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GE / 87L trip _ Element settings & highlights _ GU8059

Table of Contents


The “87L trip” element must be used to secure the generation of tripping outputs. It is especially recommended for use in all single-pole tripping applications.

For more detailed information on “87L trip” element, refer to GE, Universal Relay (UR) family of products, Version 8.0x manuals.

To see other supported elements, click here.

Setting Parameters

Modbus memory map for Setting parameters

Products Hex address Register name Range Units Step Format Default
L90 3D18 87L Trip Function 0 to 1 1 F102 0 (Disabled)
" 3D19 87L Trip Source 0 to 5 1 F167 0 (SRC 1)
" 3D1A 87L Trip Mode 0 to 1 1 F157 0 (3-Pole)
" 3D1B 87L Trip Supervision 0 to 4294967295 1 F300 0
" 3D1D 87L Trip Force 3 Phase 0 to 4294967295 1 F300 0
" 3D1F 87L Trip Seal In 0 to 1 1 F102 0 (Disabled)
" 3D20 87L Trip Seal In Pickup 0.2 to 0.8 pu 0.01 F001 20
" 3D21 87L Trip Target 0 to 2 1 F109 0 (Self-reset)
" 3D22 87L Trip Events 0 to 1 1 F102 0 (Disabled)
" 3D23 87LG Trip Mode 0 to 1 1 F157 0 (3-Pole)
" 3D24 87LG Trip Supervision 0 to 4294967295 1 F300 0
F102 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
F109 0 = Self-reset, 1 = Latched, 2 = Disabled
F157 0 = 3-Pole, 1 = 1-Pole
F167 0 = SRC 1, 1 = SRC 2, 2 = SRC 3, 3 = SRC 4, 4 = SRC 5, 5 = SRC 6

Logics & highlights

87L trip logic

87L trip logic

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