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ABB / Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle (FRPSPDIS) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2023

Table of Contents


The ability to accurately and reliably classify the different types of fault, so that single pole tripping and autoreclosing can be used plays an important role in today’s power systems. “Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle (FRPSPDIS)” is designed to accurately select the proper fault loop in the distance function dependent on the fault type.

For more detailed information on this function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle FRPSPDIS Z<phs 21

Signals & Setting Parameters

FRPSPDIS function block

1-FRPSPDIS function block

FRPSPDIS Input signals

FRPSPDIS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current input
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage input
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
DIRCND INTEGER 0 External directional condition

FRPSPDIS Output signals

FRPSPDIS Output signals
Name Type Description
TRIP BOOLEAN Trip output
START BOOLEAN Start in any phase or loop
STFWL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1 – forward direction
STFWL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2 – forward direction
STFWL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3 – forward direction
STFWPE BOOLEAN Earth fault detected in forward direction
STRVL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1 – reverse direction
STRVL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2 – reverse direction
STRVL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3 – reverse direction
STRVPE BOOLEAN Earth fault detected in reverse direction
STNDL1 BOOLEAN Non directional start in L1
STNDL2 BOOLEAN Non directional start in L2
STNDL3 BOOLEAN Non directional start in L3
STNDPE BOOLEAN Non directional start, phase-earth
STFW1PH BOOLEAN Start in forward direction for single-phase fault
STFW2PH BOOLEAN Start in forward direction for two- phase fault
STFW3PH BOOLEAN Start in forward direction for thre-phase fault
STPE BOOLEAN Current conditions release of phase-earth measuring elements
STPP BOOLEAN Current conditions release of phase-phase measuring elements
STCNDZ INTEGER Start condition (Z< with LE and 3I0 E/F detection)
STCNDLE INTEGER Start condition (only LE and 3I0 E/F detection)

FRPSPDIS Group settings (basic)

FRPSPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
INBlockPP 10 – 100 %IPh 1 40 3I0 limit for blocking phase-to-phase measuring loops
INReleasePE 10 – 100 %IPh 1 20 3I0 limit for releasing phase-to-earth measuring loops
RLdFw 1.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 80.00 Forward resistive reach within the load impedance area
RLdRv 1.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 80.00 Reverse resistive reach within the load impedance area
ArgLd 5 – 70 Deg 1 30 Load angle determining the load impedance area
X1 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 40.00 Positive sequence reactance reach
R1PP 0.10 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 15.00 Positive seq. resistance for characteristic angle, Ph-Ph
R1PE 0.10 – 1000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 1.50 Positive seq. resistance for characteristic angle, Ph-E
X0 0.50 – 9000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 120.00 Zero sequence reactance reach
R0PE 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 5.00 Zero seq. resistance for zone characteristic angle, Ph-E
RFFwPP 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, forward
RFRvPP 0.50 – 3000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 30.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-Ph, reverse
RFFwPE 1.00 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, forward
RFRvPE 1.00 – 9000.00 Ohm/l 0.01 100.00 Fault resistance reach, Ph-E, reverse
IMinOpPP 5 – 500 %IB 1 10 Minimum operate delta current for Phase-Phase loops
IMinOpPE 5 – 500 %IB 1 5 Minimum operate phase current for Phase-Earth loops

FRPSPDIS Group settings (advanced)

FRPSPDIS Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
TimerPP Off
Off Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-Ph
tPP 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 3.000 Time delay to trip, Ph-Ph
TimerPE Off
Off Operation mode Off / On of Zone timer, Ph-E
tPE 0.000 – 60.000 s 0.001 3.000 Time delay to trip, Ph-E

FRPSPDIS Non group settings (basic)

FRPSPDIS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

Logics & highlights

Characteristics for non-directional, forward and reverse operation of Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle (FRPSPDIS)

2-Characteristics for non-directional, forward and reverse operation of Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle

Characteristic of FRPSPDIS for phase to earth fault (directional lines are drawn as “line-dot-dot-line”)

3-Characteristic of FRPSPDIS for phase to earth fault

The operation characteristic for FRPSPDIS at phase-to-phase fault (directional lines are drawn as “line-dot-dot-line”)

4-The operation characteristic for FRPSPDIS at phase-to-phase fault

The characteristic of FRPSPDIS for three-phase fault (set angle 70°)

5-The characteristic of FRPSPDIS for three-phase fault (set angle 70°)

Characteristic of load encroachment function

6-Characteristic of load encroachment function

Difference in operating characteristic depending on operation mode when load encroachment is activated

7-Difference in operating characteristic depending on operation mode when load encroachment is activated

Operating characteristic in forward direction when load encroachment is activated

8-Operating characteristic in forward direction when load encroachment is activated

Operating characteristic for FRPSPDIS in forward direction for three-phase fault, ohm/phase domain

9-Operating characteristic for FRPSPDIS in forward direction for three-phase fault, ohm/phase domain

Rotation of load characteristic for a fault between two phases

10-Rotation of load characteristic for a fault between two phases

Phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth operating conditions (residual current criteria)

11-Phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth operating conditions (residual current criteria)

Composition on non-directional phase selection signals

12-Composition on non-directional phase selection signals

Composition of phase selection signals for reverse direction

13-Composition of phase selection signals for reverse direction

Composition of phase selection signals for forward direction

14-Composition of phase selection signals for forward direction

TRIP and START signal logic

15-TRIP and START signal logic

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