 3

Generator differential logic diagram 3

Generator differential logic diagram 4

Self adaptive differential protection for two-winding power transformers (PSTPDIF) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2121


The “Self adaptive differential protection for two-winding power transformers” function can be used as a differential protection for any two-winding three-phase power transformers. It is especially suitable for the differential protection of phase-shifting transformers (PST), which is also called phase-angle regulating transformers (PAR). This function is similar to the standard transformer differential protection function T2WPDIF (or 87T), but it can be applied to any type and construction of PST.

For more detailed information on “Self adaptive differential protection for two-winding power transformers” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Self-adaptive differential protection for two-winding power transformers PSTPDIF 3Id/I 87T

Signals & Setting Parameters

PSTPDIF function block

PSTPDIF function block

PSTPDIF Input signals

PSTPDIF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3PW1 GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for primary current input, three phase
I3PW2 GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for secondary current input, three phase
U3PW1 GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for primary voltage input
U3PW2 GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for secondary voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function and enabling of fast synch of the phase angle shift and ratio
BLKRES BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for restrained differential feature
BLKUNRES BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for unrestrained differential feature
BLKNSUNR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for unrestr. neg. seq. differential feature
BLKNSSEN BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for sensitive neg. seq. differential feature
USEDFLT BOOLEAN 0 Forces the calculation of ratio and phase angle to use default values
STOPCOMP BOOLEAN 0 Stops ratio and phase angle compensation and freezes their values

PSTPDIF Output signals

PSTPDIF Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General trip signal
TRIPRES BOOLEAN Trip signal from restrained differential protection
TRIPUNRE BOOLEAN Trip signal from unrestrained differential protection
TRNSUNR BOOLEAN Trip signal from unrestrained negative sequence differential protection
TRNSSENS BOOLEAN Trip signal from sensitive negative sequence differential protection
START BOOLEAN General start signal from any phase
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
INTFAULT BOOLEAN Indication that internal fault has been detected
EXTFAULT BOOLEAN Indication that external fault/disturbance has been detected
BLK2H BOOLEAN General second harmonic block signal from any phase
BLK2HL1 BOOLEAN Second harmonic block signal, phase L1
BLK2HL2 BOOLEAN Second harmonic block signal, phase L2
BLK2HL3 BOOLEAN Second harmonic block signal, phase L3
BLK5H BOOLEAN General fifth harmonic block signal from any phase
BLK5HL1 BOOLEAN Fifth harmonic block signal, phase L1
BLK5HL2 BOOLEAN Fifth harmonic block signal, phase L2
BLK5HL3 BOOLEAN Fifth harmonic block signal, phase L3
BLKWAV BOOLEAN General block signal, waveform criterion, from any phase
BLKWAVL1 BOOLEAN Block signal, waveform criterion, phase L1
BLKWAVL2 BOOLEAN Block signal, waveform criterion, phase L2
BLKWAVL3 BOOLEAN Block signal, waveform criterion, phase L3
IDALARM BOOLEAN Alarm for sustained diff currents in all three phases
IDL1 REAL Value of the instantaneous differential current, phase L1
IDL2 REAL Value of the instantaneous differential current, phase L2
IDL3 REAL Value of the instantaneous differential current, phase L3
IDL1MAG REAL Magnitude of fundamental frequency differential current, phase L1
IDL2MAG REAL Magnitude of fundamental frequency differential current, phase L2
IDL3MAG REAL Magnitude of fundamental frequency differential current, phase L3
IBIAS REAL Magnitude of the bias current, which is common to all phases
IDNSMAG REAL Magnitude of the negative sequence differential current
IRATIO REAL Ratio between W1 and W2 positive sequence current magnitudes
IANGLE REAL Angle difference between W1 and W2 positive sequence current phasors
URATIO REAL Ratio between W2 and W1 selected voltage magnitudes
UANGLE REAL Angle difference between W1 and W2 selected voltage phasors
SELMEAS INTEGER Presently used source of measurement for ratio and phase shift calculation (1=default settings, 2=voltage, 4=current, 8=frozen, 16=external freeze)
DIFRATIO REAL Ratio between W1 and W2 magnitudes
DIFANGLE REAL Angle difference between W1 and W2 phasors

PSTPDIF Non group settings (basic)

PSTPDIF Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSelW1 1 – 12 1 1 Global base selector for winding 1
GlobalBaseSelW2 1 – 12 1 1 Global base selector for winding 2
SelPhaseVoltW1 Phase L1
Phase L2
Phase L3
Phase L1L2
Phase L2L3
Phase L3L1
Positive sequence
Phase L1 Group signal for primary voltage input
SelPhaseVoltW2 Phase L1
Phase L2
Phase L3
Phase L1L2
Phase L2L3
Phase L3L1
Positive sequence
Phase L1 Group signal for secondary voltage input
ZSCurrSubtrW1 Off
On Enable zero sequence current subtraction for W1 side, On / Off
ZSCurrSubtrW2 Off
On Enable zero sequence current subtraction for W2 side, On / Off
DefaultPhShift -180 – 180 Deg 1 0 Default phase angle shift between two sides, used when U and I are not available. This angle shall be positive when W2 is leading the W1. This angle shall be negative when W2 is lagging W1.
ReverseAngle Off
Off When enabled it will force the sign change of the measured phase angle shift across transformer
DiffRatioMax 1.002 – 1.500 0.001 1.050 Maximum allowed ratio between W1 and W2 magnitudes
DiffRatioMin 0.500 – 0.998 0.001 0.950 Minimum allowed ratio between W1 and W2 magnitudes
DiffAngleMax 0.1 – 90.0 Deg 0.1 90.0 Maximum allowed phase angle between W1 and W2
DiffAngleMin -90.0 – -0.1 Deg 0.1 -90.0 Minimum allowed phase angle between W1 and W2

PSTPDIF Group settings (basic)

PSTPDIF Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
IDiffAlarm 0.02 – 0.50 IB 0.01 0.05 Differential current alarm, multiple of IBase in GlobalBaseSelW1
tAlarmDelay 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 10.000 Time delay for differential currents alarm level
IdMin 0.10 – 0.60 IB 0.01 0.20 Section 1 sensitivity, multiple of IBase in GlobalBaseSelW1
IdUnre 4.00 – 60.00 IB 0.01 10.00 Unrestrained protection limit, multiple of IBase in GlobalBaseSelW1
CrossBlockEn Off
On Operation Off/On for cross-block logic between phases
NegSeqDiffEn Off
On Operation Off/On for negative sequence differential protections
IMinNegSeq 0.04 – 0.80 IB 0.01 0.08 Negative sequence current limit, multiple of IBase in GlobalBaseSelW1
NegSeqROA 30.0 – 120.0 Deg 0.1 60.0 Operate angle for internal / external negative sequence fault discriminator
tTripNSSens 0.040 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Time delay for negative sequence sensitive trip

PSTPDIF Group settings (advanced)

PSTPDIF Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
EndSection1 0.65 – 1.50 IB 0.01 1.25 End of section 1, multiple of IBase in GlobalBaseSelW1
EndSection2 1.55 – 5.00 IB 0.01 3.00 End of section 2, multiple of IBase in GlobalBaseSelW1
SlopeSection2 10.0 – 50.0 % 0.1 40.0 Slope in section 2 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
SlopeSection3 30.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 80.0 Slope in section 3 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
I2/I1Ratio 5.0 – 60.0 % 0.1 15.0 Max. ratio of 2nd harmonic to fundamental harmonic differential current in %
I5/I1Ratio 5.0 – 60.0 % 0.1 25.0 Max. ratio of 5th harmonic to fundamental harmonic differential current in %

PSTPDIF Monitored data

PSTPDIF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IDL1MAG REAL % Magnitude of fundamental frequency differential current, phase L1
IDL2MAG REAL % Magnitude of fundamental frequency differential current, phase L2
IDL3MAG REAL % Magnitude of fundamental frequency differential current, phase L3
IBIAS REAL % Magnitude of the bias current, which is common to all phases
IDNSMAG REAL % Magnitude of the negative sequence differential current
IRATIO REAL Ratio between W1 and W2 positive sequence current magnitudes
IANGLE REAL deg Angle difference between W1 and W2 positive sequence current phasors
URATIO REAL Ratio between W2 and W1 selected voltage magnitudes
UANGLE REAL deg Angle difference between W1 and W2 selected voltage phasors
SELMEAS INTEGER 1=Default used
2=Voltage used
4=Current used
8=Meas frozen
16=External freeze
Presently used source of measurement for ratio and phase shift calculation (1=default settings, 2=voltage, 4=current, 8=frozen, 16=external freeze)
DIFRATIO REAL Ratio between W1 and W2 magnitudes
DIFANGLE REAL deg Angle difference between W1 and W2 phasors

Logics & highlights

Possible arrangements for phase-shifting transformer differential protection

Possible arrangements for phase-shifting transformer differential protection

Typical CT location and definition of positive current direction

Typical CT location and definition of positive current direction

Simplified logic to determine the actual transformation ratio and phase-angle shift

Simplified logic to determine the actual transformation ratio and phase-angle shift

Description of the restrained and the unrestrained operate characteristics

Description of the restrained and the unrestrained operate characteristics

Negative-sequence based differential current calculation

The negative-sequence based differential current calculation

Operating characteristic of the internal/external fault discriminator

Operating characteristic of the internal/external fault discriminator

Treatment of measured currents within IED for PSTPDIF function

Treatment of measured currents within IED for PSTPDIF function

PSTPDIF function simplified logic diagram for Phase L1

PSTPDIF function simplified logic diagram for Phase L1

PSTPDIF function simplified logic diagram for internal/external fault discriminator

PSTPDIF function simplified logic diagram for internal/external fault discriminator

PSTPDIF function internal grouping of tripping signals

PSTPDIF function internal grouping of tripping signals

PSTPDIF function internal grouping of logical signals

PSTPDIF function internal grouping of logical signals

Differential current alarm logic

Differential current alarm logic

Low impedance restricted earth fault protection (REFPDIF) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2120


The “Low impedance restricted earth fault protection” function can be used on all directly or low-impedance earthed windings. The REFPDIF function provides high sensitivity and high speed tripping as it protects each winding separately and thus does not need inrush stabilization. It is a percentage biased function with an additional zero sequence current directional comparison criterion.

For more detailed information on “Low impedance restricted earth fault protection” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Restricted earth fault protection, low impedance REFPDIF IdN/I 87N

Signals & Setting Parameters

REFPDIF function block

REFPDIF function block

REFPDIF Input signals

REFPDIF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for neutral current input
I3PW1CT1 GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for primary CT1 current input
I3PW1CT2 GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for primary CT2 current input
I3PW2CT1 GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for secondary CT1 current input
I3PW2CT2 GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for secondary CT2 current input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function

REFPDIF Output signals

REFPDIF Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Trip by restricted earth fault protection function
START BOOLEAN Start by restricted earth fault protection function
DIROK BOOLEAN Directional Criteria has operated for internal fault
BLK2H BOOLEAN Block due to 2-nd harmonic
IRES REAL Magnitude of fund. freq. residual current
IN REAL Magnitude of fund. freq. neutral current
IBIAS REAL Magnitude of the bias current
IDIFF REAL Magnitude of fund. freq. differential current
ANGLE REAL Direction angle from zerosequence feature
I2RATIO REAL Second harmonic ratio

REFPDIF Non group settings (basic)

REFPDIF Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

REFPDIF Group settings (basic)

REFPDIF Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
IdMin 4.0 – 100.0 %IB 0.1 10.0 Maximum sensitivity in % of IBase
CTFactorPri1 1.0 – 10.0 0.1 1.0 CT factor for HV side CT1 (CT1rated/ HVrated current)
CTFactorPri2 1.0 – 10.0 0.1 1.0 CT factor for HV side CT2 (CT2rated/ HVrated current)
CTFactorSec1 1.0 – 10.0 0.1 1.0 CT factor for MV side CT1 (CT1rated/ MVrated current)
CTFactorSec2 1.0 – 10.0 0.1 1.0 CT factor for MV side CT2 (CT2rated/ MVrated current)

REFPDIF Group settings (advanced)

REFPDIF Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
ROA 60 – 119 deg 1 60 Relay operate angle for zero sequence directional feature if protected winding neutral point is grounded via resistor increase ROA to 115 degrees

REFPDIF Monitored data

REFPDIF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IRES REAL A Magnitude of fund. freq. residual current
IN REAL A Magnitude of fund. freq. neutral current
IBIAS REAL A Magnitude of the bias current
IDIFF REAL A Magnitude of fund. freq. differential current
ANGLE REAL deg Direction angle from zerosequence feature
I2RATIO REAL Second harmonic ratio

Logics & highlights

Examples of applications of the REFPDIF

Examples of applications of the REFPDIF

Zero sequence currents at an external earth fault

Zero sequence currents at an external earth fault

Zero sequence currents at an internal earth fault

Zero sequence currents at an internal earth fault

Representation of Operate-bias characteristics at different IdMin setting values

Representation of Operate-bias characteristics at different IdMin setting values

Calculation of operate bias characteristic

Calculation of operate bias characteristic

Setting range of IdMin, end zones and slopes

Setting range of IdMin, end zones and slopes

Calculation of differential current and bias current

Calculation of differential current and bias current

Transformer differential protection (T2WPDIF and T3WPDIF) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2119


The “Transformer differential protection” is provided with internal CT ratio matching, vector group compensation and settable zero sequence current elimination.

For more detailed information on “Transformer differential protection”, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Transformer differential protection, two-winding T2WPDIF 3Id/I 87T
Transformer differential protection, three-winding T3WPDIF 3Id/I 87T

Signals & Setting Parameters

T2WPDIF function block

T2WPDIF function block

T2WPDIF Input signals

T2WPDIF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3PW1CT1 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding primary CT1
I3PW1CT2 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding primary CT2
I3PW2CT1 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding secondary CT1
I3PW2CT2 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding secondary CT2
TAPOLTC1 INTEGER 1 Most recent tap position reading on OLTC 1
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKRES BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for restrained differential feature
BLKUNRES BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for unrestrained differential feature
BLKNSUNR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for unrestr. neg. seq. differential feature
BLKNSSEN BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for sensitive neg. seq. differential feature

T2WPDIF Output signals

T2WPDIF Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General, common trip signal
TRIPRES BOOLEAN Trip signal from restrained differential protection
TRIPUNRE BOOLEAN Trip signal from unrestrained differential protection
TRNSUNR BOOLEAN Trip signal from unrestr. neg. seq. diff. protection
TRNSSENS BOOLEAN Trip signal from sensitive neg. seq. diff. protection
START BOOLEAN Common start signal from any phase
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
BLK2H BOOLEAN Common second harmonic block signal from any phase
BLK2HL1 BOOLEAN Second harmonic block signal, phase L1
BLK2HL2 BOOLEAN Second harmonic block signal, phase L2
BLK2HL3 BOOLEAN Second harmonic block signal, phase L3
BLK5H BOOLEAN Common fifth harmonic block signal from any phase
BLK5HL1 BOOLEAN Fifth harmonic block signal, phase L1
BLK5HL2 BOOLEAN Fifth harmonic block signal, phase L2
BLK5HL3 BOOLEAN Fifth harmonic block signal, phase L3
BLKWAV BOOLEAN Common block signal, waveform criterion, from any phase
BLKWAVL1 BOOLEAN Block signal, waveform criterion, phase L1
BLKWAVL2 BOOLEAN Block signal, waveform criterion, phase L2
BLKWAVL3 BOOLEAN Block signal, waveform criterion, phase L3
IDALARM BOOLEAN Alarm for sustained diff currents in all three phases
OPENCT BOOLEAN An open CT was detected
OPENCTAL BOOLEAN Open CT Alarm output signal. Issued after a delay …
IDL1 REAL Value of the instantaneous differential current, phase L1
IDL2 REAL Value of the instantaneous differential current, phase L2
IDL3 REAL Value of the instantaneous differential current, phase L3
IDL1MAG REAL Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L1
IDL2MAG REAL Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L2
IDL3MAG REAL Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L3
IBIAS REAL Magnitude of the bias current, which is common to all phases
IDNSMAG REAL Magnitude of the negative sequence differential current

T2WPDIF Group settings (basic)

T2WPDIF Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
SOTFMode Off
On Operation mode for switch onto fault
tAlarmDelay 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 10.000 Time delay for diff currents alarm level
IDiffAlarm 0.05 – 1.00 IB 0.01 0.20 Dif. cur. alarm, multiple of base curr, usually W1 curr.
IdMin 0.10 – 0.60 IB 0.01 0.30 Section1 sensitivity, multi. of base curr, usually W1 curr.
IdUnre 1.00 – 100.00 IB 0.01 10.00 Unrestr. prot. limit, multiple of Winding 1 rated current
CrossBlockEn Off
On Operation Off/On for cross-block logic between phases
NegSeqDiffEn Off
On Operation Off/On for neg. seq. differential protections
IMinNegSeq 0.02 – 0.20 IB 0.01 0.04 Neg. seq. curr. must be higher than this level to be used
NegSeqROA 30.0 – 120.0 Deg 0.1 60.0 Operate Angle for int. / ext. neg. seq. fault discriminator

T2WPDIF Group settings (advanced)

T2WPDIF Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
EndSection1 0.20 – 1.50 IB 0.01 1.25 End of section 1, multiple of Winding 1 rated current
EndSection2 1.00 – 10.00 IB 0.01 3.00 End of section 2, multiple of Winding 1 rated current
SlopeSection2 10.0 – 50.0 % 0.1 40.0 Slope in section 2 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
SlopeSection3 30.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 80.0 Slope in section 3 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
I2/I1Ratio 5.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 15.0 Max. ratio of 2nd harm. to fundamental harm dif. curr. in %
I5/I1Ratio 5.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 25.0 Max. ratio of 5th harm. to fundamental harm dif. curr. in %
OpenCTEnable Off
Off Open CT detection feature. Open CTEnable Off/On
tOCTAlarmDelay 0.100 – 10.000 s 0.001 3.000 Open CT: time in s to alarm after an open CT is detected
tOCTResetDelay 0.100 – 10.000 s 0.001 0.250 Reset delay in s. After delay, diff. function is activated
tOCTUnrstDelay 0.10 – 6000.00 s 0.01 10.00 Unrestrained diff. protection blocked after this delay, in s

T2WPDIF Non group settings (basic)

T2WPDIF Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSelW1 1 – 12 1 1 Global base selector for winding 1
GlobalBaseSelW2 1 – 12 1 1 Global base selector for winding 2
ConnectTypeW1 WYE (Y)
Delta (D)
WYE (Y) Connection type of winding 1: Y-wye or D-delta
ConnectTypeW2 WYE (Y)
Delta (D)
WYE (Y) Connection type of winding 2: Y-wye or D-delta
ClockNumberW2 0 [0 deg]
1 [30 deg lag]
2 [60 deg lag]
3 [90 deg lag]
4 [120 deg lag]
5 [150 deg lag]
6 [180 deg]
7 [150 deg lead]
8 [120 deg lead]
9 [90 deg lead]
10 [60 deg lead]
11 [30 deg lead]
0 [0 deg] Phase displacement between W2 & W1=HV winding, hour notation
ZSCurrSubtrW1 Off
On Enable zer. seq. current subtraction for W1 side, On / Off
ZSCurrSubtrW2 Off
On Enable zer. seq. current subtraction for W2 side, On / Off
TconfigForW1 No
No Two CT inputs (T-config.) for winding 1, YES / NO
CT1RatingW1 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary rating in A, T-branch 1, on transf. W1 side
CT2RatingW1 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary in A, T-branch 2, on transf. W1 side
TconfigForW2 No
No Two CT inputs (T-config.) for winding 2, YES / NO
CT1RatingW2 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary rating in A, T-branch 1, on transf. W2 side
CT2RatingW2 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary rating in A, T-branch 2, on transf. W2 side
LocationOLTC1 Not Used Winding 1 (W1)
Winding 2 (W2)
Not Used Transformer winding where OLTC1 is located
LowTapPosOLTC1 0 – 10 1 1 OLTC1 lowest tap position designation (e.g. 1)
RatedTapOLTC1 1 – 100 1 6 OLTC1 rated tap/mid-tap position designation (e.g. 6)
HighTapPsOLTC1 1 – 100 1 11 OLTC1 highest tap position designation (e.g. 11)
TapHighVoltTC1 1 – 100 1 1 OLTC1 end-tap position with winding highest no-load voltage
StepSizeOLTC1 0.01 – 30.00 % 0.01 1.00 Voltage change per OLTC1 step in percent of rated voltage

T2WPDIF Monitored data

T2WPDIF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IDL1MAG REAL A Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L1
IDL2MAG REAL A Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L2
IDL3MAG REAL A Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L3
IBIAS REAL A Magnitude of the bias current, which is common to all phases
IDNSMAG REAL A Magnitude of the negative sequence differential current

T3WPDIF function block

T3WPDIF function block

T3WPDIF Input signals

T3WPDIF Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3PW1CT1 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding primary CT1
I3PW1CT2 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding primary CT2
I3PW2CT1 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding secondary CT1
I3PW2CT2 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding secondary CT2
I3PW3CT1 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding tertiary CT1
I3PW3CT2 GROUP SIGNAL Three phase winding tertiary CT2
TAPOLTC1 INTEGER 1 Most recent tap position reading on OLTC 1
TAPOLTC2 INTEGER 1 Most recent tap position reading on OLTC 2
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKRES BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for restrained differential feature
BLKUNRES BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for unrestrained differential feature
BLKNSUNR BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for unrestr. neg. seq. differential feature
BLKNSSEN BOOLEAN 0 Block of trip for sensitive neg. seq. differential feature

T3WPDIF Output signals

T3WPDIF Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN General, common trip signal
TRIPRES BOOLEAN Trip signal from restrained differential protection
TRIPUNRE BOOLEAN Trip signal from unrestrained differential protection
TRNSUNR BOOLEAN Trip signal from unrestr. neg. seq. diff. protection
TRNSSENS BOOLEAN Trip signal from sensitive neg. seq. diff. protection
START BOOLEAN Common start signal from any phase
STL1 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Start signal from phase L3
BLK2H BOOLEAN Common second harmonic block signal from any phase
BLK2HL1 BOOLEAN Second harmonic block signal, phase L1
BLK2HL2 BOOLEAN Second harmonic block signal, phase L2
BLK2HL3 BOOLEAN Second harmonic block signal, phase L3
BLK5H BOOLEAN Common fifth harmonic block signal from any phase
BLK5HL1 BOOLEAN Fifth harmonic block signal, phase L1
BLK5HL2 BOOLEAN Fifth harmonic block signal, phase L2
BLK5HL3 BOOLEAN Fifth harmonic block signal, phase L3
BLKWAV BOOLEAN Common block signal, waveform criterion, from any phase
BLKWAVL1 BOOLEAN Block signal, waveform criterion, phase L1
BLKWAVL2 BOOLEAN Block signal, waveform criterion, phase L2
BLKWAVL3 BOOLEAN Block signal, waveform criterion, phase L3
IDALARM BOOLEAN Alarm for sustained diff currents in all three phases
OPENCT BOOLEAN An open CT was detected
OPENCTAL BOOLEAN Open CT Alarm output signal. Issued after a delay …
IDL1 REAL Value of the instantaneous differential current, phase L1
IDL2 REAL Value of the instantaneous differential current, phase L2
IDL3 REAL Value of the instantaneous differential current, phase L3
IDL1MAG REAL Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L1
IDL2MAG REAL Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L2
IDL3MAG REAL Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L3
IBIAS REAL Magnitude of the bias current, which is common to all phases
IDNSMAG REAL Magnitude of the negative sequence differential current

T3WPDIF Group settings (basic)

T3WPDIF Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
SOTFMode Off
On Operation mode for switch onto fault feature
tAlarmDelay 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 10.000 Time delay for diff currents alarm level
IDiffAlarm 0.05 – 1.00 IB 0.01 0.20 Dif. cur. alarm, multiple of base curr, usually W1 curr.
IdMin 0.10 – 0.60 IB 0.01 0.30 Section1 sensitivity, multi. of base curr, usually W1 curr.
IdUnre 1.00 – 100.00 IB 0.01 10.00 Unrestr. prot. limit, multi. of base curr. usually W1 curr.
CrossBlockEn Off
On Operation Off/On for cross-block logic between phases
NegSeqDiffEn Off
On Operation Off/On for neg. seq. differential protections
IMinNegSeq 0.02 – 0.20 IB 0.01 0.04 Neg. seq. curr. limit, mult. of base curr, usually W1 curr.
NegSeqROA 30.0 – 120.0 Deg 0.1 60.0 Operate Angle for int. / ext. neg. seq. fault discriminator

T3WPDIF Group settings (advanced)

T3WPDIF Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
EndSection1 0.20 – 1.50 IB 0.01 1.25 End of section 1, multi. of base current, usually W1 curr.
EndSection2 1.00 – 10.00 IB 0.01 3.00 End of section 2, multi. of base current, usually W1 curr.
SlopeSection2 10.0 – 50.0 % 0.1 40.0 Slope in section 2 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
SlopeSection3 30.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 80.0 Slope in section 3 of operate-restrain characteristic, in %
I2/I1Ratio 5.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 15.0 Max. ratio of 2nd harm. to fundamental harm dif. curr. in %
I5/I1Ratio 5.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 25.0 Max. ratio of 5th harm. to fundamental harm dif. curr. in %
OpenCTEnable Off
Off Open CT detection feature. Open CTEnable Off/On
tOCTAlarmDelay 0.100 – 10.000 s 0.001 3.000 Open CT: time in s to alarm after an open CT is detected
tOCTResetDelay 0.100 – 10.000 s 0.001 0.250 Reset delay in s. After delay, diff. function is activated
tOCTUnrstDelay 0.10 – 6000.00 s 0.01 10.00 Unrestrained diff. protection blocked after this delay, in s

T3WPDIF Non group settings (basic)

T3WPDIF Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSelW1 1 – 12 1 1 Global base selector for winding 1
GlobalBaseSelW2 1 – 12 1 1 Global base selector for winding 2
GlobalBaseSelW3 1 – 12 1 1 Global base selector for winding 3
ConnectTypeW1 WYE (Y)
Delta (D)
WYE (Y) Connection type of winding 1: Y-wye or D-delta
ConnectTypeW2 WYE (Y)
Delta (D)
WYE (Y) Connection type of winding 2: Y-wye or D-delta
ConnectTypeW3 WYE (Y)
Delta (D)
Delta (D) Connection type of winding 3: Y-wye or D-delta
ClockNumberW2 0 [0 deg]
1 [30 deg lag]
2 [60 deg lag]
3 [90 deg lag]
4 [120 deg lag]
5 [150 deg lag]
6 [180 deg]
7 [150 deg lead]
8 [120 deg lead]
9 [90 deg lead]
10 [60 deg lead]
11 [30 deg lead]
0 [0 deg] Phase displacement between W2 & W1=HV winding, hour notation
ClockNumberW3 0 [0 deg]
1 [30 deg lag]
2 [60 deg lag]
3 [90 deg lag]
4 [120 deg lag]
5 [150 deg lag]
6 [180 deg]
7 [150 deg lead]
8 [120 deg lead]
9 [90 deg lead]
10 [60 deg lead]
11 [30 deg lead]
5 [150 deg lag] Phase displacement between W3 & W1=HV winding, hour notation
ZSCurrSubtrW1 Off
On Enable zer. seq. current subtraction for W1 side, On / Off
ZSCurrSubtrW2 Off
On Enable zer. seq. current subtraction for W2 side, On / Off
ZSCurrSubtrW3 Off
On Enable zer. seq. current subtraction for W3 side, On / Off
TconfigForW1 No
No Two CT inputs (T-config.) for winding 1, YES / NO
CT1RatingW1 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary rating in A, T-branch 1, on transf. W1 side
CT2RatingW1 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary in A, T-branch 2, on transf. W1 side
TconfigForW2 No
No Two CT inputs (T-config.) for winding 2, YES / NO
CT1RatingW2 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary rating in A, T-branch 1, on transf. W2 side
CT2RatingW2 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary rating in A, T-branch 2, on transf. W2 side
TconfigForW3 No
No Two CT inputs (T-config.) for winding 3, YES / NO
CT1RatingW3 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary rating in A, T-branch 1, on transf. W3 side
CT2RatingW3 1 – 99999 A 1 3000 CT primary rating in A, T-branch 2, on transf. W3 side
LocationOLTC1 Not Used Winding 1 (W1)
Winding 2 (W2)
Winding 3 (W3)
Not Used Transformer winding where OLTC1 is located
LowTapPosOLTC1 0 – 10 1 1 OLTC1 lowest tap position designation (e.g. 1)
RatedTapOLTC1 1 – 100 1 6 OLTC1 rated tap/mid-tap position designation (e.g. 6)
HighTapPsOLTC1 1 – 100 1 11 OLTC1 highest tap position designation (e.g. 11)
TapHighVoltTC1 1 – 100 1 1 OLTC1 end-tap position with winding highest no-load voltage
StepSizeOLTC1 0.01 – 30.00 % 0.01 1.00 Voltage change per OLTC1 step in percent of rated voltage
LocationOLTC2 Not Used Winding 1 (W1)
Winding 2 (W2)
Winding 3 (W3)
Not Used Transformer winding where OLTC2 is located
LowTapPosOLTC2 0 – 10 1 1 OLTC2 lowest tap position designation (e.g. 1)
RatedTapOLTC2 1 – 100 1 6 OLTC2 rated tap/mid-tap position designation (e.g. 6)
HighTapPsOLTC2 1 – 100 1 11 OLTC2 highest tap position designation (e.g. 11)
TapHighVoltTC2 1 – 100 1 1 OLTC2 end-tap position with winding highest no-load voltage
StepSizeOLTC2 0.01 – 30.00 % 0.01 1.00 Voltage change per OLTC2 step in percent of rated voltage

T3WPDIF Monitored data

T3WPDIF Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IDL1MAG REAL A Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L1
IDL2MAG REAL A Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L2
IDL3MAG REAL A Magnitude of fundamental freq. diff. current, phase L3
IBIAS REAL A Magnitude of the bias current, which is common to all phases
IDNSMAG REAL A Magnitude of the negative sequence differential current

Logics & highlights

CT group arrangement for differential protection

CT group arrangement for differential protection

Typical CT location and definition of positive current direction

Typical CT location and definition of positive current direction

Fundamental frequency differential currents calculation

Fundamental frequency differential currents

Application Notes

Application Notes

Matrices for differential current calculation (Part 1/2)

Matrices for differential current calculation (Part 1/2)

Matrices for differential current calculation (Part 2/2)

Matrices for differential current calculation (Part 2/2)

Matrix equation for a sample two winding power transformer

Matrix equation for a sample two winding power transformer

Description of the restrained, and the unrestrained operate characteristics

Description of the restrained, and the unrestrained operate characteristics

Fundamental frequency negative sequence differential currents calculation

Fundamental frequency negative sequence differential currents calculation

Operating characteristic of the internal/external fault discriminator

Operating characteristic of the internal/external fault discriminator

Trajectories of Negative Sequence Current Contributions from HV and LV sides of Yd5 power transformer during external fault

Trajectories of Negative Sequence Current Contributions from HV and LV sides of Yd5 power transformer during external fault

Operation of the internal/external fault discriminator for internal fault with CT saturation

Operation of the internal/external fault discriminator for internal fault with CT saturation

Inrush currents to a transformer as seen by a protective IED. Typical is a high amount of the 2nd harmonic, and intervals of low current, and low rate-of change of current within each period.

Inrush currents to a transformer as seen by a protective IED. Typical is a high amount of the 2nd harmonic, and intervals of low current, and low rate-of change of current within each period.

Treatment of measured currents within IED for transformer differential function

Treatment of measured currents within IED for transformer differential function

Transformer differential protection simplified logic diagram for Phase L1

Transformer differential protection simplified logic diagram for Phase L1

Transformer differential protection simplified logic diagram for external/internal fault discriminator

Transformer differential protection simplified logic diagram for external/internal fault discriminator

Transformer differential protection internal grouping of tripping signals

Transformer differential protection internal grouping of tripping signals

Transformer differential protection internal grouping of logical signals

Transformer differential protection internal grouping of logical signals

Differential current alarm logic

Differential current alarm logic

Phase preference logic (PPL2PHIZ) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2032


The “Phase preference logic (PPL2PHIZ)” function is used with the high speed distance protection, quad and mho characteristic (ZMFPDIS). It is intended to be used in isolated or high impedance earthed networks where there is a requirement to operate on only one of the faulty lines during a cross-country fault. It can be used without preference to restrain operation for single earth faults with a delayed zero-sequence current release.

For more detailed information on “Phase preference logic (PPL2PHIZ)” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Phase preference logic PPL2PHIZ

Signals & Setting Parameters

PPL2PHIZ function block

PPL2PHIZ Input signals

PPL2PHIZ Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
RELL1N BOOLEAN 0 Release condition for the L1 to earth loop
RELL2N BOOLEAN 0 Release condition for the L2 to earth loop
RELL3N BOOLEAN 0 Release condition for the L3 to earth loop

PPL2PHIZ Output signals

PPL2PHIZ Output signals
Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Indicates start for earth fault(s), regardless of direction
ZREL INTEGER Integer coded output release signal

PPL2PHIZ Group settings (basic)

PPL2PHIZ Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
OperMode No Filter
No Filter Operating mode (c=cyclic,a=acyclic)
UPN< 0 – 100 %UB/sq 3 1 70 Operate value of phase undervoltage in % of UBase/sqrt(3)
UPP< 0 – 100 %UB 1 50 Operate value of line to line undervoltage (% of UBase)
3U0> 5 – 300 %UB/sq 3 1 20 Operate value of residual voltage in % of UBase/sqrt(3)
IN> 10 – 200 %IB 1 20 Operate value of residual current (% of IBase)
tUN 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Pickup-delay for residual voltage
tOffUN 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Dropoff-delay for residual voltage
tIN 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.150 Pickup-delay for residual current

PPL2PHIZ Non group settings (basic)

PPL2PHIZ Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

Logics & highlights

Phase preference logic overview

2-Phase preference logic overview

Residual current criteria

3-Residual current criteria

Phase selection

4-Phase selection



No Filter mode

6-No Filter mode

No Preference mode

7-No Preference mode

Phase preference 1

8-Phase preference 1

Phase preference 2

9-Phase preference 2



Phase preference logic (PPLPHIZ) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2031


The “Phase preference logic (PPLPHIZ)” function is intended to be used in isolated or high impedance earthed networks where there is a requirement to operate on only one of the faulty lines during a cross-country fault. It can be used without preference to restrain operation for single earth faults with a delayed zero-sequence current release.

For more detailed information on “Phase preference logic (PPLPHIZ)” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Phase preference logic PPLPHIZ

Signals & Setting Parameters

PPLPHIZ function block

1-PPLPHIZ function block

PPLPHIZ Input signals

PPLPHIZ Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
RELL1N BOOLEAN 0 Release condition for the L1 to earth loop
RELL2N BOOLEAN 0 Release condition for the L2 to earth loop
RELL3N BOOLEAN 0 Release condition for the L3 to earth loop
STCND INTEGER 0 Integer coded external release signals

PPLPHIZ Output signals

PPLPHIZ Output signals
Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN Indicates start for earth fault(s), regardless of direction
ZREL INTEGER Integer coded output release signal

PPLPHIZ Group settings (basic)

PPLPHIZ Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
OperMode No Filter
No Filter Operating mode (c=cyclic,a=acyclic)
UPN< 0 – 100 %UB/sq 3 1 70 Operate value of phase undervoltage in % of UBase/sqrt(3)
UPP< 0 – 100 %UB 1 50 Operate value of line to line undervoltage (% of UBase)
3U0> 5 – 300 %UB/sq 3 1 20 Operate value of residual voltage in % of UBase/sqrt(3)
IN> 10 – 200 %IB 1 20 Operate value of residual current (% of IBase)
tUN 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Pickup-delay for residual voltage
tOffUN 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Dropoff-delay for residual voltage
tIN 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.150 Pickup-delay for residual current

PPLPHIZ Non group settings (basic)

PPLPHIZ Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

Logics & highlights

Phase preference logic overview

2-Phase preference logic overview

Residual current criteria

3-Residual current criteria

Phase selection

4-Phase selection



No Filter mode

6-No Filter mode

No Preference mode

7-No Preference mode

Phase preference 1

8-Phase preference 1

Phase preference 2

9-Phase preference 2



Out of step protection (OOSPPAM) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2030


The main purpose of the “Out of step protection (OOSPPAM)” function is to detect, evaluate, and take the required action during pole slipping occurrences in the power system.

For more detailed information on “Out of step protection” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Out-of-step protection OOSPPAM Ø< 78

Signals & Setting Parameters

OOSPPAM function block

1-OOSPPAM function block

OOSPPAM Input signals

OOSPPAM Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P1 GROUP SIGNAL Group connection for three-phase current input 1
I3P2 GROUP SIGNAL Group connection for three-phase current input 2
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group connection for three-phase voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKGEN BOOLEAN 0 Block operation in generating direction
BLKMOT BOOLEAN 0 Block operation in motor direction
EXTZ1 BOOLEAN 0 Extension of zone1 reach to zone2 settings

OOSPPAM Output signals

OOSPPAM Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Common trip, issued when either zone 1 or zone 2 give trip
TRIPZ1 BOOLEAN Zone 1 trip
TRIPZ2 BOOLEAN Zone 2 trip
START BOOLEAN Set when measured impedance enters lens characteristic
GENMODE BOOLEAN Generator rotates faster than the system during pole slip
MOTMODE BOOLEAN Generator rotates slower than the system during pole slip
R REAL Real part of measured positive-sequence impedance % of UBase/(sqrt(3)*IBase)
X REAL Imaginary part of measured positive-seq impedance % of UBase/(sqrt(3)*IBase)
SLIPFREQ REAL Slip frequency in Hz
ROTORANG REAL Rotor angle as estimated by the out-of-step function
UCOSPHI REAL Estimated Ucos(Phi) voltage during pole slip, in V

OOSPPAM Group settings (basic)

OOSPPAM Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
OperationZ1 Off
On Operation Zone1 Off / On
ReachZ1 1.00 – 100.00 % ZFw 0.01 50.00 Percentage part of total forward impedance; defines Z1 reach
OperationZ2 Off
On Operation Zone2 Off / On
tBreaker 0.000 – 1.000 s 0.001 0.040 Breaker opening time; use default 0s value if it is unknown

OOSPPAM Group settings (advanced)

OOSPPAM Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
NoOfSlipsZ1 1 – 20 1 1 Number of pole-slips in zone 1 required to get zone 1 trip
NoOfSlipsZ2 1 – 60 1 3 Number of pole-slips in zone 2 required to get zone 2 trip
tReset 1.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 6.000 Time without any slip required to completely reset function

OOSPPAM Non group settings (basic)

OOSPPAM Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups
ForwardR 0.00 – 1000.00 %ZB 0.01 1.00 Real part of total forward impedance for Z2, in % of UBase/(sqrt(3)*IBase)
ForwardX 0.00 – 1000.00 %ZB 0.01 10.00 Imag. part of total forward impedance for Z2, in % of UBase/(sqrt(3)*IBase)
ReverseR 0.00 – 1000.00 %ZB 0.01 1.00 Real part of source impedance behind relay, in % of UBase/(sqrt(3)*IBase)
ReverseX 0.00 – 1000.00 %ZB 0.01 10.00 Imag. part of source impedance behind relay, in % of UBase/ (sqrt(3)*IBase)
InvertCTCurr No Yes No Invert current direction

OOSPPAM Non group settings (advanced)

OOSPPAM Non group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
StartAngle 90.0 – 130.0 Deg 0.1 110.0 Angle between two rotors to get the start signal, in deg
TripAngle 15.0 – 90.0 Deg 0.1 60.0 Maximum rotor angle to allow trip signals, in deg

OOSPPAM Monitored data

OOSPPAM Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
CURRENT REAL A Magnitude of the measured positive- sequence current, in A
VOLTAGE REAL kV Magnitude of the measured positive- sequence voltage, in V
R REAL % Real part of measured positive- sequence impedance % of UBase/ (sqrt(3)*IBase)
X REAL % Imaginary part of measured positive- seq impedance % of UBase/ (sqrt(3)*IBase)
SLIPFREQ REAL Hz Slip frequency in Hz
ROTORANG REAL deg Rotor angle as estimated by the out- of-step function
UCOSPHI REAL kV Estimated Ucos(Phi) voltage during pole slip, in V

Logics & highlights

Loci of the complex impedance Z(R, X) for a typical case of generator losing step after a short circuit that was not cleared fast enough

2-Loci of the complex impedance Z(R, X) for a typical case of generator losing step after a short circuit that was not cleared fast enough

Rotor (power) angle and magnitude of the complex impedance Z(R, X) against the time

3-Rotor (power) angle and magnitude of the complex impedance Z(R, X) against the time

A stable case where the disturbance does not make the generator to go out-of-step

4-A stable case where the disturbance does not make the generator to go out-of-step

Construction of the lens characteristic for a power system

5-Construction of the lens characteristic for a power system

Example of an actual power system

The imaginary offset Mho circle represents loci of the impedance Z(R, X) for which the rotor angle is 90 degrees

7-The imaginary offset Mho circle represents loci of the impedance Z(R, X) for which the rotor angle is 90 degrees

Trip initiation when the break-time of the circuit breaker is known

8-Trip initiation when the break-time of the circuit breaker is known

OOSPPAM Simplified function block

9-OOSPPAM Simplified function block

Pole slip protection (PSPPPAM) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2029


Sudden events in an electric power system such as large changes in load, fault occurrence or fault clearance, can cause power oscillations referred to as power swings. In a non-recoverable situation, the power swings become so severe that the synchronism is lost, a condition referred to as pole slipping. The main purpose of the “Pole slip protection (PSPPPAM)” is to
detect, evaluate, and take the required action for pole slipping occurrences in the power system.

For more detailed information on “Pole slip protection (PSPPPAM)” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Pole slip protection PSPPPAM Ucos 78

Signals & Setting Parameters

PSPPPAM function block

1-PSPPPAM function block

PSPPPAM Input signals

PSPPPAM Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Current group connection
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Voltage group connection
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
BLKGEN BOOLEAN 0 Block operation in generating direction
BLKMOTOR BOOLEAN 0 Block operation in motor direction
EXTZONE1 BOOLEAN 0 Extension of zone1 with zone2 region

PSPPPAM Output signals

PSPPPAM Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Common trip signal
TRIP1 BOOLEAN Trip1 after the N1Limit slip in zone1
TRIP2 BOOLEAN Trip2 after the N2Limit slip in zone2
START BOOLEAN Common start signal
ZONE1 BOOLEAN First slip in zone1 region
ZONE2 BOOLEAN First slip in zone2 region
GEN BOOLEAN Generator is faster than the system
MOTOR BOOLEAN Generator is slower than the system
SFREQ REAL Slip frequency
SLIPZOHM REAL Slip impedance in ohms
SLIPZPER REAL Slip impedance in percent of ZBase
UCOS REAL UCosPhi voltage
UCOSPER REAL UCosPhi voltage in percent of UBase

PSPPPAM Group settings (basic)

PSPPPAM Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation On / Off
OperationZ1 Off
On Operation Zone1 On / Off
OperationZ2 Off
On Operation Zone2 On / Off
ImpedanceZA 0.00 – 1000.00 % 0.01 10.00 Forward impedance in % of Zbase
ImpedanceZB 0.00 – 1000.00 % 0.01 10.00 Reverse impedance in % of Zbase
ImpedanceZC 0.00 – 1000.00 % 0.01 10.00 Impedance of zone1 limit in % of Zbase
AnglePhi 72.00 – 90.00 Deg 0.01 85.00 Angle of the slip impedance line
StartAngle 0.0 – 180.0 Deg 0.1 110.0 Rotor angle for the start signal
TripAngle 0.0 – 180.0 Deg 0.1 90.0 Rotor angle for the trip1 and trip2 signals
N1Limit 1 – 20 1 1 Count limit for the trip1 signal
N2Limit 1 – 20 1 3 Count limit for the trip2 signal

PSPPPAM Group settings (advanced)

PSPPPAM Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
ResetTime 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 5.000 Time without slip to reset all signals

PSPPPAM Non group settings (basic)

PSPPPAM Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
MeasureMode PosSeq
PosSeq Measuring mode (PosSeq, L1L2, L2L3, L3L1)
InvertCTcurr No
No Invert current direction
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

PSPPPAM Monitored data

PSPPPAM Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
SFREQ REAL Hz Slip frequency
SLIPZOHM REAL Ohm Slip impedance in ohms
SLIPZPER REAL % Slip impedance in percent of ZBase
UCOS REAL kV UCosPhi voltage
UCOSPER REAL % UCosPhi voltage in percent of UBase

Logics & highlights

Movements in the impedance plain

2-Movements in the impedance plain

Different generator quantities as function of the angle between the equivalent generators

3-Different generator quantities as function of the angle between the equivalent generators

Simplified logic diagram for pole slip protection PSPPPAM

4-Simplified logic diagram for pole slip protection PSPPPAM

High speed distance protection for series compensated lines (ZMFCPDIS) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2025


“High speed distance protection (ZMFCPDIS)” function is fundamentally the same function as ZMFPDIS but provides more flexibility in zone settings to suit more complex applications, such as series compensated lines. In operation for series compensated networks, the parameters of the directional function are altered to handle voltage reversal.

For more detailed information on “High speed distance protection for series compensated lines” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
High speed distance protection zone (zone 1-6) ZMFCPDIS Z< 21

Signals & Setting Parameters

ZMFCPDIS function block

1-ZMFCPDIS function block

ZMFCPDIS Input signals

ZMFCPDIS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets timers and outputs of entire function
VTSZ BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets timers and outputs of entire function
BLKZ1 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 1 timers and outputs
BLKZ2 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 2 timers and outputs
BLKZ3 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 3 timers and outputs
BLKZ4 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 4 timers and outputs
BLKZ5 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 5 timers and outputs
BLKZRV BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets reverse zone timers and outputs
BLKTRZ1 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 1 timers and trip outputs
BLKTRZ2 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 2 timers and trip outputs
BLKTRZ3 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 3 timers and trip outputs
BLKTRZ4 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 4 timers and trip outputs
BLKTRZ5 BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets zone 5 timers and trip outputs
BLKTRZRV BOOLEAN 0 Blocks and resets reverse zone timers and trip outputs
BLKTD BOOLEAN 0 Blocks transient direction outputs
EXTNST BOOLEAN 0 External start of zone timers
RELCNDZ1 INTEGER 127 Release word for the measuring loops of zone 1
RELCNDZ2 INTEGER 127 Release word for the measuring loops of zone 2
RELCNDZ3 INTEGER 127 Release word for the measuring loops of zone 3
RELCNDZ4 INTEGER 127 Release word for the measuring loops of zone 4
RELCNDZ5 INTEGER 127 Release word for the measuring loops of zone 5
RELCNDZRV INTEGER 127 Release word for the measuring loops of zone RV

ZMFCPDIS Output signals

ZMFCPDIS Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Trip in any phase or phases from any zone or zones
TRZ1 BOOLEAN Trip in any phase or phases from zone 1 – forward direction
TRL1Z1 BOOLEAN Trip in phase L1 from zone 1 – forward direction
TRL2Z1 BOOLEAN Trip in phase L2 from zone 1 – forward direction
TRL3Z1 BOOLEAN Trip in phase L3 from zone 1 – forward direction
TRZ2 BOOLEAN Trip in any phase or phases from zone 2 – forward direction
TRL1Z2 BOOLEAN Trip in phase L1 from zone 2 – forward direction
TRL2Z2 BOOLEAN Trip in phase L2 from zone 2 – forward direction
TRL3Z2 BOOLEAN Trip in phase L3 from zone 2 – forward direction
TRZ3 BOOLEAN Trip in any phase or phases from zone 3 – zone direction
TRZ4 BOOLEAN Trip in any phase or phases from zone 4 – zone direction
TRZ5 BOOLEAN Trip in any phase or phases from zone 5 – zone direction
TRZRV BOOLEAN Trip in any phase or phases from zone RV – reverse direction
START BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from any zone or zones
STZ1 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 1 – forward direction
STNDZ1 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 1 – any direction
STZ2 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 2 – forward direction
STL1Z2 BOOLEAN Start in phase L1 from zone 2 – forward direction
STL2Z2 BOOLEAN Start in phase L2 from zone 2 – forward direction
STL3Z2 BOOLEAN Start in phase L3 from zone 2 – forward direction
STNDZ2 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 2 – any direction
STZ3 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 3 – zone direction
STNDZ3 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 3 – any direction
STZ4 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 4 – zone direction
STNDZ4 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 4 – any direction
STZ5 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 5 – zone direction
STNDZ5 BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone 5 – any direction
STZRV BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone RV – reverse direction
STL1ZRV BOOLEAN Start in phase L1 from zone RV – reverse direction
STL2ZRV BOOLEAN Start in phase L2 from zone RV – reverse direction
STL3ZRV BOOLEAN Start in phase L3 from zone RV – reverse direction
STNDZRV BOOLEAN Start in any phase or phases from zone RV – any direction
STND BOOLEAN Fault detected in any phase or phases – any direction
STNDL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1 – any direction
STNDL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2 – any direction
STNDL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3 – any direction
STNDPE BOOLEAN Fault with earth connection detected in any phase or phases – any direction
STFWL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1 – forward direction
STFWL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2 – forward direction
STFWL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3 – forward direction
STFWPE BOOLEAN Fault with earth connection detected – forward direction
STRVL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1 – reverse direction
STRVL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2 – reverse direction
STRVL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3 – reverse direction
STRVPE BOOLEAN Fault with earth connection detected – reverse direction
STFW1PH BOOLEAN Single-phase fault detected – forward direction
STFW2PH BOOLEAN Two-phase fault detected – forward direction
STFW3PH BOOLEAN Three-phase fault detected – forward direction
STPE BOOLEAN Ph-E zone measurement enabled – any direction
STPP BOOLEAN Ph-Ph zone measurement enabled – any direction
STTDFWL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1 by transient directional element – forward direction
STTDFWL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2 by transient directional element – forward direction
STTDFWL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3 by transient directional element – forward direction
STTDRVL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1 by transient directional element – reverse direction
STTDRVL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2 by transient directional element – reverse direction
STTDRVL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3 by transient directional element – reverse direction

ZMFCPDIS Non group settings (basic)

ZMFCPDIS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups
ZDbRepInt 1 – 100000 Type 1 10 Cycl: Report interval (s), Db: In 0,001% of range, Int Db: In 0,001%s
ZMax 0.0 – 5000.0 Ohm 0.1 1500.0 Maximum value in ohm
ZRepTyp Cyclic
Dead band
Int deadband
Dead band & 5s Cyclic
Dead band & 30s Cyclic
Dead band & 1min Cyclic
Cyclic Reporting type
ZAngDbRepInt 1 – 100000 Type 1 10 Cyclic report interval (s)

ZMFCPDIS Group settings (basic)

ZMFCPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
OperationSC NoSeriesComp
NoSeriesComp Selection of series compensation operation Off / On
RLdFw 0.01 – 5000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 60.00 Resistance determining the load impedance area – forward
RLdRvFactor 1 – 1000 %RLdF
1 100 Resistance factor determining the load impedance area – reverse
XLd 0.01 – 10000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 400.00 Reactance determining the load impedance area
ArgLd 5 – 70 Deg 1 30 Angle determining the load impedance area
CVTType Any
Passive type
None (Magnetic)
Passive type CVT selection determining the filtering of the function
OpModePPZ1 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 1
OpModePEZ1 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 1
X1FwPPZ1 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 1, forward direction
R1FwPPZ1 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- Ph, zone 1, forward direction
RFPPZ1 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 1
X1RvPPZ1 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 1, reverse direction
X1FwPEZ1 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 1, forward direction
R1FwPEZ1 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- E, zone 1, forward direction
X0FwPEZ1 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 100.00 Zero sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 1, forward direction
R0FwPEZ1 0.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero sequence resistive reach, Ph-E, zone 1, forward direction
RFPEZ1 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 1
X1RvPEZ1 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 30.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 1, reverse direction
tPPZ1 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 1
tPEZ1 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 1
IMinOpPPZ1 10 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 1
IMinOpPEZ1 5 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 1
OpModePPZ2 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 2
OpModePEZ2 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 2
X1FwPPZ2 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 2, forward direction
R1FwPPZ2 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- Ph, zone 2, forward direction
RFPPZ2 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 2
X1RvPPZ2 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 2, reverse direction
X1FwPEZ2 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 2, forward direction
R1FwPEZ2 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- E, zone 2, forward direction
X0FwPEZ2 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 2, forward direction
R0FwPEZ2 0.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero sequence resistive reach, Ph-E, zone 2, forward direction
RFPEZ2 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 2
X1RvPEZ2 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 2, reverse direction
tPPZ2 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.400 Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 2
tPEZ2 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.400 Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 2
IMinOpPPZ2 10 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 2
IMinOpPEZ2 5 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 2
OpModePPZ3 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 3
OpModePEZ3 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 3
DirModeZ3 Non-directional
Forward Direction of zone 3
X1FwPPZ3 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 3, zone direction
R1FwPPZ3 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- Ph, zone 3, zone direction
RFFwPPZ3 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 3, zone direction
X1RvPPZ3 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 3, opposite to zone dir
RFRvPPZ3 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 3, opposite to zone direction
X1FwPEZ3 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 3, zone direction
R1FwPEZ3 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- E, zone 3, zone direction
X0FwPEZ3 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 3, zone direction
R0FwPEZ3 0.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero sequence resistive reach, Ph-E, zone 3, zone direction
RFFwPEZ3 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 3, zone direction
X1RvPEZ3 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 3, opposite to zone dir
RFRvPEZ3 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 3, opposite to zone direction
tPPZ3 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.800 Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 3
tPEZ3 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.800 Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 3
IMinOpPPZ3 10 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 3
IMinOpPEZ3 5 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 3
OpModePPZ4 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 4
OpModePEZ4 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 4
DirModeZ4 Non-directional
Forward Direction of zone 4
X1FwPPZ4 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 4, zone direction
R1FwPPZ4 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- Ph, zone 4, zone direction
RFFwPPZ4 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 4, zone direction
X1RvPPZ4 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 4, opposite to zone dir
RFRvPPZ4 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 4, opposite to zone direction
X1FwPEZ4 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 4, zone direction
R1FwPEZ4 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- E, zone 4, zone direction
X0FwPEZ4 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 4, zone direction
R0FwPEZ4 0.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero sequence resistive reach, Ph-E, zone 4, zone direction
RFFwPEZ4 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 4, zone direction
X1RvPEZ4 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 4, opposite to zone dir
RFRvPEZ4 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 4, opposite to zone direction
tPPZ4 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 1.200 Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 4
tPEZ4 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 1.200 Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 4
IMinOpPPZ4 10 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 4
IMinOpPEZ4 5 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 4
OpModePPZ5 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone 5
OpModePEZ5 Off
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone 5
DirModeZ5 Non-directional
Forward Direction of zone 5
X1FwPPZ5 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 5, zone direction
R1FwPPZ5 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- Ph, zone 5, zone direction
RFFwPPZ5 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 5, zone direction
X1RvPPZ5 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 5, opposite to zone dir
RFRvPPZ5 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone 5, opposite to zone direction
X1FwPEZ5 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 5, zone direction
R1FwPEZ5 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- E, zone 5, zone direction
X0FwPEZ5 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 5, zone direction
R0FwPEZ5 0.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero sequence resistive reach, Ph-E, zone 5, zone direction
RFFwPEZ5 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 5, zone direction
X1RvPEZ5 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone 5, opposite to zone dir
RFRvPEZ5 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone 5, opposite to zone direction
tPPZ5 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 1.600 Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone 5
tPEZ5 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 1.600 Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone 5
IMinOpPPZ5 10 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone 5
IMinOpPEZ5 5 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone 5
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-Ph loops, zone RV
Quadrilateral On/Off and characteristic setting for Ph-E loops, zone RV
X1FwPPZRV 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone RV, reverse direction
R1FwPPZRV 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- Ph, zone RV, reverse direction
RFPPZRV 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, zone RV
X1RvPPZRV 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-Ph, zone RV, forward direction
X1FwPEZRV 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone RV, reverse direction
R1FwPEZRV 0.00 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Positive sequence resistive reach, Ph- E, zone RV, reverse direction
X0FwPEZRV 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone RV, reverse direction
R0FwPEZRV 0.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Zero sequence resistive reach, Ph-E, zone RV, reverse direction
RFPEZRV 0.01 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, zone RV
X1RvPEZRV 0.01 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach, Ph-E, zone RV, forward direction
tPPZRV 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay to trip, Phase-Phase, zone RV
tPEZRV 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay to trip, Phase-Earth, zone RV
IMinOpPPZRV 10 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate Ph-Ph current for Phase-Phase loops, zone RV
IMinOpPEZRV 5 – 6000 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops, zone RV

ZMFCPDIS Non group settings (advanced)

ZMFCPDIS Non group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
ZZeroDb 0 – 100000 m% 100 0 Magnitude zero point clamping in 0,001% of range
ZHiHiLim 0.0 – 5000.0 Ohm 0.1 800.0 High High limit in ohm
ZHiLim 0.0 – 5000.0 Ohm 0.1 150.0 High limit in ohm
ZLowLim 0.0 – 5000.0 Ohm 0.1 50.0 Low limit in ohm
ZLowLowLim 0.0 – 5000.0 Ohm 0.1 35.0 Low Low limit in ohm
ZMin 0.000 – 5000.000 Ohm 0.001 0.005 Minimum value in ohm
ZLimHys 0.000 – 100.000 % 0.001 0.500 Hysteresis value in % of range and is common for all limits

ZMFCPDIS Group settings (advanced)

ZMFCPDIS Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
RLdFwMax 0.01 – 5000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5000.00 Maximum used resistance determining the load impedance area, if RLdFw is greater than RLdFwMax then RLdFw is set to RLdFwMax
RLdFwMin 0.01 – 5000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 0.01 Minimum used resistance determining the load impedance area, if RLdFw is less than RLdFwMin then RLdFw is set to RLdFwMin
ArgLdMax 5 – 70 Deg 1 70 Maximum used angle determining the load impedance area, if ArgLd is greater than ArgLdMax then ArgLd is set to ArgLdMax
ArgLdMin 5 – 70 Deg 1 5 Minimum used angle determining the load impedance area, if ArgLd is less than ArgLdMin then ArgLd is set to ArgLdMin
ZoneLinkStart Phase Selection
1st starting zone
Phase Selection Selection of start source for all ZoneLinked trip delay timers
INReleasePE 5 – 400 %MaxIP h 1 400 3I0 limit for releasing Phase-to-Earth measuring loops
TimerModeZ1 Disable all
Enable Ph-E
Enable PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 1
TimerLinksZ1 LoopLink (tPP & tPE)
LoopLink & ZoneLink
No Links
LoopLink (tPP & tPE) How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 1
TimerModeZ2 Disable all
Enable Ph-E
Enable PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 2
TimerLinksZ2 LoopLink (tPP & tPE)
LoopLink & ZoneLink
No Links
LoopLink (tPP & tPE) How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 2
TimerModeZ3 Disable all
Enable Ph-E
Enable PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 3
TimerLinksZ3 LoopLink (tPP & tPE)
LoopLink & ZoneLink
No Links
LoopLink (tPP & tPE) How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 3
TimerModeZ4 Disable all
Enable Ph-E
Enable PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 4
TimerLinksZ4 LoopLink (tPP & tPE)
LoopLink & ZoneLink
No Links
LoopLink (tPP & tPE) How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 4
TimerModeZ5 Disable all
Enable Ph-E
Enable PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone 5
TimerLinksZ5 LoopLink (tPP & tPE)
LoopLink & ZoneLink
No Links
LoopLink (tPP & tPE) How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone 5
TimerModeZRV Disable all
Enable Ph-E
Enable PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh
Enable Ph-E PhPh On/Off setting for Ph-Ph and Ph-E trip output, zone RV
TimerLinksZRV LoopLink (tPP & tPE)
LoopLink & ZoneLink
No Links
LoopLink (tPP & tPE) How start of trip delay timers should be linked for zone RV

ZMFCPDIS Monitored data

ZMFCPDIS Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
L1Dir INTEGER 1=Forward
0=No direction
Direction in phase L1
L2Dir INTEGER 1=Forward
0=No direction
Direction in phase L2
L3Dir INTEGER 1=Forward
0=No direction
Direction in phase L3
L1L2Dir INTEGER 1=Forward
0=No direction
Direction in loop L1L2
L2L3Dir INTEGER 1=Forward
0=No direction
Direction in loop L2L3
L3L1Dir INTEGER 1=Forward
0=No direction
Direction in loop L3L1
L1R REAL Ohm Resistance in phase L1
L1X REAL Ohm Reactance in phase L1
L2R REAL Ohm Resistance in phase L2
L2X REAL Ohm Reactance in phase L2
L3R REAL Ohm Resistance in phase L3
L3X REAL Ohm Reactance in phase L3
L12R REAL Ohm Resistance in phase L1-L2
L12X REAL Ohm Reactance in phase L1-L2
L23R REAL Ohm Resistance in phase L2-L3
L23X REAL Ohm Reactance in phase L2-L3
L31R REAL Ohm Resistance in phase L3-L1
L31X REAL Ohm Reactance in phase L3-L1
ZL1IMAG REAL Ohm ZL1 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL1ANGIM REAL deg ZL1 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL2IMAG REAL Ohm ZL2 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL2ANGIM REAL deg ZL2 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL3IMAG REAL Ohm ZL3 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL3ANGIM REAL deg ZL3 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL12IMAG REAL Ohm ZL12 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL12ANGIM REAL deg ZL12 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL23IMAG REAL Ohm ZL23 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL23ANGIM REAL deg ZL23 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL31IMAG REAL Ohm ZL31 Amplitude, magnitude of instantaneous value
ZL31ANGIM REAL deg ZL31 Angle, magnitude of instantaneous value

Logics & highlights

The different measuring loops at phase-to-earth fault and phase-to-phase fault

2-The different measuring loops at phase-to-earth fault and phase-to-phase fault

ZMFCPDIS Characteristic for phase-to-earth measuring loops, ohm/loop domain

3-ZMFCPDIS Characteristic for phase-to-earth measuring loops, ohm/loop domain

ZMFCPDIS Characteristic for the phase-to-phase measuring loops, ohm/phase domain

4-ZMFCPDIS Characteristic for the phase-to-phase measuring loops, ohm/phase domain

Fault loop model

5-Fault loop model

Line distance protection

6-Line distance protection

Mho, offset mho characteristics and the source impedance influence on the mho characteristic

7-Mho, offset mho characteristics and the source impedance influence on the mho characteristic

Mho and offset Mho characteristics

8-Mho and offset Mho characteristics

Simplified mho characteristic and vector diagram for phase L1-to-L2 fault

9-Simplified mho characteristic and vector diagram for phase L1-to-L2 fault

Simplified offset mho characteristic and voltage vector for phase L1 to L2 fault

10-Simplified offset mho characteristic and voltage vector for phase L1 to L2 fault

Simplified offset mho characteristic and vector diagram for phase L1-to-earth fault

11-Simplified offset mho characteristic and vector diagram for phase L1-to-earth fault

Load encroachment phenomena

12-Load encroachment phenomena

Connection of directional signals to zones

13-Connection of directional signals to zones

Intermediate logic

14-Intermediate logic

Logic for linking of timers

15-Logic for linking of timers

Start and trip outputs

16-Start and trip outputs

Additional start outputs 1

17-Additional start outputs 1

Additional start outputs 2

18-Additional start outputs 2

Additional start outputs 3

19-Additional start outputs 3

Transient directional element

20-Transient directional element

Presentation of operating limits

21-Presentation of operating limits

Periodic reporting

22-Periodic reporting

Amplitude dead-band supervision reporting

23-Amplitude dead-band supervision reporting

Reporting with integral dead-band supervision

24-Reporting with integral dead-band supervision

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