Table of Contents

ABB / Overexcitation protection (OEXPVPH) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2052

Table of Contents


When the laminated core of a power transformer or generator is subjected to a magnetic flux density beyond its design limits, stray flux will flow into non-laminated components that are not designed to carry flux. This will cause eddy currents to flow. These eddy currents can cause excessive heating and severe damage to insulation and adjacent parts in a relatively short time. The “Overexcitation protection (OEXPVPH)” function has settable inverse operating curves and independent alarm stages.

For more detailed information on “Overexcitation protection (OEXPVPH)” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH U/f > 24

Signals & Setting Parameters

OEXPVPH function block

OEXPVPH function block

OEXPVPH Input signals

OEXPVPH Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Current connection
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Voltage connection
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
RESET BOOLEAN 0 Reset operation

OEXPVPH Output signals

OEXPVPH Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Trip from overexcitation function
START BOOLEAN Overexcitation above set operate level (instantaneous)
ALARM BOOLEAN Overexcitation above set alarm level (delayed)

OEXPVPH Group settings (basic)

OEXPVPH Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
Operation Off
Off Operation Off / On
V/Hz> 100.0 – 180.0 %UB/f 0.1 110.0 Operate level of V/Hz at no load and rated freq in % of (UBase/frated)
V/Hz>> 100.0 – 200.0 %UB/f 0.1 140.0 High level of V/Hz above which tMin is used, in % of (UBase/frated)
XLeak 0.000 – 200.000 Ohm 0.001 0.000 Winding leakage reactance in primary ohms
TrPulse 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 0.100 Length of the pulse for trip signal (in sec)
tMin 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 7.000 Minimum trip delay for V/Hz inverse curve, in sec
tMax 0.00 – 9000.00 s 0.01 1800.00 Maximum trip delay for V/Hz inverse curve, in sec
tCooling 0.10 – 9000.00 s 0.01 1200.00 Transformer magnetic core cooling time constant, in sec
CurveType IEEE
Tailor made
IEEE Inverse time curve selection, IEEE/ Tailor made
kForIEEE 1 – 60 1 1 Time multiplier for IEEE inverse type curve
AlarmLevel 50.0 – 120.0 % 0.1 100.0 Alarm operate level as % of operate level
tAlarm 0.00 – 9000.00 s 0.01 5.00 Alarm time delay, in sec

OEXPVPH Group settings (advanced)

OEXPVPH Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
t1Tailor 0.00 – 9000.00 s 0.01 7200.00 Time delay t1 (longest) for tailor made curve, in sec
t2Tailor 0.00 – 9000.00 s 0.01 3600.00 Time delay t2 for tailor made curve, in sec
t3Tailor 0.00 – 9000.00 s 0.01 1800.00 Time delay t3 for tailor made curve, in sec
t4Tailor 0.00 – 9000.00 s 0.01 900.00 Time delay t4 for tailor made curve, in sec
t5Tailor 0.00 – 9000.00 s 0.01 450.00 Time delay t5 for tailor made curve, in sec
t6Tailor 0.00 – 9000.00 s 0.01 225.00 Time delay t6 (shortest) for tailor made curve, in sec

OEXPVPH Non group settings (basic)

OEXPVPH Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
MeasuredU PosSeq L1L2 L2L3 L3L1 L1L2 Selection of measured voltage
MeasuredI L1L2 L2L3 L3L1
L1L2 Selection of measured current
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

OEXPVPH Monitored data

OEXPVPH Monitored data
Name Type Values (Range) Unit Description
TMTOTRIP REAL s Calculated time to trip for overexcitation, in sec
VPERHZ REAL V/Hz Voltage to frequency ratio in per-unit
THERMSTA REAL % Overexcitation thermal status in % of trip level

Logics & highlights

Restrictions imposed on inverse delays by tMax and tMin

Restrictions imposed on inverse delays by tMax and tMin

Delays inversely proportional to the square of the overexcitation

Delays inversely proportional to the square of the overexcitation

An example of a Tailor-Made delay characteristic

An example of a Tailor-Made delay characteristic

A simplified logic diagram of the Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH

A simplified logic diagram of the Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH

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