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ABB / Current based delta supervision (DELISPVC) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2069

Table of Contents


Delta supervision function is used to quickly detect (sudden) changes in the network. This can, for example, be used to detect disturbances in the power system network. “Current based delta supervision (DELISPVC)” provides selectivity between load change and the fault.

For more detailed information on “Current based delta supervision (DELISPVC)” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Current based delta supervision DELISPVC 7I < >

Signals & Setting Parameters

DELISPVC function block

DELISPVC function block

DELISPVC Input signals

DELISPVC Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function

DELISPVC Output signals

DELISPVC Output signals
Name Type Description
START BOOLEAN General start of function
STRISE BOOLEAN Common rise signal when input has increased
STRISEL1 BOOLEAN L1/L12 delta value increased
STRISEL2 BOOLEAN L2/L23 delta value increased
STRISEL3 BOOLEAN L3/L31 delta value increased
STLOW BOOLEAN Common low signal when input has decreased
STLOWL1 BOOLEAN L1/L12 delta value decreased
STLOWL2 BOOLEAN L2/L23 delta value decreased
STLOWL3 BOOLEAN L3/L31 delta value decreased
ADAPTVAL BOOLEAN Delta start level changed by 3rd harmonic
HARM2BLK BOOLEAN 2nd harmonic blocking active
DELMAGL1 REAL Delta magnitude of L1 / L12
DELMAGL2 REAL Delta magnitude of L2 / L23
DELMAGL3 REAL Delta magnitude of L3 / L31

DELISPVC Non group settings (basic)

DELISPVC Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups
OpMode Instantaneous 1 cycle Instantaneous 2 cycle
DFT mag
DFT mag Operation mode
MeasMode Phase to phase
Phase to ground
Phase to ground Measurement type: Phase to ground / Phase to phase

DELISPVC Group settings (basic)

DELISPVC Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
IMin 1.0 – 50.0 %IB 0.1 10.0 Minimum current start value for release of delta function
DeltaT 1 – 10 cycle 1 2 Number of old power cycles for delta calculation
DelI> 2.0 – 500.0 %IB 0.1 40.0 Magnitude start level for magnitude, RMS and sample based delta comparison
tHold 0.10 – 60.00 s 0.01 0.10 Hold time for start signal
EnaHarm2Blk Off
Off Enable 2nd harmonic blocking
HarmBlkLevel 5.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 15.0 Harmonic blocking level for 2nd harmonic in % of fundamental
EnStValAdap Off
Off Enable set level setting adaption based on 3rd harmonic
Harm3Level 5.0 – 100.0 % 0.1 15.0 3rd Harmonic level in % of fundamental for enabling adaptive start value
StValGrad -90.00 – 500.00 % 0.10 -10.00 Gradient for adapting magnitude set level during 3rd harmonic in % of DelI>

DELISPVC Monitored data

DELISPVC Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
IL1 REAL A RMS magnitude of L1 /L12
IL2 REAL A RMS magnitude of L2 /L23
IL3 REAL A RMS magnitude of L3 /L31

Logics & highlights

Simplified logic diagram for current based delta supervision DELISPVC

Simplified logic diagram for current based delta supervision DELISPVC

Simplified logic diagram for sample based delta detection

Simplified logic diagram for sample based delta detection

Simplified logic diagram for RMS based delta detection

Simplified logic diagram for RMS based delta detection

Simplified logic diagram for 2nd harmonic blocking logic

Simplified logic diagram for 2nd harmonic blocking logic

Simplified logic diagram for 3rd harmonic restrain of MagStVal setting

Simplified logic diagram for 3rd harmonic restrain of MagStVal setting

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