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ABB / Faulty phase identification with load encroachment (FMPSPDIS) _ Setting & highlights _ AB2021

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The ability to accurately and reliably classify different types of fault so that single phase tripping and autoreclosing can be used plays an important roll in today’s power systems. The “Faulty phase identification with load encroachment” function is design to ccurately select the proper fault loop(s) in the distance function dependent on the fault type.

For more detailed information on “Faulty phase identification with load encroachment” function, refer to ABB, Relion 670 Series manuals.

To see other supported functions, click here.

Function Identification

Function description IEC 61850
IEC 60617
device number
Faulty phase identification with load encroachment for mho FMPSPDIS Z< 21

Signals & Setting Parameters

FMPSPDIS function block

1-FMPSPDIS function block

FMPSPDIS Input signals

FMPSPDIS Input signals
Name Type Default Description
I3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for current
U3P GROUP SIGNAL Group signal for voltage
BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of function
ZSTART BOOLEAN 0 Start from underimpdeance function
TR3PH BOOLEAN 0 Three phase tripping initiated
1POLEAR BOOLEAN 0 Single pole autoreclosing in progress

FMPSPDIS Output signals

FMPSPDIS Output signals
Name Type Description
STL1 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L1
STL2 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L2
STL3 BOOLEAN Fault detected in phase L3
STPE BOOLEAN Earth fault detected
STCNDPHS INTEGER Binary coded starts from phase selection
STCNDPLE INTEGER Binary coded starts from ph sel with load encroachment
STCNDLE INTEGER Binary coded starts from load encroachment only
START BOOLEAN Indicates that something has started

FMPSPDIS Group settings (basic)

FMPSPDIS Group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
IMaxLoad 10 – 5000 %IB 1 200 Maximum load for identification of three phase fault in % of IBase
RLd 1.00 – 3000.00 Ohm/p 0.01 80.00 Load encroachment resistive reach in ohm/phase
ArgLd 5 – 70 Deg 1 20 Load encroachment inclination of load angular sector

FMPSPDIS Group settings (advanced)

FMPSPDIS Group settings (advanced)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
DeltaIMinOp 5 – 100 %IB 1 10 Delta current level in % of IBase
DeltaUMinOp 5 – 100 %UB 1 20 Delta voltage level in % of UBase
U1Level 5 – 100 %UB 1 80 Pos seq voltage limit for identification of 3-ph fault
I1LowLevel 5 – 200 %IB 1 10 Pos seq current level for identification of 3-ph fault in % of IBase
U1MinOp 5 – 100 %UB 1 20 Minimum operate positive sequence voltage for ph sel
U2MinOp 1 – 100 %UB 1 5 Minimum operate negative sequence voltage for ph sel
INRelPE 10 – 100 %IB 1 20 3I0 limit for release ph-e measuring loops in % of max phase current
INBlockPP 10 – 100 %IB 1 40 3I0 limit for blocking phase-to-phase measuring loops in % of max phase current

FMPSPDIS Non group settings (basic)

FMPSPDIS Non group settings (basic)
Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description
GlobalBaseSel 1 – 12 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Value groups

Logics & highlights

Definition of fault sectors for phase-to-phase fault

2-Definition of fault sectors for phase-to-phase fault

Definition of faulty phase sector as angle between U2 and I0

3-Definition of faulty phase sector as angle between U2 and I0

Directional element used to release the measured angle between Uo and I0

4-Directional element used to release the measured angle between Uo and I0

U2 and U1 angle relationship

5-U2 and U1 angle relationship

Simplified diagram for fault evaluation, phase L1

Simplified diagram for fault evaluation, phase L1

Influence on the characteristic by load encroachment logic

7-Influence on the characteristic by load encroachment logic

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